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1、2013年安庆市中考英语复习教学研讨会日程表日期时间会 议 内 容主讲人单 位26日上午8:00-12:00报 到26日下午2:30至5:30听说读写综合发展才是王道张 莉安庆外国语中考英语复习策略之一、二陈宜宜安庆四中中考英语复习教学策略李学红潜山潘铺中学稳扎稳打,步步为营康伯虎怀宁小市中学总结经验打造升级版的总复习教学殷争浪宿松实验中学中考英语词汇有效复习策略王仲利岳西古坊初中 “五个一”的中考英语复习方法吴小阳宿松曹湖初中有效讲评试卷,提高复习效果叶 婷桐城实验中学27日上午8:30至11:30听力测试题型分析及复习应考策略吴守刚太湖玉珠中学中考阅读理解应试策略姜高胜太湖晋熙中学如何提高

2、初中书面表达能力丁晓红怀宁腊树中学中考前三步法高效训练英语书面表达张燕玲太湖晋熙中学中考英语复习征稿综述陈 玉安庆四中2013年中考英语考纲修订说明与解读孙淑珍桐城教研室安庆市2013年中考一模试题分析程国清宜秀白泽中学复习建议谢余良安庆市教研室注意: 1、就餐时间: 早餐 7:30 中餐 12:00 晚餐 6:00 2、就餐地点: 安庆宾馆福寿楼三楼3、会议地点: 安庆宾馆福寿楼四楼会议室新课程标准 功能意念项目表(九年级补充教材)古坊中心学校 外语教研组整理1 社会交往(1) 问候A Hi/ Hello/ Good morning/ afternoon/ evening/. How are

3、 you? How are you doing? Please say hello to your parents. Please give my love/best wishes to Lucy.B. Hi/ Hello Good morning/ afternoon/ evening. Im OK./ Fine, thanks, and you?/very well, thank you. Just so so Sure. All right.(2) 介绍AMy name is Jim. Im a student. Im from England.This is Mr./Mrs./Miss

4、/Ms Brown. Id like you to meet Bob. May I introduce Prefessor Jeff Brown?B. Hello! How do you do ? Nice /Glad/Pleased to meet (see) you.(3) 告别 A. Good-bye/ Bye/ Bye-bye. Good night. See you later/then/tomorrow/soon. Im sorry I have to go now.I am afraid I must be leaving now.B. Good-bye/ Bye/ Bye-by

5、e. See you. Good night. See you later/ then/ tomorrow/ soon.(4)感谢A Thank you. Thanks a lot. Thank you for your help. Its very nice/kind of you.I appreciate your help.B. Its a pleasure. Thats OK/all right. You are welcome. Dnot mention it.(5) 道歉A Sorry. Im sorry. Excuse me, please. I beg your pardon.

6、 Im sorry for losing your book. Im sorry to interrupt you. Im sorry (that) I m late.B. Thats OK. Its all right. Never mind. It doesnt matter. Its nothing.Forget it.(6) 邀请A. Would you like to go for a walk? You must come to dinner with us. May I invite you to dinner? What/How about having a swim?B. O

7、K. Thank you . Id like that, thanks. Yes, Id love to. That would be very nice. No, thank you. It s very nice of you, but my mother is ill. Id love to , but Im afraid I have no time. Im sorry I cant. What about another time? (7) 请求允许A May I come in? Can /Could I use your telephone? Would /Do you mind

8、 if I open the window?Is it all right if I sit here?I wonder if I could smoke here. B. Yes, please . Sure. Certainly. Thats all right. Of course ,you can. Im sorry, its not allowed. Im afraid not. Youd better not.Please do.Go ahead,please.Its not allowed.Im sorry, but you can smoke in the next room.

9、(8) 祝愿和祝贺 A Have a good day/time! Have a good journey/trip! Good luck! Enjoy yourself!Best wishes to you. Happy New Year! Merry Christmas! Happy birthday! Congratulations! Well done!Wish you all the success!B. Thank you. You ,too. The same to you. (9) 提供帮助A Do you want me to clean the room? Can I he

10、lp you? Would you like me to help you? What can I do for you? Let me take your bags.B. Yes, please. Yes ,thanks. Thank you, that would be fine/nice. Thank you for your help. No, thanks/thank you. Thank you all the same. Thats very kind of you, but I can manage it myself.(10) 约会A Will you be free tom

11、orrow? Do you have time this afternoon?How about tomorrow morning? When/Where shall we meet? Could we meet at 4:30? Lets make it 4:30.What time is convenient for you?Id like to make an appointment with Mr.Jones.B. Yes, Ill be free then. All right. See you then. Im afraid I have no time then. Sorry,

12、I wont be free then. But Ill be free tomorrow.(11) 打电话 A Hello! May I speak to Tom? Hello! Id like to speak to Mr.Green.Is that Liu Ying speaking? Extension six two two six, please.Can I leave a message? Ill call back later/again. Ill ring him /her up again.B. Hello!This is Marry speaking. Hello, wh

13、o is this?Hold the line ,please.Just a moment, please. Hello, Who is speaking?Sorry, He /She isnt here right now. Can I take a message? Sorry, I cant hear you. The line is bad / busy.I couldnt get through. Sorry, Im afraid you have the wrong number. (12) 就餐 A Would you like something to eat / drink? What would you like (to have)?Would you like some more fish? Help yourself to some fish. Which do you prefer, rice or noodles?What would you like to dri



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