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1、New words in Unit four1. interpret: v. 1) understand (sth. said, ordered, or done)理解-The gift is generally interpreted as a bribe.-She made a gesture, which he chose to interpret as an invitation.2) give or provide the meaning of, explain 解释-诗有助于阐述人生的意义。Poetry helps to interpret life.-The evidence i

2、s difficult to interpret.3) translate what is said in one language into another 口译-No one in the tour group spoke Spanish so we had to ask the guide to interpret.Interpreter 口译员2. stretch: v. (cause to) become longer, wider, etc. without breaking延长,延伸 -My wool coat stretched when I washed it.-The ch

3、ild stretched the rubber band to its full extent.-你已经使我忍无可忍了。You are stretching my patience to limit.extend,vt/vi. 表示“延长,延伸,”的含义时,指空间上延伸或长度、时间等延长; prolong,vt.意为“延长,拉长,拖延”,多指将时间延长到正常限度之外,也可指延长线段,拖长声音等; stretch:vt/vi.表示使某事物的长度由曲变直或由短变长地伸展,表示大的空间(如道路,山峦,原野等)的延伸,可以与extend互换。3submit: 1) vt. give (sth.) t

4、o sb. so that it may be formally considered-I am going to submit an application for that job in Microsoft.-Peter submitted his application to the local government.2) vt. yield (oneself) to the will or power of another, agree to obey-Should a wife submit herself to her husband?-We should submit ourse

5、lves to discipline.3) vi. give in to the will or power of another-He may be defeated, but he will never submit.-The government decided not to submit to foreign pressure.4. edit: vt. revise or correct-Scholars often edit Shakespeares plays.-John didnt finish editing the annual report until the end of

6、 last month.5. communicate: 1).vi. contact sb. in any way, eap. by speaking to them, writing to them or calling them (followed by with)-We can communicate with people in most parts of the world by telephone.-年轻人有时抱怨无法与父母沟通思想。Young people sometimes complain of not being able to communicate with their

7、 parents.2) .vt. make (news, opinions, feelings, etc.) known-The radio stations communicate the storm warnings to the islanders.-She communicated her ideas to her subordinates.6. at times: sometimes-At times, I feel that I want to leave this job.7. take in: -The dress was too big, so I took it in. (

8、 make (clothes) narrower)-I didnt take in what you were saying.( understand) -She took in every details of the other womans clothes.( see at a glance; see at once)-Do you mean we should get rid of the stale and take in the fresh? (receive, admit)-Dont be taken in by her promises. (deceive)-This is t

9、he total cost of the trip, taking in everything.( include)Collocation:take after仿效,跟随;相像,在相貌、脾气或性格上相似take apart拆开 take back收回(所说的或所写的事) take down拿下,放下take for把视作;误认为 take off 脱掉(衣服等);起飞 take up举起;开始从事take on 从事;开始对付 take out 取出;弄走 take over 接管8. spit: vt. send (liquid, food, etc.) out from the mouth

10、, used in the pattern: spit sth. (out) (at/on/onto sb./sth.)-Hes very ill and spitting (up) blood. -The baby spat its food out on the table.-他气呼呼地作了答复。He angrily spat out his answer.9. symptom: n. 1)sign of the existence of sth. bad-The Government must not ignore these symptoms of discontent among t

11、heir own supporters.-High interest rates are a symptom of a weak economy.2) change in the body that indicates an illness-A cold, fever and headache are the usual symptoms of flu.-持续地咳嗽可能是非典型性肺炎的症状。A persistent cough may be a symptom of atypical pneumonia.10. nightmare: n. a terrible dream-Driving th

12、rough that snowstorm was a nightmare.-I had a nightmare about falling off the skyscraper.11. conversely: adv. in a way that is opposite to sth.-$1 will buy 100 yen worth of Japanese goods. Conversely, 100 yen will buy $1 worth of American goods.-You can add the fluid to the powder or, conversely, th

13、e powder to the fluid.12. but then: yet at the same time-The failure of Chinas soccer team looks inevitable. But then, anything can happen in football.-The circus was not a very good one, but then, the audience was not demanding.13. jar: v. have a harsh or an unpleasant effect used in the pattern: j

14、ar sth., jar on sb./sth.-The fall jarred every bone in my body.-The way he laughs jars on me.14. suck in: (usu. passive) involve (sb.) in an activity, an argument, etc., usu. against their will -Some teenagers dont want to get involved with gangs, but they find themselves getting sucked in.-我不想卷入有关学

15、校改革的辩论。I dont want to get sucked into the debate about school reform.15. keep up with:1) learn about or be aware of ( the news, etc.)-Carrie likes to keep up with the latest fashions.-He didnt bother to keep up with the latest news. His only concern was to study.2) move at the same rate as-My salary doesnt keep up with inflation.-他请了位家庭教师,因为他的功课跟不上班上其他同学。He hired a tutor because he wasnt able to keep up with the rest of the class.16. in sight:



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