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1、人教版九年级上册英语教学案例unit 1 一、教学内容unit1. how do you study for a test? (section a: 1a-2c)二、课前思考的问题(1)怎样在课堂上组织学生合作学习,培养自主能力?(2)怎样在课堂上提高学生学习英语的兴趣?三、课例描述step 1、free talkt: hello, everyone, welcome back to school! from now on, you are a ninth grader. we must have spent an interesting summer holiday.what did you

2、 do in the summer holiday? what interested you?s1: i went to beijing with my parents, and visited beijing university.t: what about you?s2: i learned swimming from my father.t: what did you learn?s3: i learned some english songs.t: how did you learn?s3: i learned by listening to tapess4: i learned to

3、 play piano. i learned by practicing with others.s5: i learned to cook. i learned by imitating my mother.【设计意图】利用一个贴近生活的话题,谈暑期所学的东西,复习旧知识,通过复习,导入话题。【自评】只有通过师生、生生间大量的语言交流,才能培养学生用英语交际的能力。同学们参与了英语学习的过程,才能从学习英语的过程中感到快乐,也改变了传统的沉闷的“一言堂”的教学氛围,从而使学习变得生动活泼,大大提高了课堂教学的效率,调动了学生学习英语的积极性。?step 2、task cyclet: toda

4、y we shall learn the first unit in this new term. lets talk about how to study.now, were going to learn some new words. please learn by yourselves. then teach each other.ss: (check out the dictionary, then come to the front to teach each other)ss: (learn the new words in groups)【设计意图】指导学生学会使用工具书,提高他

5、们的英语自学能力。【自评】在本节课中我采取了小组合作的方式,在教授新单词时,我改变了教师教,学生学的传统方式,让每个小组自学一词,首先,组内交流、合作、共同学习;然后再把组内学习的结果教给其他组员,大家互相交换学习成果,既是学生,又是老师,同学在愉快的气氛中,很自愿的学到了新知识。这种小组合作学习不仅改变了过去学生被动接受的学习方式,而且有效地调动了学生主动参与学习的积极性,学生通过活动学习,小组成员之间互相启发,互相交流,组与组之间相互学习,提高积极主动探究的能力,结成了易于合作探究的学习共同体。step 3、presentation(利用cai展示书中的图片,介绍本课的重点词组:by do

6、ing sth)t: look at the picture. what are they talking about?s6: they are talking about the ways of studying english.t: how does mei mei / antonio / pierre study for an english test?s7: meimei studies by making flashcards.s8: antonio studies by listening to tapes.s9: pierre studies by asking the teac

7、her for help.t: yes. youre great. what about you? how do you study for a test?s10: i study by doing used exam papers.s11: i study by learning the text by heart.s12: i study by making vocabulary lists.s13: i study by going over my exercise books.s14: i study by practice conversations with my friends.

8、【设计意图】介绍目标语言,结合课文真实情景,在讲中练,练中运用,为学生创设词不离句,句不离情景的英语场境。【自评】口语训练是本节课的主要内容,通过口语训练,总结学习英语的方法,同时也拓宽了信息的反馈面。step 4、discussiont: ok. just now, we talked about your english studying, but i know you are students. so you still have some problems. for example, some of you think english is difficult, but i know

9、all of you want to learn english well.what should you do? please work in groups. try to find some ideas and advice. maybe its good for your study. then give a report. see which group has more ideas, they will be winners.(每组发一张纸,共同探讨,并做好记录,然后各组选一人做汇报)【设计意图】倡导合作、探究式学习方式。培养学生用英语做事情的基本技能,让学生体验使用英语的成功感,启

10、发不断学习的内在动力。【自评】此环节是本课的重点。在这个环节中,我为学生搭建了小组合作学习的平台。学生在小组学习的过程中生生互助,合作学习,既提高了学生的学习兴趣,又通过互帮互助提高了学习的效率,给学生留出了很大的运用语言的空间。?step 5、summaryt: sum up what we learned today.ss: we learned: -how do you study for a test?-i study by doing sth.ss: we learned some expressions.?such as: ask sb for help work with fri

11、endsmake vocabulary listsread aloud learn a lot ( from sb)【设计意图】培养学生分析、归纳、综合等能力。【自评】让学生自己总结本节课所学内容,然后利用 cai展示本节课重难点, 以此培养学生分析、归纳能力。step 6、homework ( writing )t: pan xiaolu is very good at english. maybe you have learned a lot from her. how does she study for a test? please write an article about her



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