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1、2019-2020年中考英语有关冠词的考查20192020年中考英语有关冠词的考查1。 (广东) Brazil, _ country in South America, will hold _ 31st Olympic Games in August, 2016.A. a; aB。 a; theC. the; aD. the; the2。 (湖北黄石) What did you do last night, Bob?First I did my homework, and then I played _ piano for half _ hour.A。 the; a B。 /; anC。 th

2、e; anD。 a; the3。 (山东东营) Will you stay for _ supper with us? Sure, Id love to. Home cooking is just what I like.A。 a B。 an C。 the D。 /4。 (重庆A) Mary wants to be _ good doctor when she grows up。 A. aB. anC。 theD. /5. (江苏苏州) Edward and William are brothers. There is _ uncommon similarity between _ two b

3、oys。A。 an; / B. an; the C. a; / D. a; the6。 (山东青岛) David is _ eightyearold boy with short black hair.A。 / B. a C。 an D. the7. (青海西宁) Teachers always tell us to try to be _ honest student today and _useful man tomorrow。A。 a; an B. an; a C. an; an D. a; a8。 (内蒙古呼和浩特) What can I do for you, sir?I want

4、_ iPhone6splus for my wife as _ useful gift。A。 an; a B. a; an C. an; the D。 a; a9. (山东济宁) _ apple a day keeps the doc tor away.A。 A B。 An C。 The D. /10。 (甘肃省武威) There is _ book in my backpack. _ book is very heavy。A。 a; TheB. a; AC. the; AD. the; The11。 (江苏无锡) Tom wants to study at _ university in E

5、urope, but hasnt decided which one to go to yet。A. anB。 aC. theD。 /12. (江苏盐城) I think playing _ football is a good way to learn the spirit of teamwork。A。 aB. anC。 theD. /13. (河北) I have _ pet cat. It is so cute.A. aB。 anC. theD。 /14. (四川南充) She usually has _ egg and some porridge for _ breakfast.A.

6、an; theB。 an; /C. a; theD. a; /15。 (吉林长春) We will have _ reading festival this term, and we cant wait for it.A. aB. anC. theD. /16. (江苏宿迁) -Have you read a book called “The Merchant of Venice”?Yes. _ book is very interesting。A。 An B。 A C. The D。 /17. (江苏连云港) -Dong Guijun is _ first man of Lianyungan

7、g to reach the top of Mount Qomolangma.He is _ pride of us.A。 the; /B。 a; theC. the; theD。 a; /18。 (山东滨州) In Chinese, _ date 5.20 has a similar pronunciation to “I love you”, making it _ lucky and romantic day。A。 a; the B。 /; a C. the; a D。 a; the19。 (湖北孝感) The family will have _ good time in Shangh

8、ai Disneyland。 A。 a B。 an C。 the D。 /20. (重庆B) Ciqikou is _ famous place in Chongqing。A. a B. an C。 the D。 /21. (内蒙古包头) -Morning, Mr. Johnson! Here is _ message for you。 _ girl leftit to you just now. Really? But I dont know anyone in this city。 A. a; The B。 the; A C. the; The D. a; A22。 (辽宁丹东) I li

9、ke fast food for _ breakfast.Me, too。 I always have it with _ cup of coffee.A。 a; a B。 the; a C. /; the D. /; a23。 (山东济南) Whats your dream job, Lucy? -I want to be _ doctor.A. aB. anC. theD。 /24。 (天津) Tianjin is _ beautiful city in _ north of China。A。 a; a B. a; the C。 the; /D。 /; the25。 (四川雅安) Beij

10、ing is_ capital of China。A。 aB. anC. theD。 /26. (四川绵阳) Jason likes _ shape of the cake。 It is _ heart。A. the; aB。 a; theC。 the; theD. a; a27. (上海) The teenagers had _ good time in the summer camp in their sister school.A. a B。 an C。 the D. /28. (海南) Excuse me. Where is _ school library? This way, pl

11、ease。A。 anB。 theC. AD。 29. (湖北荆门) Do you know _ girl with long curly hair?Yes. She is Mary。 She plays _ piano very well.A. a; /B. the; /C. the; theD. a; the30。 (贵州安顺) Do you know _ woman in red?Yes, she is a professor of _ Anshun College。A。 the; /B。 a; /C。 the; anD。 the; the参考答案2016年中考有关冠词的考查1-5。 BC

12、DAB610. CBABA11-15。 BDABA1620。 CCCAA21-25. DDABC2630. AABCA20192020年中考英语有关时态的考查1. (浙江温州) I still remember my happy childhood when my mother _ me to Disneyland at weekends.A. takesB。 tookC. will takeD。 has taken2. (山东青岛) William Shakespeare _ for 400 years, but his works still have great influence to

13、day。 A. died B。 was dying C。 has died D. has been dead3。 (天津) What a nice watch! How long _ you _ it?For just two weeks。A. will; buyB。 have; hadC. were; havingD。 did; buy4。 (四川资阳) -Look, the light is still on in Helens office。Maybe she _ her work yet。A。 doesnt finishB. wont finishC。 hasnt finishedD。 didnt f


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