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1、大学英语六级考试1993年1月答案参考答案Part I1. C 2. B 3. A 4. D 5. B6. B 7. C 8. A 9. A 10. D11.C 12.D 13.B 14.D 15. A16.C 17.D 18.B 19.D 20. B听力原文Section A1.W: Michael, did you go to the lecture on the French Revolution last night? I have never heard such an interesting history lecture before.M: Yes, wasnt it marve

2、lous! It is said the lecturer is a self-taught man with no university education.Q: What did the man think of the lecturer?2.W: I enjoy all kinds of music. What kind of music do you like?M: Folk music had appeared to me very much before I became fascinated with pop music. Now I think nothing can comp

3、are with classical music .Q: What kind of music does the man like best?3.M: I want to take the very next flight out to Albany.W: Well, the very next one leaves in two hours. It goes to Jacksonville, while you can make a connection to your destination.Q: How can the man get to his destination?4. M: I

4、m sorry, Madame. The train is somewhat behind the schedule. Take a seat and Ill tell you as soon as we know something definite.W: Thank you. Ill just sit here and read the magazine in the meantime.Q: What can you conclude about the train from the conversation?5.M: Prof. David, I was wondering if you

5、 could write a recommendation letter for me.W: Well, I can write one for you. But Ill point out your limitation as well as your strength.Q: What is the womans attitude towards writing recommendation letter?6.M: You havent got the date fixed for the job interview yet, have you?W: There is a long wait

6、ing list, I have to wait until my name gets to the top.Q: What do we learn about the woman from the conversation?7.M: I like the way youve done your hair, dear. It looks so natural and original.W: Thank you. Im surprised you noticed it.Q: What does the conversation tell us?8.M: Jane, I missed Prof.

7、Whites class yesterday. Could you tell me the homework he assigned us?W: Dont worry, Prof. White was ill and he postponed the lesson the next Monday.Q: What do we learn from the conversation?9.M: Prof. Jackson, we were wondering if we could sit in your English class?W: I wish I could say Yes. But if

8、 I accepted you two, I wouldnt know how to say No to a lot of others who have made the same request.Q: What does the professor mean?10.W: Will Richard be coming to the meeting tonight?M: Hes supposed to. But in fact he wont be back from the vocation until the day after tomorrow.Q: Where is Richard n

9、ow?Section BPassage OneTwin sisters are supposed to be very much alike, are they not? Well, my twin sister Jane and I do look alike. However, we are different in many ways. We like very different styles of clothing. I prefer to dress informally, whereas my twin sister dresses like a model, always we

10、aring in the latest fashions. We have very similar characters in most ways. I do not get angry easily and enjoy being with friends. In this respect, my twin sister feels the same. But she likes loud music and modern dances while I find that night clubs give me a headache. She is always with friends,

11、 is the favorite of our teachers and never wants to have children, whereas I prefer to be alone at times, dont really try to impress my teachers and intend some day to have a family of my own. We have tried to live in the same room several times and even agreed on the color we like best and the kind

12、 of furniture we wanted. But I like to keep things neat and orderly while my twin sister acts as if there were a servant around to pick up all the things that get thrown on the floor. I like to go the bed early and get up early. In contrast, she doesnt seem to have any definite habits, often goes to

13、 bed very late and then sleeps late the next day.Questions 11 to 13 are based on the passage you have just heard.11. What kind of clothes does the speaker like?12. What do the twin sisters have in common?13. Why doesnt the speaker like living in the same room with her sister?Passage TwoJoe is a stud

14、ent at a college in an urban area. During his first two semesters, he did very well and at the beginning of third semester he was admitted to a special medical program. If he completed the program successfully, he would be granted admission to a good medical school. He would be able to study to beco

15、me a doctor. Joes mother and father both have full-time jobs and Joe works part-time in a restaurant to help the family finances.Several weeks ago, Joes mother began feeling sharp chest pains. When she went to a doctor, he told her that she would need a heart surgery and would have to give up her jo

16、b. This would enlarge medical expenses and lose almost half the familys income. Joes father wants him to drop out of school and go to work full-time to help the family. Joe loves his family very much. But, if he drops out now, he would lose entire semesters credit and may even lose his place in the premedical program.He doesnt know what to do. He spea


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