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1、漳江中学2015年下学期七年级英语月考试题 (本试题卷满分120分。考试时间90分钟)第一部分:听力(25分)、 听力(此题由三节组成,共20题,其中第一、二节每小题1分,第三节每小节2分,共25分)第一节:听句子,选择与内容相符的图画。完成15小题。 A B C D E1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _第二节:听句子,选择恰当的答语。(完成6-15小题,每题1分)( )6. A. Good morning! B. How are you? C. Im fine,thanks.( )7. A. Good evening! B. Good afternoon! C. Hi!( )8

2、. A. Bye-bye! B. Hello! C.Hi!( )9. A. Its green B. Its a pen C. Its ruler( )10. A. Its white B. Its a orange C. Im Alice( )11. A. G-I-N-A. B. Tom. C. Hello.( )12. A. Yes, he is. B. No, she isnt. C. No, Im not.( )13. A. Its a map. B. M-A-P. C. Its white.( )14. A. Im Jack. B. How are you? C. Nice to m

3、eet you, too.( )15. A. Its Smith. B. Its 361-8769. C. Fine, thank you.第三节:听短文,根据短文内容填空。(每空一词,每题2分),完成16-20题。First name: (16) _ Last name: (17) _ Class:(18) _ _ Telephone number: (19) _ ID card number: (20) _第二部分:语言知识运用单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)( )21.下列是元音字母的一组是_。A. a, e, i, k B. e, i, o, n C. a, i, o, j D. a,

4、 e, i, o ( )22. 表示铅笔笔芯“硬黑”的字母是“_”。A. H B. BH C. IB D. HB( )23. Good morning. _. A. Fine B. Thank you C. Good morning D. Good afternoon( )24. Whats this in English? _ a bike. A. This is B. Its C. Thiss D. Its ( )25. Its _ jacket. The jacket is _ orange. A. a; a B. a; an C. a; / D. a; the( )26. _is it

5、? Its yellow.A. Whats color B. What color C. What D. Whats( )27. Im Alice. -_ -A-L-I-C-E. A. How are you? B. Spell it, please. C. Good morning. D. Yes.( )28. _ names Tony. Whats _ name? A. You; your B. My; your C. Your; I ( )29. Her name is Mary Brown. _ is her family name.A. Mary B. Brown C. Mary B

6、rown( )30. _!Im Kate. _, Kate! Im Mary.A. Hello; Hello B. Good; Good C. Good; Hello( )31.Your jacket is nice. _.A. Thank you B. Yes, its nice C. Thats OK D. No, it isnt( )32. Are you Jim? Yes, _.A. Im B. you are C. I am( )33.“CCTV”的中文意思是 A.中国B.中国中央电视台C.动画频道( )34. Whats her name? -Her name is_ A. Liu

7、jinghua B. Liu Jinghua C.liujing hua ( )35. I _ a boy. My name _ Tom. A. am; am B. is; am C. am; is D. is; is.完形填空(每小题1分,共10分) 36 morning, everyone! 37 Grace. Look!This is a 38 . Its a nice quilt. What 39 is it? 40 yellow and white. And 41 this in English? Its 42 . Its 43 jacket. Thats a ruler. 44 r

8、uler is 45 . ( )36. A. Good B. good C. Hello ( )37. A. Its B. Im C. Hi( )38. A. map B. pen C. quilt( )39. A. color B. this C. quilt( )40. A. Its B. Is C. Its( )41. A. How B. Whats C. What( )42. A. a jacket B. jacket C. an jacket( )43. A. orange B. a orange C. an orange( )44. A. An B.The C. A( )45. A

9、. Blue B. blue C. a blue、阅读技能。(共40分)A) 阅读选择(20分)阅读下面的材料,从每题所给的A,B,C三个选项中,选出最佳选项回答问题或完成句子。AHello, I am Bob. This is Pleasant Goats room(喜洋洋的房间). Whats this? Its a pen. Its a blue pen. Whats that? Its a ruler. And its blue. This is Pleasant Goats quilt. Its red. Whats on the quilt? Its a jacket. Its a

10、 green jacket. Whats on the wall? Oh, its a map. ( )46. What color is the quilt? A. Red B. Blue C. Green ( )47. The and the are blue. A. rule, jacket B. pen, map C. pen, ruler ( )48. What is on the quilt? A. A pen. B. A ruler C. A jacket. ( )49. Whats the meaning of “wall”? A. 家人 B. 墙壁 C. 地球 ( )50.

11、The pleasant is about(文章是关于) . A. Bobs jacket B. Pleasant Goats quilt C. Pleasant Goats roomBHi. Im Eric Brown. Im in Beijing. This is my jacket. Its red. Thats my cup. Its blue. Betty is my friend. Her last name is Miller. Her telephone number is 563-8221. Bettys quilt is purple. My telephone number is 582-8681.51. Eric is in_.A. Chengdu B. Beijing C. Shanghai52. Erics jacket is . A. blue B. red C.purple 53. Bettys telephone number is .A.563-8221 B. 563-8122 C. 582-8681 54. is blue.A. Erics jacket B. Erics cup C. Bettys cup 55. Be


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