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1、电子支付发展现状及其应用中的法律问题研究目录目录摘 要IVABSTRACTV第一章 绪 论11.1 概述11.1.1 概念定义11.1.2 研究背景41.2 本课题研究的意义51.3 本课题研究的主要工作及创新之处61.4 本章小结6第二章 国内外电子支付发展现状72.1 电子支付系统分类72.1.1大额支付系统72.1.2脱机小额支付系统(亦称批量电子支付系统)72.1.3联机小额支付系统72.1.4电子货币72.2 电子货币的种类及应用82.2.1 电子银行卡82.2.2 电子现金92.2.3 电子钱包102.2.4 电子支票112.2.5 移动支付112.3电子支付的基本模式122.4

2、电子支付的发展阶段132.5国内外电子支付的发展现状132.5.1 国内外电子商务的发展现状分析132.5.2 国内外电子支付应用历史及现状分析162.6 目前电子支付存在的主要问题182.6.1 安全问题192.6.2 观念认识问题222.6.3 信用问题222.6.4标准化问题222.6.5 法律问题232.7 本章小结23第三章 目前电子支付应用中的法律问题研究243.1电子资金划拨法律关系研究243.1.1电子资金划拨概述243.1.2小额电子资金划拨法律关系243.1.3大额电子资金划拨法律关系253.2电子货币的法律问题研究273.2.1电子货币的发行主体问题273.2.2电子货币

3、的法律效力问题283.2.3电子货币的安全性问题283.2.4电子货币的流通性问题293.2.5消费者权益保护问题293.2.6电子货币的监管问题293.3 电子支付中存在的法律问题研究293.3.1电子支付的安全问题293.3.2电子支付规范标准不统一问题303.3.3各方权利义务不明确、法律责任不清问题303.3.4 电子支付的监管问题303.3.5 对电子支付违法活动的防止与惩治303.3.5.1与电子支付有关的洗钱303.3.5.2违法交易的法律责任分担问题313.3.5.3黑客攻击网络的安全问题313.4 电子支付平台的法律地位问题313.5 本章小结32第四章 解决电子支付应用中法

4、律问题的思路及对策334.1政府牵头、统一规划334.2银行同业要尽快统一电子支付体系与规范334.3加强立法研究工作,填补电子支付法律体系中的空白334.3.1加强信息安全法律规范334.3.2确立网络支付平台的法律地位354.3.3电子货币的法律地位的法律调整354.3.4明确电子支付中各方法律责任的划分及承担384.3.5确定电子支付中的举证责任的承担方式394.3.6调整电子支付中的电子证据的法律地位404.4 本章小结42第五章 我国电子支付立法的现状与展望435.1 国内外电子支付立法的现状435.2 我国电子支付立法的展望455.3 本章小结47结论与建议48结论48建议48参考

5、文献49致 谢5049摘 要当今世界电子网络、通信和信息技术快速发展,Internet在全球迅速普及,传统的商业形式不再很好的适应时代的发展,电子商务应运而生。随着网络时代电子商务的崛起,货币支付手段与方式发生了创新性变革。电子货币电子支付方式的出现,便是这种变革的典型表现。目前,在电子商务发展的进程中,电子支付仍然是困扰电子商务发展的主要原因之一。本文首先介绍了与电子商务及电子支付相关的概念定义,电子支付的主要工具及其应用,简单地说明了电子支付的发展阶段及其模式以及目前国内外电子支付发展现状及电子支付行业存在的主要问题,认为安全问题、观念认识问题、信用问题、标准化问题以及法律问题是目前电子支



8、的思路及对策,而且对于今后这方面立法的趋势作了分析,可望对电子支付立法提供一定的参考作用。关键词:电子支付;现状;法律问题ABSTRACTIn todays world, together with the rapid development of communication,electronic networks and information technology, the Internet rapidly grow popularity in the global world. Traditional business forms are no longer good adapting

9、to the development of era, so e-commerce emerged. With the rise of e-commerce of the Internet era, the payment ways and means innovatively changes. Electronic currency - electronic payment methods, is a typical example of such changes. At present, in the development process of e-commerce, e-business

10、 payments continues to haunt one of the main reasons.In this paper, firstly, the concept and definition of the related e-commerce, electronic payments and the main tool and application of electronic payments are introduced. The electronic payment development stage and mode, as well as the current St

11、atus and main problems of the domestic electronic payment are explained. The security problem, the Concepts problem, the credit problem, the standardization problem of and the legal issues is the main obstacle of electronic payment.Then, six aspects of the legal issues of electronic money, including

12、 the issuance agencies problem, the security problem, the legal validity problem , electronic currency circulation problem, consumer right protection problem, the monitoring problem are Analyzed. Meanwhile the main legal issues of electronic payment application are discussed, including the security

13、problem, the unified standards problem, the unclear rights and obligations problem, the unclear legal responsibility problem. The monitoring problem, prevention and punishment of illegal activities in the electronic payments, etc on.The focus of the study is giving the ideas and countermeasures to s

14、olve the legal issues of electronic payments legal Problems and Submitting the vision of our future electronic payment legislation in this paper. This study supports the view that the government supports, banks corresponding laws norms and settlement system are the foundation to solve the electronic

15、 Payment legal issues; Then by analyzing strengthening information security laws and regulations, establishing the legal status of Internet payment platform, adjusting the legal status of electronic money, clearing law responsibility and its bear forms, determining the bearing forms of proof in electronic payment methods, clearing the legal status of electronic evidence showed that the seven factors is the strategies and ideas to solve the problem of electronic payment. Meanw


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