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1、教师求职的英文自我介绍自我介绍的信息除了个人的自然情况以外,通常还要涉及既往所取得的成绩,今天就给大家整理的英文自我介绍,大家一起看看吧教师的英文自我介绍范文Hi, Good after noon every one :My n ame is xx-x .And I am from No.* Overseas Chin eseMiddle School of * .It is really a GREat ho nor to have this opport unity for anin terview . I would like to an swer whatever you may ra

2、ise , and I hope I can make a good performa nee today .Now let me in troduce myself briefly .I am xx-x years old . I graduated from“ * University ” in* . And then I got a higher deGREe in“ xx university ” in xx .I have worked for * years si nee I graduated from the uni versity .And I have bee n a he

3、adteacher for * years .Being a teacher is tired but excited . Having taught for so many years , I thi nk I am experie need in teachi ng field . I have ever got much honor in teachi ng , but still I think I n eed a new en vir onment to challe nge myself .I am open;minded, quickly thoughs and skillful

4、 insearchi ng for in formatio n on internet . I can operate computer well . In my spare time, I have broad interests.Such asread ing,surfi ng the in ternet ,enjoyi ngmusic ,writi ngsomearticles on my blog and even chatting with foreign friends on li ne if possible .I alwaysbelieve work ing hard can

5、bri ngus moreopportunities. To be the best one is a little bit hard. But“ Trying All My Best “ always can cheer me up .To succeed or fail is not the only thing . It’s in how we face and invaluate ourselves .This is the chanee we take , and this is what we'veworked for all our lives . Shini

6、ng like ashooti ng star at ni ght , and always smile at life .We&rsqu o;ve got to give it all . Someday whe nwe turn back for what thefootpri nt we have left , time will record the victory in our heart .So “ Try All My Best ”- this is the motto of mine .Ok !So much .Tha nk you !有关教师的英文自我介绍I was one

7、with 13 years of teach ing experie nee in physical educati on teachers, sec on dary school physical educati on in a title, came to xx sec on dary schools un til the school work in xx.In professi onal sports, I am good at basketball, volleyball and badm inton; in quality developme nt, I have particip

8、ated in Aptech ACCP professi on al lear ning, and access to Beida JadeBird and the joi nt approach the Min istry of Labor, "j unior softwareengin eer"certificates, compare savvykno wledge, focus ing on the con structi on and man ageme nt of dyn amic Web sites can be skilled in using office

9、 software and Dreamweaver, Flash and other software, have bee n alone for the xx area of Justice and the OrganizationDepartmentestablished a un it website.Past achieveme nts have cha nged with the disappeara neeof the original schools, wiped out, and I will state the begi nning of a new teachers in

10、my school work xx. In the xxdisti nctive sec on daryeducati on and teach ing un der thein flue nee of man ageme nt mode, in this warm and harm onious family, I must give fullplay to their advantages,and activelyjoin the Cottage in educatio n, to become a good teacher.在职教师英语自我介绍Good morning every one

11、First of all, please allow me to express my greatest appreciati on for you give me this opport unity for an in terview.And I hope I can make a good performa nee today I will do my best for this in terview.Myn ameis× ;& times ;& times;× ;& times; ×,25 years,graduated from the Mudanjia

12、 ng Normal College major in En glish and I have bee n got the eight professi onal certificate in En glish (test for En glish majors) and senior En glish teacher qualificati on certificate. Perhaps my situati on on this place is pretty un likely, after graduati on because of pers onal in terests I am

13、 gone to the HeilongjiangUniversitygraduate collegemajor in history.I& #39;m outgo ing and ope n-min ded. In my spare time, Ihave broad in terests. Such as readi ng, surfi ng the in ternet, liste ning to music. I like childre n very much. I th ink childre n are active, innocent and pure. With them,

14、I feel very relaxed, pleasa nt and youn ger. Therefore, I lear ned a lot from my one year work ing experie nee.To be a good teacher is my dream, I think a teacher is not only a guide for the students, but also a friend of them, if I were a teacher I would build a close relatio n with my stude nts he

15、lp ing them not only on their study but also on their lives, I will try my best and I am con fide ntthat I can be a goodteacherIf your county to give me this opport uni ty,I passed the in terview, as many teachers team member, I will continue learning, work hard to con tribute to educati on in their own stre ngth, will n ever live up to the huma n soul engin eer of this glorious title.教师求职的英文自我介绍


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