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1、英语中考书面表达题解题思路1、 罗列要点(每个动词即为一个要点)2、 匹配动词(即用相应的英语单词对应汉语提示中的动词)3、 确定时态(不同情况用不同时态,通常用一般过去时和一般现在时,或用情态动词及一般将来时进行议论)4、 连句成文(这是最后检查整理的过程)注:一定要提前在草稿纸上列提纲或打草稿,正式答题卡上尽量不要涂改。l 常用的英语过渡词汇: 1、 表次序 A:at first/first of all, and then, next, at last B: firstly, secondly, thirdly, finally, last but not least(最后,但并不是不重

2、要)2、 表并列 and , bothand, neithernor, not onlybut also3、 表选择 or, eitheror 4、 表转折 but, although, even though, however, 5、 表对比 like(像), while6、 例如 for example, such as 7、 表强调 in fact, of course, besides, also, apart from this, in addition, furthermore, whats more, (以上几个词汇都可以表示 “此外,还有”)what is worse(更糟糕的

3、是), to ones surprise(令某人吃惊的是), 8、 表时间 when, while, after/before, as soon as , since, notuntil, after a while, after a few minutes, a few minutes later, 9、 表因果 because/so, as a result, as a result of/because of(“的结果”,后面跟短语或单词), sothat(如此以致于) 10、 表目的 in order to do, in order that+从句, so that+从句11、 表议论

4、:I think/believe(我认为/我相信), in my opinion/as far as Im concerned, (依我看来)we should do,were supposed to do(我们应该), wed better do sth.(我们最好做某事)from the bottom of my heart, (从我心底)12、 表总结: in a word(总之), above all(最重要的是),l 俗语、谚语的恰当使用会增添文章的色彩,提升作文档次:用的时候先说as the saying goes,( 俗话讲)。以下只举几个常用的、容易记的,表示积极向上的俗语:1

5、、 Failure is the mother of success.(失败是成功之母)2、 Where there is a will, there is a way.(有志者事竟成)3、 No pains, no gains.(一分耕耘,一分收获)4、 Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst. (抱最好的希望,做最坏的打算)5、 Everybody should have a dream.(每个人都应该有梦想)6、 Lost time should never found again.(失去的时光不复回)7、 Well begun, half done.(好的开始是成功的一半)8、 All roads lead to Rome.(条条大路通罗马)9、 An apple everyday, keep the doctors away.(一天一苹果,医生远离我)10、 Every coin has two sides.(一个硬币有两面,凡事都有两面。此句经常用于议论。)l 注:以上过渡词汇、俗语及三大复合句(状从、宾从、定从)一定要熟练掌握、烂熟于胸,写作文的时候不用刻意地去用,需要的时候信手拈来就OK了。 2016/5/24


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