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1、第四讲:The understanding of long and difficult sentences 1. modifierExample:1)The commission of certain acts such as armed attacks, naval blockades, support lent to armed gangs of terrorists was considered as a form mission-the act of committing or perpetrating:犯罪行为:the commission of a crime.犯罪2)That w

2、oman speaks west of England vulgarism. Vulgarism-A word, phrase, or manner of expression used chiefly by uneducated people.俗语:主要是没受过教育的人用的词汇、短语或表达方式.3)He played a key role in advising the president how to foil the conspiracy mounted against him in May of 1971 by seven of his own ministers.他 在告知总统如何粉

3、碎他手下七名部长于1971年5月策划的阴谋方面 起了关键性的作用。Foil- We foiled his attempt to escape. 我们挫败了他逃跑的企图。4) They were tortured by the reactionaries,but they suffered whatever befell with fortitude and fought on heroically. (eg. 8 P42) 虽然他们受尽反对派的折磨,但是他们顽强地忍受了所遭遇的一切,继续英勇地进行斗争。 5) Consumer goods are also abundant of good q

4、uality and variety. 日常消费品种类繁多,质量上乘。6) Scientists said quite a few years back, an unbreakable substance could be found that would work as well as glass.科学家们说,过几年我们将会找出一种不易脆的物质来替代玻璃。7) We shall see later on, when we travel to other worlds, that there are stronger and weaker gravities.以后当我们去外星去时,我们会发现那

5、里有更强和更弱的引力。8). Why does he say nothing about the total absence from his list of poem about the Malayan liberation struggle going on since 1948? 他的单子中根本没有 关于1984年以来一直在进行的马来西亚解放斗争的诗歌,他对此为何只字不提?(他为何只字不提他的单子中根本没有 关于1984年以来一直在进行的马来西亚解放斗争的诗歌 的事情?) One day a young woman was brought to the hospital with a b

6、adly burnt arm.一天一位女子因手臂严重烧伤而被送进这家医院。(One day a young woman with a badly burnt arm was brought to the hospital.) (Scientist said quite a few years back, an unbroken substance that would work as well as glass could be found.) The objection is bound to be raised that such a conception is a complete tr

7、avesty歪曲of the whole idea of philosophy. (注意 定语从句单独翻译,其中名词travesty译成动词)反对者肯定认为这样的观念完全就是对哲学思想的扭曲。 Every day, news comes from all over the country of great success in one field after another.Multi-branch structure English usually leaves out the same word(s) from a sentence ( zero-substitution 零位替代) to

8、 avoid repetition, while Chinese often repeats the same word(s). 1 Young Charles made little progress in Greek or Latin composition. (Young Charles made little progress in Greek composition or Latin composition)2 Intense light and heat in the open contrasted with the coolness of shaded avenues and t

9、he interiors of buildings 3 These documents are detailed with names, dates, places and full descriptions of the incidents investigated.4 The poor health and intermittent间歇性的 seizures发作 that had plagued him for a number of years were his constant tormentors during the ensuring five years of his life.

10、 (that had plagued him for a number of years in the sentence modifies both the poor health and intermittent seizures )Compound complex sentences:Town after town numbingly demonstrate to him that his life was a palremarkabletry thing, roughly duplicated by the millions in settings where houses and po

11、rches and trees mocking those in Mt.Judge fed the illusion of other little boys that their souls were central and important invisible cherished. Have you ever been at the sea in a dense fog, when it seemed as if a tangible white darkness shut you in, and the great ship, tense and anxious, groped her

12、 way toward the shore with plummet and sounding line, and you waited with beating heart for something to happen? 你可曾在航海时遇上过有农雾的时候,?你仿佛被困在了触手可及的一片白茫茫中,不见天日.你乘坐的巨轮,靠测深锤或测深线的指引,举步维艰地靠向海岸, 既紧张又焦虑不安; 而你则心怦怦直跳,等着有事发生。I was like that ship before my education began, only I was without compass or sounding-line, and had no way of knowing how near the harbour was. “Light! Give me light !” was the wordless cry of soul , and the light of love shone on me in that very hour. 而我在接受教育之前正像那巨轮, 所不同的是我连指南针或测锤线也没有,更无从知晓离港湾有多远. 我的心灵在无声地疾呼: “光明! 给我光明!” 而就在此时此刻,爱的光芒洒在了我的身上.


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