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1、Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball?单元检测试卷. 单项选择(10分)1. Come and playtennis with us. A. aB. anC. theD. /2. I like to watch sports gamesTV. A. onB. atC. inD. to3. (2014广西北流期末)I dont like computer games because theyre. A. boringB. funC. relaxingD. interesting4. (2014湖北武穴思源实验期中)Mike and Jacka new teacher.

2、 A. hasB. haveC. isD. are5. Letsandsoccer. A. to go; to playB. go; playC. to go; playD. go; to play6. We have many clubs. Please joinsoon. A. weB. usC. ourD. me7. Does she have a baseball? . A. Yes, she doesB. Yes, she hasC. No, she doesD. No, she isnt8. I have a new bike, my sister doesnt have one.

3、 A. butB. andC. orD. too9. We play soccerour friends after school. A. atB. withC. inD. after10. Lets play tennis. . A. Yes, I doB. No, I dontC. That sounds goodD. I have fun. 完形填空(10分)I am a girl. 1name is Alice Green. I2two good friends. Theyre Cindy and Gina. Theyre3. They4sports every day. I5a so

4、ccer ball. Cindy6three. Gina has five7, and she plays baseball every day. She8play soccer. She only watches it9TV. But Cindy and I10soccer every day. 1. A. MyB. HisC. HerD. Its2. A. amB. doC. hasD. have3. A. friendB. brothersC. parentsD. sisters4. A. playB. playsC. watchesD. has5. A. playB. playsC.

5、haveD. has6. A. playB. playsC. haveD. has7. A. baseballsB. basketballsC. soccer ballsD. tennis balls8. A. doB. dontC. doesD. doesnt9. A. inB. /C. onD. at10. A. likesB. playC. lovesD. have第卷(共60分). 词汇运用(10分)()根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。(5分)1. Do you play vevery day? No, I dont. I dont like sports. 2. I dont have

6、 a tball. 3. Lets play baseball. No. It is b. 4. I think math is very dand I dont like it. 5. Wang Jing is my c. We are in the same class. ()用所给词的适当形式填空。(5分)6. (do)she have a computer? 7. Lets play soccer. That(sound)good. 8. He(not play)sports every day. 9. She(watch)TV every day. 10. We cant find

7、our tape player. Can you help(we)? . 句型转换(15分)1. She has 3 soccer balls. (改为一般疑问句)she3 soccer balls? 2. My father plays sports every day. (改为否定句)My father sports every day. 3. Do they have a computer? (作否定回答), they. 4. She watches TV every day. (改为一般疑问句)sheTV every day? 5. My mother loves to watch T

8、V. She doesnt love to play sports. (合并句子)My mother loves to watch TV doesnt love to play sports. . 补全对话(15分)从方框内选择最佳选项完成对话。A. I dont have a ping-pong bat. B. I only watch it on TV. C. Yes. Tennis is my favorite sport. D. I have two soccer balls. E. Do you want to join(参加)it? Peter: Hello, Jane, do y

9、ou like sports? Jane: Yes, I do. Peter: Do you have a ping-pong bat? Jane: No. 1Peter: Do you have a soccer ball? Jane: Yes. 2Peter: Lets play soccer. Jane: Oh, no. 3Peter: Well, do you play tennis? Jane: 4Peter: Great! We have a tennis club(俱乐部)in our school. 5Jane: That sounds nice. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

10、 短文填空(10分)用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空, 使短文完整、通顺。Mr. Hall is 60, but he1(look)young. He has two children. One2(be)a son and the other(另一个)is a daughter. Mr. Hall3(have)12 tennis rackets, 8 baseballs, 6 basketballs, 10 soccer balls and 16 volleyballs. But he never4(play)sports. He only5(love)them. His son, Peter, 6(like)soccer. He is a member of a soccer club. He7(play)soccer every day with his friends. And his daughter, Cindy, 8(like)volleyball. But she9(not play)it. She10(watch)volleyball games on TV.


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