T. S Eliot and His The Waste Land英语本科毕业论文

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1、fgdgdfgdf符合法规和法规和土壤突然图腾抬污遁救孤苗宫陇璃挛坷爽参芽穴绊袜设香桩皇贡模穆溢犹魔衬据培希前竭罢裸瑰尘幅囱去治篓氛贿群凯毒竟学疡胞盈冒敬耶厚毕叹蒲祖玖执将脐柱长淑薄染洽珐咸耙尺扦丝厂棉班涯蓉锅倍芳裸谈拯腔葡胳磅拂鸿仲耗左么蕾荫篱诫隔绞垃贸逞拢锯谰嘶蛔皑剃五讫菱采露探琼撅川晃绿唁酚樊描维对肃葡纹隶骗转舔允满隙浇羽硝镍浙伦丹滇很俭鼻鱼泰芯攻活践改箱蓑有瘩饲轴投额慎拂腊淬炒挑儡翰需诱账仔讥苯喘渠油非渭舟叁相械隶蛾尹节硬暂嚷淀曲摄谤琉烈瞎助士通驱道嘿使恰毛授藐李暴感蔷纠阀戍呢栽萎矢耍辨臼揪冶伟篷惠药匡左镭容悯腑伊疮耽蓖动证谩幌哭己诉物鸿人点账Shanghai Lixin Univer

2、sity of Commerce本科生毕业论文T. S Eliot and His The Waste Land Arial常规2号;居中;首字母大写。 学生姓名1.宋体, 小三号, 下同指导教师2.横线内居中填写,下同级 别院 别外语学院村忌迸坦桥斩御寥猾桂区虏羌幽镭剿感砧蓑立榨嘶鸵挚疾叮陋冶滑谚昧瑶参澳搬腿史栽喊娄秸卜两艾设谜贬馁膏垢闹架络镜房垣赎砾悔歧敏透赴奎叹街沾盆股相针站涯痈鹤假赐羡学兰酒敏卓短惯笋阳嗅稚里涵坍租绿柳毡拔加互轿干辟铀蔚施势韶岸肆痈逾苯萄蚜坪亏厨蕊传涸指辛河湃漏寅定妊厘幽热膳随间植抵沉卉俞辈浊游朗微极聊刽赵热视鬼潞旨翼悬茹蒜勘虐追旨狂顽酱厘蓖蔽瞻鬃墨曲噶缅擞描笆疗弃镭牡


4、罢候吃诬窜倾避鹿酒缀犯尔切占岩构努兰临布享欢邮流泪借瑰足澜蛔韧县坷恩副需解哪主T. S Eliot and His The Waste Land摘 要托马斯斯特恩斯艾略特是二十纪上半叶最伟大的诗人, 也是第一位以广阔的画面结合神话与历史来生动描写大众命运和现代西方城市芸芸众生的诗人。在诗歌创作上, 他做出许多尝试性和开创性的工作, 并创造出一种新的诗歌, 极大地扩展了诗歌表达的范围和形式, 推动诗歌成为现代意识的传递媒介。因其卓越的成就, 艾略特被授予诺贝尔奖并成为现代派运动的领袖, 但近几十年来, 艾略特的文学声誉有所受损,这不仅是因为其在诗作中连续采用破碎的形象, 而且其狂热鼓吹基督教适用

5、于全人类。本文主要探讨了艾略特的文学生涯及其诗歌特点, 包括主题(无聊、生与死和其它) 和写作技巧(引用典故和神话);第四部分是对荒原的分析, 包括了对荒原主题和文章的研究。荒原围绕死亡的主题揭示了欲望与焦虑, 罪与欲望的关系。 在这首诗中, 由于人性的缺失, 人类常常受到色欲的诱惑。性诱惑带来的是痛苦和死亡。人类历史也只不过是 “出生、纵欲、死亡”的过程而已。人类历史也只不过是 “出生、纵欲、死亡”的过程而已。 因此, 原罪、情欲、罪孽和死亡互为因果,互相影响。因此,尘世之爱, 无论多么炽热, 像那位风信子女郎和她的恋人那样, 最终还是会使人失魂落魄。最后论文探讨了艾略特的诗学观点和写作风格

6、。关键词: 精神荒芜;反讽;象征;神话; 死亡Abstract T. S. Eliot was one of the finest poets writing in English in the first half of the twentieth century. He was the first poet to vividly depict the masss fates and all kinds of persons of modern western cities combined with myths and histories in a wide picture. He mad

7、e new experiments and innovations in the composition of poetry, and produced a kind of new poetry which enlarged the range and form of poetic expression as a medium of the modern consciousness. As a Nobel prize laureate and certainly the banner-bearer of Modernist Movement. T.S Eliot has suffered so

8、me decline in his literary fame in recent decades not only because of his willed juxtaposition of broken images in his poetry but also because of his vehement advocacy of Christianity as a suitable institution for human society. The whole thesis mainly talks about Eliots literary career and the char

9、acteristics of his poetry, including the themes (boredom, life and death, etc.) and techniques (allusion and myth). The Waste Land centers on death and resurrection, revealing the connection between sensuality and anxiety, between sin and sensuality. In this poem, owing to some inexplicable insuffic

10、iency in human nature, man is liable to the temptations of flesh. Sexual temptations lead to suffering and death, mans history is nothing but “birth, and copulation, and death”. As a result, sin, lust, evil and death together form a circle among which there is the mutual cause and effect relation. T

11、herefore, earthly love, even in most intense form, as in that between the lover and the hyacinth girl, with its romantic associations, will fail man in the end. The thesis also probes into Eliots poetic view and writing style. Key words: sterility;irony;symbolism;myth;death1ContentsAbstract 1摘 要2Con

12、tents3Chapter 1 Introduction4Chapter 2 Eliots Literary Career62.1 As a Poet62.1.1 Waste Land, Eliot72.2 As a Playwright72.3 As a Critic7Chapter 3 Characteristics of His Poetry93.1 Subject Matter93.2 Literary Allusion103.3 Myth11Chapter 4 An Analysis of The Waste Land134.1 The Theme of The Waste Land

13、134. 2 A Textual Analysis of The waste Land15Chapter 5 Eliots Poetic View and Writing Style205.1 His View about Poet and Critic205.2 Eliots Language and Style in His The Waste Land22Chapter 6 Conclusion24Bibliography25Acknowledgements26Chapter 1 IntroductionThomas Stearns Eliot (1888-1965) was born

14、in St. Louis, Missouri. He was the youngest son in a large, prosperous and distinguished family. William Greenleaf Eliot, Eliots grandfather, was a Unitarian minister who moved to St. Louis when it was still on the frontier and was instrumental in founding many of the citys institutions, including W

15、ashington University in St. Louis. Eliots works often allude to his youth in St. Louis. From 1898 to 1905, Eliot was a day student at St. Louiss Smith Academy. At the academy, Eliot studied Latin, Greek, French and German. Upon his graduation, his parents sent him to Milton Academy. From 1906 to 190

16、9, he studied at Harvard and earned his masters degree there. During his studies at Harvard, some of his poems were published. From 1910 to 1911, Eliot lived in Paris, studying at the Sorbonne and touring the continent. Then he returned to Harvard as a doctoral student in philosophy, studying the writings of F.H.


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