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1、答案详解23Book 1 Unit 1 Friendship重点句型1. While walking the dog2. because I havent been able to be outdoors for so long3. there was a time when; could never have kept me spellbound4. happened to be upstairs5. Id seen the night 6. so many clothes on语法:1. didnt want to set down2. what she called3. had gone

2、 to bed so late多项选择1. B. 句意为:制定新法律一定程度上是为了解决外国货车司机忽视载重量和行车时间限制的问题。2. A. 句意为:很明显,人们需要通过砍伐树木获得资源,但是(从长远看来)我们所遭受的损失要远大于我们的收益。3. D 句意为:汤姆几乎不可能在这么段的时间里完成这么多的作业。 get down“记下,写下”;get into“穿上;喜爱上”; get off“下车”;get through“通过;到达;做完;接通电话”。4. C. 考查词义辨析。句意为:她完全致力于她的研究工作,这为她在她的领域中赢得了良好的名誉。5. B. grateful “感激的”;ti

3、red “疲劳的,厌倦的”;upset“沮丧的”; comfortable“舒服的”。6. D. 句意为:“你看到我在参观上海世博会时买的钢笔吗?”“珍妮一定是误拿了你的,因为她有一支和你一样的钢笔。”7. D. set aside“留出”; 他们努力工作,结婚,生许多小孩,每周都会留出一个晚上来和家人讨论与家庭、孩子有关的话题。8. C. 句意为:“弗兰克将一把零钱全部放在了桌子上。”loose“松散的”。9. C. 句意为:“我们应当本着既往不咎的原则重新合伙。”10. C. 句意为:一家化工厂发生了一系列的爆炸案,致使四人受伤。完成句子1. There was a time when 2

4、. couldnt have gone 3. kept his eyes closed4. happened not to be5. with all the lights on6. his parents away7. before I could answer8. had come to this mountain village9. living in England10. What is it that 语法强化训练1. how to get along with a teenager.2. would return him 3. water freezes4.was walking

5、5. (should) speak English 6. had been to Paris7. dared (to) say8. where there is a will, there is a way9. had been waiting for10. what it will look/be likeBook 1 Unit 2 English around the world重点句型1. has the most English learners2. spoken in England3. was based more on German than4. for a Chinese pe

6、rson to speak English as well as5. in which/ where many different dialects are spoken6. no such a thing as语法1. to look at that example2. Turn off the radio多项选择1. B 句意为:“一顿便饭怎么花那么多钱?”“我们把你刚才打烂了的杯子的价格也加进去了。”added虽然语意符合,但后面应该接介词to;contained表示“有,容纳”,不表示“整体与部分”的包含关系,这时要用included;charge意为“要价;索费”,它的句式为“cha

7、rge sb. + 钱数”。2. B 句意为:我的祖母说,应该充分利用门前的空地,可以在那儿栽一些树。Make use of 意为“利用”。3. C demand 请求,要求;control 控制;command 命令;request(口头或书面的)请求.4. B. 句意为:由于妇女最初经常和群里其他的妇女和孩子们在一起,她们为了维护人际关系就逐渐培养了成功交流的能力。5. D 句意为:“奶奶说,感冒了喝点鸡汤是个好主意。”“信不信由你,科学家也是这么认为。”sooner or later 迟早;once in a while偶尔;to be exact准确地说;believe it or n

8、ot信不信由你。6. A after all毕竟;as a result结果;in other words换句话说;as usual照例。7. A come up“出现”;come to“涉及,提到”;come about“产生”; come out“出来,长出,发芽”。8. C 句意为:公司提升布朗先生为总会计师以表彰他出色的工作。recognize“承认;表彰”。9. A as directed 意为“遵照医嘱”。此处相当于as they are directed.10. C as long as“只要”,引导条件状语从句;as if“好像”,引导方式状语从句;even if“即使”,引导

9、让步状语从句;as well as“和;也”,后接名词或代词。完成句子1. Why do you think2. her husbands being present3. (who were) invited to the party4. be based on 5. no greater reward/no reward greater6. more the way he said it that 7. (which/that is) being built8. (should) be heated to9. what part China will play10. didnt recogn

10、ize语法强化完成句子1. not to get off2. what a fine day it was 3. going to the film4. not put your coat 5. when/what time I was leaving for6. leave the door open7. had seen her purse8. what was the matter with me.9. how much I paid for the computer. 10. if he could/might get along with the girl.11. are reque

11、sted not to smoke12. (should ) be sent13. what silly mistakes he had made14. plays the most important part 15. many such peopleBook 1 Unit 3 Travel journal重点句型1. was my sister who/that2. she (should)organize the trip organize properly3. once she has made up her mind4. no matter how hard it is5. trav

12、elling across wester语法1. are we leaving, are we coming2. are travelling多项选择1. C 句意为:人们对这次危机的态度有很大的不同。有些人很乐观,而其他的人认为情况绝不会有好转。attitude态度,看法(常和toward搭配);altitude高度,海拔;forecast预报,预测; opinion意见,看法。2. D 句意为:由于最近糟糕的天气,这项工作落后与预定计划几个星期。behind schedule落后与预定计划。固定搭配。 3. D 句意为:如果你站在窗户旁边,你会更清楚的看到大海。view(n.)- “景色”

13、。指从某个角度目中所望见的景色,如; the view out of the window。 scenery(n.)-“景色”,“外景”。指一个地方乃至一个国家的整个外景或外貌,如the scenery in the mountain作不可数名词。scene常作可数名词表具体的场景,如: a moving scene。sight多指人工的事物,比如大建筑史迹等有名的处所。4. D 句意为:究竟是什么时候他改变他的的想法借给你这些钱? 在跟他的父亲谈过之后,他告诉我他能接我一些钱。changed ones mind改变某人的想法; made up ones mind下定决心;take ones

14、mind错误搭配;give up放弃;根据语境D最合适。5. A 句意为:在演讲之前,这位教授整理他的思绪,因此别人理解得更好些。organize ones thoughts 整理思绪,固定搭配。6. D 句意为:他脸上坚定的表情表明他对自己足够自信。determined有决心的; surprised 惊讶的;puzzled 困惑的;excited兴奋的,语境可知。7. B 句意为:统计表明截止到2011年底,中国有五千八百万位留守儿童,因为父母亲太忙而不能照顾他们。care for关心,照顾,喜欢;take care 后面加of;care about 关心;care of错误搭配。8. C

15、句意为:鉴于你在学校的成绩很差,我认为你更应该努力学习。in view of 鉴于,由于; instead of 代替,而不是;in spite of 尽管;in case of在某种情况下,以防万一。9. B 句意为:自从他来到中国,布莱克先生就一直在一所中学里面教书。ever since adv & prep& conj迄今,从那时起(一直),现在完成时的标志; for ever adv永远,永恒; ever before adv以前,从前;long before adv很早以前,在以前很久。10. C 句意为:伊丽莎白仅仅只有一米五二,如果她想成为一名舞者,这将会是她极大的不利之处。disadvantage主要的意思是指不利的情况和不利的条件, 而shortcoming一般是指缺点,不一定都要指人,在运用的时候shortcoming往往用复数shortcomings. 完成句子 1. can hardly wait to graduate2. found himself l


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