【精品】高二英语人教版选修7习题:Unit 1 section 1 课时 Word版含答案

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1、人教版英语精品资料Unit 1 Section .单词拼写1The candidate stood aside in favor of a more _suitable_(适合的) man.2Nothing is more _annoying_(令人生气的) than a man who tries to show off.3I couldnt have done it without your _encouragement_(鼓励)4The business was soon _firmly_(牢固地) established in the town.5The children were s

2、urprised by the sudden _entry_(进入) of their teacher.6His _disability_(残疾) prevents him from holding a job.7I have decided to retire.My retirement will be very _beneficial_(有益的)8His _ambition_(志向)was to meet his favourite pop star face to face.9We should not speak evil of a man in his _absence_(缺席)10

3、Mr Smith looked sour when I spoke of his daughters bad _conduct_(行为)in school.补全句子1I think it will be _as sunny a day as_(和一样晴朗的一天)it was yesterday.2It took him a while to _adapt himself to_(使他自己适应)his new surroundings.3I wonder why you _were absent from my birthday party_(没参加我的生日聚会)4When I got to t

4、he top of the hill,I was quite _out of breath_(上气不接下气)5Every one of us can make a great effort _to cut down the use of energy_(减少能源的使用)in our country.6He is buried in writing his novel;_in other words_(换句话说),he cant spare us even a minute to take a trip.7I think of the happy hours we spent together

5、_every time I see these photos_(每次我看到这些照片)8It is not suitable _for you to dress like that_(对你来说穿成那样)for a party.9However,forgiveness is possible,and it can _be beneficial to_(对有好处)your physical and mental health.10_It annoyed your teacher that_(惹得老师生气)you were late for class again.完形填空My kids and I

6、were heading into the supermarket over the weekend.On the way,we spotted a man holding a piece of paper that said,“ _1.A_ my job.Family to Feed.” At this store,a _2.C_ like this is not normal.My 10yearold noticed him and made a _3.B_ on how bad it must be to have to stand _4.A_ in the cold wind.In t

7、he store,I asked each of my kids to _5.D_ something they thought our “friend” there would _6.C_.They got apples,a sandwich and a bottle of juice.Then my 17yearold suggested giving him a _7.D_.I thought about it.We were _8.B_ on cash ourselves,but.well,sometimes _9.A_from our need instead of our abun

8、dance is _10.D_what we need to do!All the kids _11.A_ something they could do away with for the week. When we handed him the bag of _12.C_,he lit up and thanked us with _13.B_ eyes.When I handed him the gift card,saying he could use it for _14.B_ his family might need,he burst into tears. This has b

9、een a wonderful _15.A_ for our family.For days the kids have been looking for others we can _16.D_! Things would have played out so _17.C_ if I had simply said,“No,we really dont have _18.D_to give more.”Stepping out not only helped a brother in _19.C_,it also gave my kids the _20.B_taste of helping

10、 others.Itll go a long way with them.1A.LostBChanged CQuit DFinished解析:根据后面的“Family to Feed.”可以推断出,这位男子失业了,同时还需要抚养家人,所以他上街乞讨。2A.condition Bplace Csight Dshow解析:作者在此处想要说明的是,上文描述的男子乞讨的情景并不常见。sight在此处意为“景象,情景”,符合语境。condition“条件,环境”;place“地方”;show“展览,表演”。3A.suggestion Bcomment Cdecision Dcall解析:make a c

11、omment on sth.是固定搭配,意为“评论某事”。作者10岁的孩子注意到了那名乞讨的男子并进行了评论。4A.outside Bproudly Cby Dangrily解析:根据前面的“how bad”以及后面的“in the cold wind”可知,这名男子是站在外面进行乞讨的。5A.draw Bsay Carrange Dpick解析:进入商店后,作者要求每个孩子挑选他们觉得我们的这位“朋友”最可能重视的东西。pick在此处意为“选择,挑选”。6A.order Bsupply Cappreciate Ddiscover解析:appreciate在此处意为“重视,欢迎”,符合语境。o

12、rder“订购”;supply“提供,供应”;discover“发现”。7A.dollar Bjob Chot meal Dgift card解析:根据下文的“When I handed him the gift card”可知,此处作者17岁的孩子建议送给乞讨的男子一张代金卡。8A.easy Blow Csoft Dloose解析:low在此处是形容词,意为“少的,缺少(钱)的”,说明作者一家也不富裕,经济也很拮据。9A.giving Bsaving Cspending Dbegging解析:根据下文内容可知,作者的儿子想把这张代金卡送给那位乞讨的男子,虽然他们也不富裕,但是作者还是同意了。

13、10A.yet Beven Cstill Djust解析:just在此处意为“恰好”。作者认为在自己不富有的情况下为他人提供帮助恰好是我们需要做的事情。11A.declared Bshared Cignored Dexpected解析:作者的孩子们非常支持17岁的哥哥(或姐姐)的做法,他们纷纷宣布取消自己在这一周要买的东西,为的是把代金卡送给乞讨的男子。12A.toys Bmedicine Cfood Dclothes解析:上文提到作者一家在商店主要购买了一些食物,所以此处指的是我们把那袋子食物递到了乞讨男子的手中。13A.sleepy BwateryCcurious Dsharp解析:当作者

14、一家把那袋子食物递给乞讨的男子时,他非常高兴,眼含热泪感谢我们。watery意为“湿润的,水汪汪的”。14A.whoever BwhateverCwhichever Dwhenever解析:作者把代金卡也送给了那名男子,并告诉他可以用来购买家人可能需要的任何东西。15A.experience BexampleCmessage Dadventure解析:根据下文内容可知,帮助乞讨男子的事情对于作者一家来说一直是一次美好的经历。16A.rely on BrespectClearn from Dhelp解析:因为上文讲述的是帮助他人的经历,所以此处表示作者的孩子们一连好几天到处寻找我们能够帮助的人。17A.suddenly BvividlyCdifferently Dperfectly解析:此处使用了虚拟语气,表示作者的假想:如果自己当初不同意帮助乞讨的男子,情况会完全不同。18A.time BpowerCpatience Dmoney解析:根据常理可知,帮助乞讨的人主要需要付出金钱,而不是时间、能力或耐心,所以此处应选money。19A.


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