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1、金融英语:国际收支国际收支 国际收支BalanceofPayments 国际货币基金组织InternationalMonetaryFund 国际收支平衡BalanceofPaymentsStatement 经常项目CurrentAccount. 贸易收支Goods劳务收支Service 单方面转移收支UnilateralTransfer 资本项目CapitalAccount 长期资本DirectInvestment 热钱/游资HotMoney 平衡项目(储备项目/结算项目)BalancingorSettlementAccount 官方储备OfficialReserves 自主性交易Autono

2、mousTransaction 调节性交易AccommodatingTransaction 事前交易Ex-anteTransaction 事后交易Ex-postTransaction. 国际收支顺差BalanceofPaymentsSurplus 国际收支逆差BalanceofPaymentdDeficit 贸易差额TradeBalance 经常项目差额TheCurrentAccountBalance金融英语:工行牡丹卡(对话三) 5A:What benefits do the Peony Card have for corporate cardholder?B:Agency receipt

3、and payment saves the time of shopping and banking for staffs.A:Any other benefits?B:Business trip allowances,medical expenses and other internal payments can all be completed through mutual transfer between the employees and enterprises Peony Card accounts.A:Its really a coagent in enterprises fina

4、nce.B:Moreover,it helps the corporate with instant settlement in or beyond the city,increasing the service efficiency of funds.A:What special services they are!B:Our aim is to satisfy every customers needs.A:领用牡丹卡对单位有什么好处呢?B:代理收付节约购物时间和跑银行的时间。A:还有什么其它好处呢?B:将差旅费和医疗费用报销及其它内部缴纳工作,全部通过牡丹卡完成员工卡账户与 企业 卡账户

5、间的相互转账。A:它真是企业财务的好帮手。B:此外,它帮助单位在同城或异地实现即时清算,提高资金使用效率。A:真是专业化服务啊!B:我们的服务宗旨就是满足每一位客户的需要。6A:Hello!I want to have a Peony Credit Card of your bank.B:Which do you prefer, a gold card or an ordinary card?A:Why!Hows that?B:Well.According to the credit grade, the Peony Credit Card is distinguished as gold a

6、nd ordinary cards.A:What special discount and service can people get for gold one?B:You can get credit limit amounts ranging from 20,000 to 50,000 yuan for a gold card,but only up to 20,000 yuan for an ordinary one.A:What requirements do you need to get a gold one?B:You may apply for a personal gold

7、 card if you have a salary of more than 2,000 yuan per month as in the same conditions as other applicants.A:Oh.I will have a gold card.A:您好!我想办一张贵行的牡丹信用卡。B:您喜欢办金卡,还是普通卡呢?A:啊!这是怎么回事呢?B:噢。按信用程度,牡丹信用卡分为金卡和普通卡。A:金卡能得到什么优惠和特殊服务呢?B:您可以获得20,000元至50,000元的信用额度,而普通卡最多只有20,000元。A:办金卡有什么规定吗?B:在其他方面和别人条件一样的情况下,

8、如果您月收入达到2,000元以上,就可以申领金卡。A:那我办一张金卡。金融英语:工商银行牡丹卡(对话)1 A:Excuse me,is this the Peony Credit Card Department of the ICBC?B:Yes.Is there anything I could do for you?A:Could you tell me something about your Peony Credit Card? B:Yes,of course.A:What service advantages does peony card possess?B:Oh.First of

9、 all, We have interconnected our service offices throughout the country. In more than 320 card-issuing cities,there are over 28,000 savings offices and 100,000 special units.A:Thats great.Anything else?B:We have the advantages of computer network with 27,000 ATMs and 120,000 POS. You can enjoy pleas

10、ant and convenient services anytime and anywhere.A:Thank you for your information.B:Youre welcome.A:请问这儿是工商银行牡丹卡部吗?B:是。需要我为您做点儿什么吗?A:我想咨询牡丹卡业务,可以吗?B:当然可以。A:牡丹卡有哪些服务优势呢?B:噢。首先,我们在国内实现了服务机构 网络 化。在现有320多个发卡城市中,共有28,000多个指定储蓄所,特约单位100,000多家。A:太棒了!还有哪些优势呢?B:我行拥有计算机网络优势,现有ATM机近27,000多台,POS机120,000余台。您可以随时

11、随地享受到轻松方便的服务。A:谢谢您的咨询。B:不用谢。2A:Why are MasterCard symbols on the faces of Peony Card?B:Ah.Thats because the ICBC has joined in the MasterCard International Organization in Feb.1990.And MasterCard is the symbol of the organization.A:Does it do anything with the Peony Card?B:Well,according to the regu

12、lations of the Internatioal Credit Card Organization, every member bank must design the symbol of the organization on the face of the credit card. Therefore,there are MasterCard symbols on the faces of the peony cards.A:Ah.I think its the same with the VISA symbol.B:Quite so.A:为什么牡丹卡卡面上带有MasterCard图

13、案?B:因为中国工商银行己于1990年2月加入了万事达卡国际组织,成为其会员银行。MasterCard是该组织的标志。A:这与牡丹卡有什么关系吗?B:嗯,根据国际信用卡组织的规定,每个会员银行发行的信用卡面上必须带有该组织的标志,因此,牡丹卡面上带有MasterCard标志。A:喔,看来VISA图案也是如此。B:正是这样。金融英语:保险类翻译词汇 commencementandtermination起讫 cover承保 cover责任额 depositpremium预付保费 destroyed毁坏 earthcaves土坏房屋 eventlimit事件限额 exgratiapayments通融

14、赔款 excessloss超额赔款 exclusion除外责任 exposedareas风险承受区域 facultativereinsurance临时分保 faultzone断层区 finiterisk有限制的风险 flashfloods骤发洪水 floodingofrivers洪水泛滥 framestructure框架结构 fullcoverage全额承保 fullinsurancevalue足额保险价值 fullliability全部责任 GeophysicsInstitute地球物理研究所 GNPI总净保费收入 hailstorm雹暴 heavydamage严重破坏 hollowbrickwall空斗砖结构 hourclause小时条款 hurricane飓风 individuallosses单一损失 insurability可保性 insuredlosses保险损失 intensity烈度 layering层次 lessexposed损失可能性小 liability责任 lightdamage轻度破坏 lineslips分保条 loading附加费 l



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