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1、英语写作中的常见错误:1. 时态错误:One day, I visit a farm. 2. 人称混乱:Playing football can keep us healthy, but youd better not spend much time on it. In a word, I think that playing football is good for my health.3. 观点不明确:In my opinion, I agree with the two opinions. Because playing football can build our bodies str

2、ong, its good for us. But it often hurts our legs, so its bad for us students, too.4. 表意不清:Playing football can help people lose weight and put on weight.5. 前后矛盾:So I think playing football does good to students, but it is harmful to students.6. 引用论据不当:Playing football is good for our health. Becaus

3、e Playing football is very dangerous, it often makes our leg or hand broken, if we arent careful.7. 汉语式的英语句子:Playing football also has bad.After students do a long time of study1. 时态错误:One day, I visit a farm.You visited our city three years before.2. 关系不一致:英语语法要求意义一致,不仅指主谓在人称及数上的一致,还取决于前后名词、代词数的一致、

4、时态一致以及句子所表达的意义的一致。In the bedroom there are a bed, a sofa, a desk and a chair. 1. He closed the door and hurried away to class. 2. In spite of its small size, these cameras can take good pictures.3. If I were you, I wont do that.3. 词性混用英语句子的各个成分都是由一定的词来充当的,很多学生平时只记读音、拼写和词义,忽视词性的运用。1. 60% of the stude

5、nts against the idea of entrance fees.2. 2 days passed before his letter arrived.1. I have no difficult in finding your home.2. Jone always does his homework careful.3. Fortunate, people are beginning to realize how seriously the pollution is.4. Can you tell Asia elephants from Africa elephants.4. 重

6、复累赘有些英语单词本身自带某个意思,或由于语法需要不能出现某一单词,而学生基本功不够扎实,常常出现累赘现象。We hope to improve our work better.The box is too heavy for the weak boy to carry it.1. Mary married with John.2. I returned back the book to you at 8 a.m. this morning.3. The teacher repeated the sentence again.4. My most favorite song is “Hand

7、in Hand”.5. The train is entering into the tunnel.6. The book I borrowed it from you is missing.5. 选词或搭配不当在词汇学习中, 仅停留在字面意思,而忽视它们习惯搭配,造成错误。In order to learn English well, I should increase/ raise the method of study.Tom was in such a hurry that he forgot his schoolbag on the bus.1. Peter is a warm-he

8、arted person, so everybody likes to have friends with him.2. Mr. Smith said an interesting story at the beginning of the meeting.3. Its cold outside. Please dress your overcoat.4. I hope you to become a lawyer.5. He has formed the habit of writing a diary every day.6. 无连接词英语句子特点之一重“形合”,句子的各个部分由各种关系词

9、、连词连接在一起。而汉语句子重“意合”,句子前后连接主要通过上下文的逻辑意义来实现,很多学生在写作时往往忽略这一点造成句子的错误。The sun gives off heat and light, this makes it possible for the plans on the earth to grow.I am tired, I must go to bed.1. You practice more reading, you will improve your reading ability.2. China is still a developing country, most p

10、eople cant afford a car yet.3. I arrived at the station, the train had left.4. His bedroom seemed empty, there were only two chairs, a desk and a bed.7. 非完整句子一个句子至少包括主语和谓语两部分(除祈使句),如果把句子的某一部分当成一个句子,就会导致非完整句子。There were 40 foreigners came to visit our school.Without a friend will feel lonely.1. The w

11、oman talked to you just now is our English teacher.2. I cant imagine what life would be like if have not any TV sets.3. China is no longer what used to be.4. Although rained, we went on working.8. 句子缺乏逻辑性一个句子必须表达一个完整、前后意义一致的意思。如果把不相干的意思放在一起一个句子里或一个句子表达不完整,就出现逻辑问题。Being an honest man, Tom worked very

12、 hard.Liu Hua is a kind-hearted girl, she will be successful in anything she tries.1. She must be ill, because I saw a doctor going into her room.2. To control the rate in the world , scientists are looking for new sources of energy.3. I was born and grew up in Hang Zhou in 1953.9. 句子缺乏连贯性句子无论长短,在安排

13、上要合乎逻辑,衔接自然,使句内语义明确,句与句之间过渡自然、层次分明。而学生在习作过程中出现悬垂修饰语、指代不明、缺少过渡词、非平行结构和语义不完整的分割句等错误。My best friend in high school was our English teacher. Her name was Gao Hui. She taught us English for 3 years.Rose is in love with John, but John is in love with Mary.1. John is honest, clever and warm-hearted. He stu

14、dies hard. He is a good student.2. Every university has many rules and regulations and they must obey them.3. She likes playing tennis and watch basketball games.4. At the age of 10, Toms mother died.10. 标点符号误用标点符号是一种变相文字,是书面表达不可缺少的手段,很多学生不了解不同的标点符号用途或英汉标点差异,结果出现错误。China Dailyis a help to the Englis

15、h learners.Li Ping is not old enough, he can not join the army.1. Some people prefer cooked food, others fried food.2. I like many subjects, such as Chinese、maths、history、English、physics and chemistry.3. The owner of the shop came to see what was the matter?4. John says Bill will fly to North Korea next year. But Im not sure5. We are all peace loving people.11. Chinglish(汉式英语)错误Good good study, day day up.Here is suitable to grow cash crops.There is a notice in the park, saying “ To take notice of safe; the sidewalk is very crafty.”1. Zhang Hang studies in Shangxi Province, Xi


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