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1、Unit 3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.Topic:Talk about what you are allowed to do.I. Key words:1. sleep v.&n.睡觉 sleepy adj.困倦的,不活跃的asleep adj.睡着的2. important adj.重要的importance n.重要性3. succeed v.成功,达到,完成success n.成功successful adj.成功的4. achieve v.完成,实现achievement n.完成,成绩,成就II.

2、 Key phrases :Section A1. sixteen-year-olds十六岁的青少年 2. cut hair理发 3. seem to do sth似乎做某事4. so do we我们也如此 5. on school nights在上学日的晚上 6. stay up熬夜,不睡觉7. clean up打扫 8. instead of代替,而不是 9. car license汽车驾照10. get ones ears pierced=pierce ones ears打耳洞 11. wear earrings戴耳环 12. at present目前,现在 13. be allowed

3、 to do sth被允许做某事 14. at a friends house在一个朋友家 15. on Saturday afternoon在星期六下午 16.choose ones own sth.选择某人自己的东西 17.have/get sth.done使被做Section B1. take the test参加考试 2. pass the test通过考试 3. fail a math test数学考试不及格4. be strict with sb对某人要求严格 5. the other day前几天 6. at present目前,现在7. concentrate on专心于,全神

4、贯注于 8. be good for.对有好处9. learn from sb向某人学习 10. be late for school上学迟到 11. study with friends和朋友一起学习 Self check & reading1. wear school uniform穿校服 2. have an opportunity to do sth有机会做某事 3. an good experience一次美好的经历 4. get in the way of妨碍 5. be realistic现实点6. practice ones hobbies培养爱好 7.on the schoo

5、l running team在学校跑步队里8. achieve ones dreams实现某人的理想 9.be serious about对认真10. care about担心,关心 11.old peoples home养老院III. Key sentences:1. 表达(不)应该允许某人做某事I think sb should be allowed to do.I dont think sb should be allowed to.2. 表明自己对他人或对方的观点赞同或反对I agree (with you).I disagree (with you).I dont agree.3.

6、Only引导的倒装结构Only then will I have a chance of achieving my dream.IV. Grammar1. I dont think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to get their ears pierced.我认为不应该允许16岁的孩子穿耳孔。1)当主句的主语是第一人称I或we,谓语动词是think, believe, suppose, guess等词时,若要否定,须将not提到主句。在翻译时,否定从句。例如:“我想他不会给你打电话的。”应译为I dont think he will give y

7、ou a call而不是I think he wont give you a call。特别提示若把此类句式变成反意疑问句,其助动词及主语要根据从句确定,而肯定/否定则要根据主句来确定。eg: We think you can help him, cant you? 我们认为你能帮助他,不是吗? I dont think he is a good student, is he? 我认为他不是个好学生,对吗?(2)本句中的 sixteen-year-olds相当于 sixteen-year-old teenagers,意为“16岁的年轻人”。数词和一个相应的名词单数用“-”连接起来,可以构成一个

8、合成形容词。常见的还有:eg: two-month holiday 两个月的假期 a sixty-pound stone 一块60磅的石头(3) 情态动词的被动语态构成:情态动词+be+及物动词的过去分词eg: Flowers should be watered often.(4)get their ears pierced属于“have/get sth.done”结构,表示“使被做”。eg: Go and get your hair cut! 你去理理发吧。 Why havent you got the work done yet? 你为什么还不叫人把活干了呢?例:-What are you

9、 going to do this morning, Mary? -My hair is too long. I want to get it . A. cut B.to cut C.cuts D.cuttingAir must fresh all the time. Its bad for our health.A. keep B.is kept C.be kept2. I disagree. 我不同意。 I agree. 我同意。(1)agree意为“赞成,同意”,用来表示同意某人的意见、观点等;可以单独使用,也可以接由with, to, on等引导的介词短语或接从句。eg: Shall

10、we go to the zoo tomorrow? I agree. I quite agree with you. 我完全赞成你的意见。Do you agree on this plan? 你同意这个计划吗?区别:agree with, agree to和agree onagree with表示“同意”,后面接表示人的名词或代词,也可以接表示“意见,看法”的名词。eg: We all agree with him. 我们都同意他的意见。Do you agree with my ideas? 你同意我的观点吗?拓展:agree with也可以表示“某人适应(食物、气候等)”。eg: The

11、weather doesnt agree with me. 我不适应这种天气。agree to表示“同意”,后面接表示“计划,建议,安排”等的名词或动词原形。eg: He agreed to our plan at last. 最后他同意了我们的计划。They agreed to come on Monday. 他们同意星期一来。agree on表示“(两人以上)就取得一致意见,在方面意见一致”,其主语多为复数形式,宾语是表示事、计划等的名词,而不是表示人的名词或代词。eg: They agreed on the plan.(2) disagree是agree的反义词,相当于not agree

12、。例:-I think sixteen-year-olds should allowed to drive. -They arent serious enough.A. I agree B. I disagree C. I think so D. Thats right-I think drinking milk every morning is good our health. -Yes. I agree you.A.to;to B.with;to C.at;with D.for;with3. They talk instead of doing homework. 他们说话而不做作业。 本

13、句中的instead of是复合介词,意思是“代替”,后面往往接名词、代词、动名词或介词短语, of后面的内容是被否定的。eg: I want that book instead of this one. 我要那本书而不是这本。We went to swim instead of playing basketball. 我们没有去打篮球,而是去游泳了。区别:instead和instead ofinstead adv.意为“代替,顶替”,常位于句首或句末。eg: I didnt go to cinema. Instead, I went to go shopping. 我没有去看电影,我去购物了

14、。The water here is not good, so I drink coffee instead. 这里的水不好,所以我改喝咖啡。例:1)What a nice day! We should go sightseeing watching TV in hotel. A.because of B.instead of C.together with D.out of2) Miss White doesnt like buying nice clothes. She likes collecting story books. A.instead B.either C.too4. -We

15、 have a lot of rules at my house. -So do we. 我们家也是。 So do we.是倒装句。“so + 助动词/系动词/情态动词 + 主语”倒装句型表示前者所述的情况同样适用于后者,意思是“也是如此”。注意在时态上和前面一句保持一致。如:eg: I like swimming, and so does he. 我喜欢游泳,他也喜欢游泳。 She can speak Russian. So can her sister. 她会讲俄语,她姐姐也会。拓展:当前面一句是否定句时,用“neither/nor + 助动词/系动词/情态动词 + 主语”,表示后者同前者一样,意为“也不”。如:eg:


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