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1、图书分类号:密 级:毕业设计(论文)原平市排水工程设计THE WASTEWATER TREATMEMT ENGINEERING DESIGN OF YUAN PING CITY全套图纸加扣3012250582 学生姓名 学院名称环境工程学院专业名称给水排水工程指导教师2013年5月31日徐州工程学院毕业设计(论文)徐州工程学院学位论文原创性声明本人郑重声明: 所呈交的学位论文,是本人在导师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果。除文中已经注明引用或参考的内容外,本论文不含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的作品或成果。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标注。本人完全意识

2、到本声明的法律结果由本人承担。论文作者签名: 日期: 年 月 日徐州工程学院学位论文版权协议书本人完全了解徐州工程学院关于收集、保存、使用学位论文的规定,即:本校学生在学习期间所完成的学位论文的知识产权归徐州工程学院所拥有。徐州工程学院有权保留并向国家有关部门或机构送交学位论文的纸本复印件和电子文档拷贝,允许论文被查阅和借阅。徐州工程学院可以公布学位论文的全部或部分内容,可以将本学位论文的全部或部分内容提交至各类数据库进行发布和检索,可以采用影印、缩印或扫描等复制手段保存和汇编本学位论文。论文作者签名: 导师签名: 日期: 年 月 日 日期: 年 月 日摘 要本设计是原平市排水工程设计,主要包



5、量为5780.36m3/h,采用RD-130型鼓风机5台,3台工作2台备用;高负荷时4台工作,1台备用。二沉池采用两座辐流式沉淀池,池子直径为23.5m,有效水深3.75m。污泥总容积为94.6m3,沉淀池高度为6.96m,排泥量为447m3/d。采用接触消毒池1座,选用液氯为消毒剂。接触池容积为425.21m3,平面面积为212.61m2,剩余污泥经浓缩消化处理后,经过机械脱水然后外运。由于城市污水40%做中水回用,处理后的污水40%流经平流式沉砂池进行深度处理,其他60%处理完成后直接排放至水体。工程投入使用后将大大缓解夏季城市的内涝问题,并减轻由于水污染造成的环境恶化情况。关键词 排水工

6、程;分流制;A2/O;深度处理;污泥处理AbstractThis design is the Yuanping city drainage engineering design, including the preliminary design and the sewage treatment plant in the city drainage pipeline network.Yuanping rainy summer, winter dry. The drainage system. Sewage pipe network by the district collection, coll

7、ection to the city on the north side of the main pipe, and then enter the sewage treatment plant for processing. Rainwater pipe network according to the terrain slope, is divided into three regions, each collected rainwater directly through the main pipe is discharged into the river. Drainage pipe r

8、einforced concrete pipe.Sewage treatment plant using A2/O technology. Sewage treatment plant design capacity of 30600 m3/d, reached the 1 National A emission standards through three levels of processing the final water quality.Pretreatment with grille, grit chamber, primary settling tank, coarse, fi

9、ne grid dip angle is 60 degrees, the coarse grid slot length 3.19M, the fine grid slot length 3.52M, using mechanical slag. Pumping station to install three sets of 200WLZ-12 type vertical sewage pump, 2 prepared with 1.Horizontal flow type grit chamber is provided with a set of two parts, the desig

10、n flow of Q=360L/s; design the flow rate was v=0.25m/s; hydraulic retention time of t=90s. The mud storage interval mud for two days, the sand hopper volume 1.34m3.The primary settling tank by using radial flow sedimentation pool, the pool diameter 23.5m, precipitate effective depth 2.25m, precipita

11、tion time 1.5h, the sludge bucket volume is 47m3. The water inlet pipe diameter 450mm, the flow rate was 1.13m/s.Two levels of treatment using A2/O biological removal of nitrogen and phosphorus pool, a total of two series, each series taking 50% flow. The average stay time of anaerobic pool is 2h, v

12、olume 1020.5m3; time of anoxic tank were stay for 1.125h, volume 478.36m3; aerobic tank of the hydraulic retention time was 3.375h, the volume is 1435.08m3. The residual sludge was 1745.11 (kg/d), sludge age 4.38d. The perforated pipe inundation depth is 4.8m, the total gas supply is 5780.36m3/h, us

13、ing RD-130 type blower 5 sets, 3 sets of 2 standby; high load 4, 1 backup.By using the two radial flow sedimentation pool two sink the pond, pool diameter 23.5m, depth 3.75m. Total sludge volume 94.6m3, sedimentation tank height 6.96M, mud content was 447m3/d. The disinfecting tank 1, selection of l

14、iquid chlorine as disinfectant. Contact tank volume is 425.21m3, surface area of 212.61m2,Residual sludge concentration digestion treatment, after mechanical dewatering and then sinotrans. Because the city sewage 40% water reuse, sewage after treatment 40% through the flat flow sand pool depth of pr

15、ocessing, 60% other processing is done directly discharged into water body.After the project put into use will greatly alleviate the problem of city waterlogging in summer, and reduce the water pollution caused by the deterioration of the environment.Keywords drainage engineering triage system; A2/O advanced treatment sludge treatmentV目 录1 绪论11.1城市排水管道系统11.1.1 排水体制的分类11.1.2 排水体制的选择11.1.3 污水厂位置的选择11.1.4 污水排水管网的定线21.2污水处理厂的设计21.2.1 污水处理要求31.2.2 污水处理工艺的选择31.2.3深度处理工艺选择41.3主要构筑物的选择51.3.1格栅51.3.2 污水提升泵房51.3.3沉砂池6



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