2020-2021学年人教版八年级英语下册Unit6 词汇句型专练

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《2020-2021学年人教版八年级英语下册Unit6 词汇句型专练》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2020-2021学年人教版八年级英语下册Unit6 词汇句型专练(30页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、人教版八年级英语下册 Unit6 词汇+句型专练I. 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词1. Two years ago my aunt got m_ and last year she had a baby.2. This T-shirt is too small;it doesnt f_ me.3. Her mother is ill and looks very w_.4. There is a lot of happiness in life if we face it with a _ (微笑).5. He _(射击)at a bird,but he missed it.6. The

2、 yellow shirt doesnt f_ me. Its too large.7. Tom and Alice got m_ three years ago and they have a lovely baby now. 8.Once u_ a time,there was a tiger in the mountain.9. The old c_ are very happy because their son will return from Canada.10. Mr. Brown looks very kind because he always s_ when he is t

3、alking to others. 11. The man is s_ but he thinks he is clever.12. If you c_ in the exam, you will be punished.13. My uncle is my aunts h_.14. She has a beautiful v_ and she sings very well.15. Its b_ of the man to jump into the river and save the girl.161. People here dont believe him any more,beca

4、use he often c_ others.17. The sun is s_ brightly. How sunny it is today!18. The next day,the guide _(带路)us through the forest quickly.19. It is _(勇敢的)of you to save the girl in the river.20.(易错题)Can you tell me the _(全部的)truth?21.Please_(提醒)me of the concert.22.How_(愚蠢的)you are!23.There are some_(猴

5、子)in the zoo.24.The baby weighed seven pounds at_(出生).25.The old man is holding a small_(棍)in his hand.26.The animal has a long_(尾巴)and short ears.27. The woman has been ill for a week. Now she looks very_(虚弱的). 28.The shirt does not_(适合)me. Its too large for me.29.The_(石头)is so heavy that I cant mo

6、ve it.30.Chen Yanxi_(嫁给)Chen Xiao on July 19, 2016.31.The_(丝绸)shirt is very comfortable and Id like to buy it.32.She spent the_(全部的)evening finishing the task.33.There is a big_(石头)in the middle of the garden.34.Who dropped the cup onto the_(地面)?35 . The room is empty. Theres nothing_ (在里面).II. 用所给单

7、词的适当形式填空1. There is a beautiful town_(call) Zhou zhuang in Jiangsu.2. My mother always reminds me _ (take) an umbrella when it rains.3.(易错题)Chinese culture is different from _(west)culture.4. Lots of children are interested in _ (read) this story.5. All the people were _ (move) by the story.6.In sum

8、mer, food_(go)bad quickly unless we put it into a fridge. 7.Please wait outside until the nurse_(call)your name.8.Some people_(not realize)the importance of their health until they lose it.9.He was so weak that he_(cannot)move the stone.10.As soon as he stepped on this island, he_(fall)in love with

9、it.11. Once upon a time there _(be)an emperor in the forest.12. They can follow the white stones _(get)back.13. They make a plan _ (climb)up the mountain this Sunday.14. Once upon a time,a king had two _(wife)and five children.15. You will be _(lose)if you walk through the forest alone.16.He_(shoot)

10、at the bird with a gun, but he failed to kill it.17 . He didnt want his brother to find his wallet. So he_(hide)it under the bed. 18.Which do you prefer, Chinese food or_(west)food?19.My brother_(born)in Nanjing in 2004.20.They got_(marry)many years ago.III.句型转换1. Lots of people think Yu Gong is kin

11、d of silly.(改为同义句)Lots of people think Yu Gong is _ _ _ silly.2.(易错题)Both of them are good at dancing.(改为完全否定句)_ _ them _ good at dancing.3. This TV show is so interesting that children all like to watch it.(改为同义句) This is _ an interesting TV show _ children all like to watch it.4. The children were

12、 so happy that they couldnt stop laughing when they heard the joke. (改为同义句)The children were _ happy _ stop laughing when they heard the joke.5. He married his classmate 2 years ago.(改为同义句)He _ _ _ his classmate 2 years ago.6. The box is too heavy for me to carry.(改为同义句)The box is _ heavy_ I cant ca

13、rry it.7. The girl got such a beautiful dress that she wore it all day.(改为同义句)The girl got_ beautiful a dress_ she wore it all day.8. She will go to the party if she is not busy.(改为同义句)She will go to the party_ she_ busy.9. He finished his homework. He handed his homework in at once.(合并为一句) He handed his homework in_ _ _ he finished it.10. Zhang Lili was so brave that she saved her students.(改为同义句)Zhang Lili was_ _ to save her students.11.How do you like the movie?_ do you_ _ the movie?12. The teacher seemed angry._ _ _ the teacher was angry.13. They got married three months ago.


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