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1、1. 蒸散量(ET):指林木、林下植被和地面整体向大气输送水气的总量,包括蒸发和蒸腾两部分,农田土壤蒸发和植物蒸腾的总耗水量。Evapotranspiration (ET) is a term used to describe the sum of evaporation and plant transpiration from the Earths land surface to atmosphere 。Transpiration accounts for the movement of water with in a pla nt and the subseque nt loss of w

2、ater as vapor through stomata in its leaves.2. 径流模数run off modulus、modulus of run off :流域内单位面积单位时间产生的径流量。 The runoff gen erated in the watershed for un it time per un it area.3. 土壤干层soil dry layer :在林草植被过度耗水情况下,土壤含水量处于深层次亏缺状态,甚至有时接近凋萎湿度,这种水分亏缺经过雨季降水可得到部分补偿,得不到补偿的土层土壤湿度长期处于一种较稳定的低水平上,这一土层称为土壤干层。In th

3、e case of excessive water consumption of the vegetation, soil moisture deficit is in the deep state, and sometimes even close to the wilting humidity, this part of water can be compensated in the rai ny seas on, the soil that have not bee n compe nsated is in a stable low level for long term, the so

4、il is called soil dry layer.4. 土壤水量平衡soil water balanee:定时间内,土壤中水的运动在数量上保持着收支平衡。是指任意选择的区域(或水体),在任意时段内,其收入的水量与支出的水量之间差 额必等于该时段区域(或水体)内蓄水的变化量。The concept is used to describe the quantity of flow of water in and out of a column of soil are keep bala nee.5. 水分循环hydrologic cycle:地球上的水分在太阳辐射能和重力的作用下,以蒸发、

5、输送、凝结、降水、径流等方式不断往复循环过程。The hydrologic cycle is a conceptual model that describes the storage and movement of water betwee n the biosphere in the way of evaporati on, tran sport, conden sati on, precipitati on, runoff and so on.6. 土壤水分生态分区:综合分析某个地区的自然地带性因素与非地带性因素,把土壤水分作为主导因子,运用定量和定性相结合的方法把整个区域划分为不同类型

6、的生态分区。Comprehensive analysis of a regions natural zonal factors and non-zonal factors, taking the soil moisture as a dominant factor, using a comb in ati on of qua ntitative and qualitative approach to the whole area is divided into partiti ons of differe nt types of ecosystems.7. 土壤稳渗率soil stable i

7、n filtration rate:入渗后水流稳定时的速率,它等于或接近饱和导水率。It is equal or close to saturated hydraulic con ductivity after the steady flow of water in filtrati on.8. 水文模型 Hydrologic models :在一定目标下代替实际水文系统,并用数学语言或物理模型概化和模拟水文现象而建立的实 体结构和数学结构与逻辑结构。Hydrologic models are simplified, con ceptual represe ntati ons of a par

8、t of the hydrologic cycle.They are primarily used for hydrologic predict ion and for un dersta nding hydrologic processes.9. 土壤有效含水量 soil available water :土壤中能被植物根系吸收的水,通常为田间持水量和萎蔫含水量间的水量。That porti on of water held in soil that may be absorbed into the roots of the pla nt.10达西定律 Darcy s Law达西提出的关于水在饱和多孔介质中流量的定律。Darcys law is a phenomenologically derived constitutive equation that describes the flow of a fluid through a porous medium.


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