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1、湘少版六年级英语上册单词拼写基础练习班级:_ 姓名:_1. 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成句子。1. Thanks for_(同意) to let me watch the match on TV.2. The city streets are full of_(来往车辆).3. Xi Jinping is the_(国家主席) of China.4. The children took a boat_(旅行) along the Yellow River last Sunday.5. We had to move_(里面)when it started to rain.6. Im p_for

2、 the trip to Guangzhou. It will cost a lot of money.7. They a_at the stop too late, so they missed the bus.8. The teacher w_who broke the window.9. Our team w_the basketball match final today.10. He stayed at home and watched TV i_of going out to play with his friends.2. 单词拼写(词汇运用)。1There are one_fi

3、ve_and twenty students in our school.2Fred always talks with his_on Sunday morning.3Kitty was tired. She fell_.4I always say “Hello” to my_in the morning.3. 将字母重新组合成单词(注意单词的形式),完成句子。1. Tim_(b, i, n, g, r) many colour pencils.2. Are you going to_(i, v, g, e ) gifts?3. Santa sings Christmas_(n, o, g,

4、s).4. Peter is_(p, t, u) up the Christmas tree.5. On a_(l, o, h, d, a, y i) , people dont work.4. 用所给动词的适当形式填空。1.JimisgoodatP.E.Hegetsupearlyand_(do)somesportseverymorning.2.-_Timmy_(visit)hisfriendsnextSunday?-Yes,heis.3.Millie_(go)theparkbyherselfandhadagoodtimethere.4.Theworkersattherepairshopsay

5、ourcarneeds_(mend).5.Ihavenohomeworkthisafternoon.Howabout_(fly)kitesinthepark?6.Manystudentsareintheroomnow.They_(watch)KungfuPandaonTV.5. 单词拼写。1My father_his_to work yesterday.2I_with my grandfather every day over the holiday.3The boy_his_on his holiday.4My brother_a big_yesterday.6. 单词拼写。1The kit

6、e is f_away.2We are h_a birthday party.3The books are f_. Who can help me?7. 根据句意,写出所给单词的正确形式,每空只填一词。1. Li Ming jumps the _ (high) in our class.2.Hefelt_(happy)duringhisholiday.3.Thepeoplearound_(we)areveryfriendly.4.Itsveryeasyfor_(play)togethurt.5.Itwas_(sun)yesterday.8. 根据语境和首字母提示将合适的单词拼写在横线上。每空一

7、词。1.Wu Yifan wants to find a post o_to send a p_.2.Turn right here? No, turn l_and then_straight.3.John lives in Canberra. He likes doing word p_and going h_.4.In this cartoon the cat is a p_officer. The mice are a_of him.5.Mikes father is a f_.He works on a boat. He goes to work_bike.9. 写出下列形容词的比较级

8、形式。(1)tall_ (2)big_(3)strong_ (4)lazy_10. 用所给的词头完成句子。1. My friends are all k_ to me 2. They would like to have a lot of f_. 3. We can share our lunch t_. 4. We must help each o_. 5. Do you s_ go there with your a_? 6. Please help me with my E_.11. 写出下列动词的过去式。(1)tell_ (2)say_(3)write_ (4)are_(5)have_

9、 (6)go_(7)begin_ (8)take_(9)do_12. 在横线上写出与画线部分发音相同的词。(1)blue_ (2)room_(3)sugar_ (4)class_(5)arm_ (6)us_(7)son_ (8)Pear_(9)back_ (10)any_13. 按要求写单词。(1) dont (完整形式)_ (2) Ill (完整形式)_(3) let us (缩写形式)_ (4)draw (ing形式)_(5) one (序数词)_14. 用适当的词完成下列对话。1. How was your weekend? It _great. What_ you _ last weekend? I _ some homework.2. What _ she _ last weekend? She _ to the beach.3. What _ they do last weekend? They _ to the movies.15. 单词变换。例:shopshipa big ship1take_ 2very_3call_ 4lake_5pear_页码 / 总页数



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