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1、九年级英语语法复习 专题(八)动词和动词时态动词可分为行为动词、连系动词、情态动词和助动词四类考点1 :连系动词:be, seem, look, sound, taste, smell, feel, become, turn, get, growEg. They were all hungry and the food _(闻起来) good. Dont you think the party _(听起来) noisy. I _(感到) sorry that they didnt protect everything here.( )1.-Dinner is ready. Help yours

2、elf! - Wow! It _delicious. Could you please tell me how to cook it? A. tastes B. looks C. feels( )2. Hi, mum. Have you cooked fish for dinner? I can _it. A. taste B. smell C. feel ( )3. What about the picture over there? It looks _. A. badly B. well C. nice( )4. -What do you think of the music?It so

3、unds _. A. wonderful B. well C. wonderfully 考点2:助动词: 在句子中不能单独作谓语,必须与其它动词构成谓语。如:be, do, have, will (would)shall (should)Eg. I am doing my homework now. Have you finished the project?Do you often watch TV?考点3:行为动词: 表示某种动作或状态,在句子中可单独作谓语。如: dance, sing, dump, write.它可分为及物动词(可直接加宾语)和不及物动词(不可直接加宾语)两种。Eg.

4、I heard her singing in the next room.(hear 是及物动词) Please listen to the teacher carefully.(listen是不及物动词)( )1.Peter, dont play that kind of joke any more! -Sorry! I _ do it again. A. wont B. cant C. didnt ( )2. -What _ your English teacher look like?-She is quite slim. A. do B. is C. does( )3. You don

5、t look well. Youd better see the doctor.-Oh, I _. He said nothing was wrong with me. A. will B. do C. did( )4. _ I have to show the school report to my parents, Miss Yang? Yes, you do. A. Must B. Do C. Can 考点4:动词的时态中考要求掌握的时态有:一般现在时,一般过去时,一般将来时,现在进行时,过去进行时和现在完成时六种。1. 一般现在时 请记住下列常用的一般现在时标志词: often, al

6、ways, sometimes= at times usually, on Sundays , every day ,once a week , three times a day ,every two days表示客观事实或普通真理(不受时态限制)e.g. 1. The geography teacher told us the earth moves around the sun. 2. Water boils at 100oC. 宾语从句时态呼应规则:若主句用一般现在时,则从句可根据实际情况用各种时态。如:eg.1.The radio says the snow will stop la

7、ter in the day. eg. 2. I know who picked the fewest.时间状语从句、条件状语从句中多用一般现在时代替一般将来时。 1.Ill call you if I get there tomorrow. 明天我如果到那儿,就给你打电话。 2.They wont begin the meeting until he comes. 直到他来他们才会开会 ( ) Do you know what _ in a hundred years? A. happens B. is happened C. will happen( ) 2. There _ no mil

8、k in the fridge. Could you get some for me, Dick?All right, mum. A. is B. are C. was (07福建福州)( ) 3.-How does the postman go to work? He _ to work. A. rode B. is riding C. rides (01佛山)( ) 4. I will do it better if the teacher _ me another chance. A. give B. gives C. gave (07河北省)( ) 5.- I am sorry tha

9、t John is out. - Please ask him to call me as soon as he _. A. returned B. returns C. will return(07成都)( ) 6. Do you know where our headmaster_? A. lives B. live C. living2.一般过去时(有明确的过去时间状语) 一般过去时的标志词: yesterday; “in + 过去年、月份”,last短语, ago短语;just now; at that time; once(从前,曾经)。如: I met her in the str

10、eet yesterday.若主句用一般过去时,则宾语从句要依情况用相应的过去时态:一般过去时,过去将来时,过去进行时,过去完成时。如:eg. 1.He said that they had been to the Great Wall before. 2. Mary told me that she would leave for Paris. ( ) 1.Mr. Smith said he _ to my house the next day. A. will come B. had come C. would come (03 广东) ( ) 2. When did you study

11、in France?-_. (04佛山) A. Two years ago B. For two years C. In two years( ) 3. Havent I told you I like coffee without sugar? - Sorry, but I only _ a little.(06佛山) A. am putting B. put C. will put( ) 4. When _ you _ your teeth, Billy? Just now.(02佛山) A. do, brush B. have, brushed C. did, brush( )5. He

12、 turned off the lights and then _ the classroom. A. leaves B. will leave C. left (03广东)( )6. Li Ping _ lunch at school, didnt he? A. has B. have C. had3.一般将来时 (结构:_)e.g. 1. I will visit you tomorrow. 2. He wont come back next week.3. There is going to be a parents meeting tomorrow afternoon. 一般将来时的标志词:tomorrow(morning); next 时间状语;(very)soon; “in+一段时间”;“in + 未来年、月份”;before long不久以后( )1.Dont worry about your cat. I am sure _.I hope so.(05佛山)A. You will find it B. You have found it C. You found it( ) 2.Please remember to say goodbye to Mr. Smith when you _tomorrow.Sure, I will. A. leave


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