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1、教学内容分析:本课是冀教版小学英语(三年级起始版)四年级上册第四单元中的一课,是一节新授课。学生将在本单元学习表述购物方面的话题,进一步发展听说读写等四方面的能力。在本课学生将学习各种商店,并学会表达自己想要的东西。1. 教学目标:语言知识:(1)掌握词汇:shop go(2)能理解并口头运用下列用语和句子:Lets go shopping.I want to buy.学生能够听懂会说下列句子:What do you want to buy?I want to buy a new dress.Lets go to the clothes shop.语言技能:能够在真实情景中表达自己想要买的东西

2、。情感态度:培养的学生生活技能;通过各种形式的学习方法激发学生学习英语的兴趣。学习策略:在小组活动中能与其他同学积极配合和合作,积极参与课堂活动,积极运用所学英语进行表达和交流。2. 教学重点:掌握听懂、会说单词shop go能理解并口头运用下列用语和句子:Lets go shopping.I want to buy. 3. 教学难点:在生活中能够运用所学知识进行购物。教学步骤:Step 1. Class Opening (3minutes) GreetingT: How are you?Ss: Fine,thanks. And you?T: Im fine, thanks. I like g

3、o shopping. What do you like?S1/S2: I like设计意图:以交谈的方式导入,创造轻松愉快的氛围Step 2. New Concepts (25minutes)1. T: Do you know the meaning of go shopping? S: 购物T: Yes. I want to go shopping. I want to buy a book- Snow White.Where can we buy the book?(show a picture of book shop)S: Book shop.T: Yes. We buy books

4、 in the book shop. We can also call it book store (show a picture) This is a book store. Look at the next picture, what are they?S: Theyre toys.T: Where can we buy toys? Show a picture of toy shop.S: We buy toys in the toy shop.(填空)T: What are they? (show a picture of clothes) Where can we buy them?

5、S: We buy clothes in a clothes shop.T: Good! What is it? (show a picture of tea) Where can we buy it?S: We buy tea in a tea shop.T: Great!Do you know some other shops?S:举例fruit shop, bike shop, flower shopT: We shop in the shops. (比较两个shop的区别,第一个是动词,第二个是名词 ) 举例I buy Snow White in a book shop.(比较动词sh

6、op buy. Shop后面不能加物品, buy后面可以加买的物品) 现在能根据发音拼写shop吗?/-sh /-o /p/-p shop设计思路:通过图片,能激发学生学习的积极性,提高他们的注意力。在单词讲解中设计语音教学,帮助孩子了解读音规律,更容易记忆单词2. Show the picture of some shops.练习句型Lets go to the _(tea shop /book shop /clothes shop/ toy shop)T: Who can give us some advice, which shop will we go?S: Lets go to th

7、e book shop. (tea shop /clothes shop /toy shop)T: What do you want to buy?S1: I want to buy_ .S2: I want to buy_ .同理教授tea shop /clothes shop /toy shop 设计思路:多样的图片有助于吸引学生注意力,同时练习重要句型,使孩子更容易接受。3. Give me some advice, where should we go?T: I want to buy a new sweater. Lets go to the _.S: Lets go to the

8、clothes shop.T: I want to buy Snow White.S: Lets go to the book shop.T: I want to buy a Teddy Bear.S: Lets go to the toy shop.T: I want to buy some tea.S: Lets go to the tea shop.设计思路:巩固各种商店单词用法,并进一步掌握所买商品要和所去地点相一致原则。4. Learn the text.(1)T: Watch and answer. Where does Jenny want to go? What does sh

9、e want to buy? Where does Danny want to go? What does he want to buy?S: 回答(2)Read after the tape. 设计思路:再掌握基本句型的基础上学习文本更容易接受,同时通过文本学习巩固句型。通过听,说,跟读让孩子多接触原音,学习更地道的英语。Step 3. Consolidation (10minutes)1. Pair work. What do you want to buy? And what does your partner want to buy? And and answer with your

10、partner.A: Lets go shopping. I want to buy_. What do you want to buy?B: I want to buy _ .Then show the dialogue. 2. Shopping is fun.What do you want to do? Do you have any advice?For example: Lets go to the park. go to school. have a big dinner. do our homework.3. 拓展: go swimming go fishing go boati

11、ng 设计思路:为学生创设真实的语言情境,通过对话的形式来检验学生能否正确地运用本课所学句型去交流。Step 4. Class Closing (3minutes) Homework: Make a survey: What do you want to buy? What do your family members want to buy? 课后反思: 在教学中,要面向全体,要为学生全面发展奠定基础。1、创设各种情境,鼓励学生,大胆的使用英语,对他们在学习过程中的英语和错误采取宽容的态度。2、为学生提供自主学习和直接交流的机会,以及充分表现和自我发展的一个空间。3、鼓励学生,通过体验、实践、合作、探究等方式,发展听、说、读、写的综合能力。本课还有一些不足:由于时间限制,忽略了一些学困生,在以后的教学中要多关注学困生,鼓励他们参与课堂活动。


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