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1、年 级初二学 科英语版 本人教版(新目标)(2012教材)课程标题八年级英语人教版(新目标)(2012教材)上学期期末复习一编稿老师一、学习目标1. 掌握本部分的单词2. 掌握本部分的短语3. 掌握本部分的句型二、重点、难点重点:单词:driver, medicine, foreign, meaning, discuss, physical, weekly, personal短语:make sure, write down句型:1) Well, Im going to keep on writing stories, of course.2) Although there are differ

2、ences, most resolutions have one thing in common. 难点:be going to 结构的运用一、单词领读driver n. 驾驶员;司机discuss v. 讨论;商讨medicine n. 药;医学physical adj. 身体的foreign adj. 外国的weekly adj. & adv. 每周的(地)meaning n. 意义;意思personal adj. 个人的;私人的二、重点单词【单词复习】1. driver n. 驾驶员;司机【用法】driver是名词,是由动词drive + r构成。【例句】My brother is go

3、ing to be a driver in 5 years. 我弟弟打算五年后当一名司机。【拓展】drive作动词,意为“驾驶”,后接名词;drive to= go to by car。drive也可作名词,意为“驾驶;驱车前行”。【例句】Can you drive the truck? 你会开卡车吗?My father usually drives to work. = My father usually goes to work by car.我爸爸通常开车去上班。Tom and his classmate went for a drive last Saturday.上周六汤姆和他的同学

4、开车去兜风了。【考题链接】The bus _ often _ the bus carefully.A. driver; drivers B. driver; drives C. drive; driver D. drives; drivers答案:B思路分析:句意为“这位公交车司机经常认真地驾驶公交车”。第一空表示“司机”用名词driver;第二空用动词的第三人称单数形式drives,故选B项。2. medicine n. 药;医学【用法】1)常用作不可数名词。2)medical adj. 医学的;医疗的【例句】Take this medicine after meals. 饭后服药。Did

5、you have a medical examination yesterday? 昨天你们体检了吗?【考题链接】He told me he wanted to study _ two years later.A. medical B. medicine C. medicines D. medicals答案:B思路分析:study是动词,意为“学习”,后应接名词,A项是形容词,D项是形容词后加s,均不正确;medicine常作不可数名词,没有复数形式,故选B项。句意为“他告诉我两年后他想去学医”。3. foreign adj. 外国的【用法】常用作定语。foreigner是名词,意为“外国人”

6、。【例句】Its not easy to learn a foreign language well. 学好一门外语不容易。Many foreigners come to China to visit places of interest every year.每年许多外国人来中国参观名胜古迹。【考题链接】More and more _(foreign) come to visit China.答案:foreigners4. meaning n. 意义;意思【用法】mean是动词,意为“表示的意思;作的解释”;meaningless 是形容词,意为“毫无意义的”;meaningful也是形容词

7、,意为“有意义的”,与meaningless互为反义词。【例句】What he said means a lot to me. 他说的话对我很重要。Can you tell me the meaning of the word? 你能告诉我这个单词的意思吗?I think we did a meaningless job. 我认为我们做了一件没有意义的工作。What you said is very meaningful. 你所说的很有意义。【考题链接】He _ to go there tomorrow.A. mean B. means C. meaning D. meaningless答案:

8、B 思路分析:he是第三人称单数,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式,排除A项;C项是名词形式;D项是形容词,故排除。B项合适。5. discuss v. 讨论;商量【用法】及物动词,其后直接加宾语。discuss doing sth. 商量做某事;discuss +疑问词+to do 。discussion n. 讨论【例句】He didnt want to discuss the movie. 他不想讨论那部电影。Mary and her sister discussed joining the club. 玛丽和她姐姐商量过加入俱乐部。We discussed what to do next.

9、我们商量下一步做什么。We had a discussion about the house. 我们讨论了一下关于房子的事。【考题链接】Im sorry to fail the exam. Lets discuss _ good grades.A. what to get B. to get C. how to get D. how get答案:C思路分析:discuss后接动词的-ing形式,故排除B项;discuss后可接“疑问词+动词不定式”形式,D项不符;根据句意“很抱歉我考试没及格。让我们讨论一下怎样取得好成绩吧”,故选C项。6. physical adj. 身体的【用法】常作定语修

10、饰名词。还有“物质的、物理的”之意。physics意为“物理学”。【例句】The old men are all in good physical condition. 这些老人身体都很健康。Some resolutions are about physical health. 一些决定是关于身体健康的。I dont like physics, because I think its very difficult.我不喜欢物理学,因为我认为它很难。【考题链接】锻炼身体是有益的。Its good to take _ _.答案:physical exercise7. weekly adj. & a

11、dv. 每周的(地)【用法】可作形容词,也可作副词。作副词时,相当于every week;还可作名词,意为“周报”,复数形式为weeklies。week 是名词,意为“周”。【例句】We go and do the weekly shopping every Thursday. 我们每周四去采购一次。They meet weekly. 他们每周见一次面。Do you like the weekly? 你喜欢这份周报吗?Im going to visit my grandparents this week. 这周我打算去看望祖父母。【考题链接】The teacher asks us to rea

12、d English _ every week.A. week B. weekly C. weeklies D. weeks答案:B思路分析:根据句意“这位老师每周都要我们读英语周报”可知“英语周报”是一份报纸名称,故用weekly。8. personal adj. 个人的;私人的【用法】相关短语:personal letter 私人信件; personal computer 个人电脑【例句】I have something personal to tell you. 我有一些私事要告诉你。【拓展】person n. 人personality n. 人格;个性【例句】She is a good

13、person. 她是一位好人。He has a strong personality. 他的个性很强。【考题链接】Thats my _ letter. You cant read it.A. person B. persons C. personality D. personal答案:D思路分析:letter是名词,应用形容词修饰。而A、B、C三项都是名词,故均排除。【即学即练】根据句意和首字母提示完成单词1. Tom can drive very well. He is a good d_.2. Dont worry. Take some m_ and have a good rest, t

14、hen youll feel better.3. My father went to a f_ city- London last year.4. Can you tell me the m_ of the word “nationality”?5. Now p_ education is as important as intelligent education.6. I think English W_ is very helpful to us. We can learn a lot from it.7. These are my p_ things. You cant look at them.8. Well d_ the issue later.答案:1. driver 2. medicine 3. foreign 4. meaning 5. physical 6. Weekly 7. personal 8. discuss三、重点短语【短语复习】1. make sure 确保;查明【用法】make sure to do sth. = be sure to do



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