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1、一同义转译法:1.“I cant see anything at all on the Emperor,” cried one or two of the brave ones. The cry was taken up and soon everybody was nodding and saying, “BUT HE HAS NOTHING ON!” “我根本看不见皇帝身上穿了任何东西,”一两个胆大一点的人叫喊到。人们都跟着叫喊起来。很快,每个人都在摇头说:“可是他身上什么也没穿。”2There is no disputing, says the proverb, about taste-

2、though, in fact, human beings spend at least half their leisure doing nothing else (but exclusively disputing about taste).常言道,有关情趣,不存争执 然而,事实上,人类至少有一般闲暇时光就花在了对情趣而不是别的事情的争执上。3 Exercising taste is not difficult. You decide what stories you want your possessions to tell and then get on and orchestrate

3、 them. But be warned: not every story is a flattering one.运用情趣并不难。你决定要让你所拥有的东西讲述有关你的什么故事,然后着手对起加以协调安排。不过你得当心:并非每个故事都是给你增光添彩的(都会使你脸上有光的)。解包袱法:3. Men tend to enjoy public, referentially orientated talk, while women enjoy intimate, affectively orientated talk. 男人喜欢公开谈论有具体内容的话题,而女人则喜欢两三个人私下交流感情。第二节 一. 词

4、性转换法:1. It took a long presidential drive to get them talk again. 只是在总统不顾旅途遥远,驱车前往调停后,双方才开始了对话。2. A study of that letter leaves us no doubt as to the motive behind it. 研究一下那封信,就使我们毫不怀疑其背后别有用心。3. It is already dark, and the chorus of insects and frogs is in full swing. 天已经擦黑,虫鸣蛙躁,一片喧闹。4. A well dress

5、ed man, who looked and talked like and American, got into the car. 一个穿着讲究的人上了车,他的外表和谈吐都像个美国人。5. She was true to her master through the obscurity in which she first labored, through the acclaim that began in the 1960s, through the sometimes heated denunciation that ensued when she defended controvers

6、ial church teachings on contraception.她对自己信奉的主忠心耿耿,不管是先辛苦工作默默无闻的日子,或是1960年开始受到赞扬时,还是在她为避孕这项受争议的教义辩护,而偶遭强烈抨击之际,她都始终如一。6. Securities laws require companies to treat all shareholders reasonably equally. 证券法要求公司给所有持股人既合理又平等的待遇。 7. In a break with The Economists general practice, this article is signed b

7、y the author. His dread of the editors fury, however, enjoyed him to keep his byline concealed. His first name is woven into the first paragraph like an invisible thread, and to make it visible you need his age, since that is the number of characters ( not including space between each letter of his

8、name, as well as the number of characters before the first letter.)一反经济学家通常的做法,这篇文章由作者署了名。然而他怕惹编辑生气,这使得他将自己署名的那一行隐藏起来。二 词语增减重复法增词法:1. Aisas strength of economic management, however, hs not been its perfection, but its pragmatism and flexibility. 亚洲经济管理向来不以完美见长,而是以务实和弹性取胜。2. Walking into the room, Am

9、es looked like the quintessential scientist: wired-rimmed bifocals, rumpled suit, tousled hair and a sallow complexion that showed he spent more time in his laboratory than in the Californian sunshine. 爱姆兹迈步走进会议室,他看上去是个典型的科学家形象:戴着金丝边双光眼镜,穿着一 身 皱褶的套服,蓄着一头蓬乱的头发,同时还透着一脸菜色,说明他在实验室里忙碌的时间 多,在加州的阳光下休闲的使减少。

10、4. An episode of humor or kindness touches and amuses him here and there. 他不时会碰到一两件事,或是幽默得逗人发笑,或是显出心地善良的一面,使人感动。5. There are scenes of all sorts, some dreadful combats, some grand and lofty house-riding, some scenes of high life, and some of very middling indeed; some love-making for the sentimental

11、, and some light comic business.。看看各种表演,像激烈的格斗,精彩的骑术,上流社会的形形色色,普通人家生活的精彩,专为多情的看客预备的恋爱场面,轻松滑稽的穿插等。6. The famous little Becky Puppet has been pronounced to be uncommonly flexible in the joints, lively on the wire.那个叫培基的木偶人非常有名,他家一致称赞她的骨节特别灵活,线一牵就活泼泼地手舞足蹈。8. You are quite wrong in supposing that I have

12、 any call to wear the willow Miss Windsor never has been to me more than a bubble. 你大错特错了。以为我有任何理由。戴柳叶花圈以示哀悼。温莎小姐对我来说从来不过是个无足轻重的水泡罢了。减词法:1)Practically all substances expand when heated and contracted when cooled.实际上几乎所有的物质都热胀冷缩。2)As the manager of the performance sits before the curtain on the board

13、s, and looks into the Fair, a feeling of profound melancholy comes over him in his survey the bustling place.领班的坐在戏台幔子前,对着底下闹哄哄的市场,瞧了半晌,心里不觉悲惨起来。3)1981年秋,天津作家协会刚刚恢复工作,曾任美国作家联盟主席的约翰赫塞到天津来了。他是自费来中国旅游,又是特地重温故乡之梦的。In the autumn of 1981 when Tianjin Writers Association had just resumed its normal functio

14、n in the wake of the Cultural Revolution, Mr. John Heresy, Ex-Chairman of American Writers Federation, came to Tianjin. He had come to China as a tourist and made a point of coming to see his former home here.4) Small islands have played a disproportionately large role in the thinking of evolutionar

15、y biologists.岛屿虽小,但在影响进化论生物学家思维的过程中起到的作用却是非常大。5)Anelia Doll, though has had a smaller circle of admirers, has yet been carved and dressed with the greater care by the artist. 那个叫爱米丽的洋娃娃虽然没有那么叫座,卖艺的倒也费了好些心血刻她的面貌,设计她 的服装。重复法:1)These seemed to call into question the dominance not only of Western power, but of Western ideology.这一切似乎不仅使人怀疑西方强权的垄断地位,而且也使西方意识形态一统天下的局面受到质疑。2) There had been too much publicity about their relationship, 他们的关系已经闹得满城风雨,人人皆知了。3)But Europe held forth the charms of storied and poetical association. 但欧洲也有他的美,欧洲的美较之美国的美更富于历史与诗意的联想。5)I have finished my assign


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