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1、听力专项训练听力技巧训练本部分训练共分三组,每组个小对话。排除干扰Group One下面的这些小对话的录音中都有两个或两个以上的信息点。其中只有一个信息点是对我们有用的,其它信息点是对我们的干扰项。在听的过程中,我们只有集中注意力、动手做笔记,才能排除干扰,做出正确的判断。1. W: Shall we go to Shanghai by train?M: No, lets go by plane instead.2. M: Whats the weather like in Tianjin?W: Its cold in winter and hot in summer. Its also qu

2、ite windy in spring.3. W: The meeting will begin at 9: 30. Dont worry.M: I see. There is a quarter to go.4. W: What are you looking at? Photos?M: Not photos, stamps. They are very interesting.5. W: Where does Miss Williams come from?M: She comes from France but speaks very good English.6. W: How did

3、 you get here?M: I came here by bus. Theres something wrong with my car.7. W: What are you doing? Are you reading a novel?M: No. Im reading a book on math.8. M: May I go out for a walk with Tina, mum?W: Im afraid you have to finish your homework first.Group Two下面的这些小对话的录音中都有两个或两个以上的信息点。其中只有一个信息点是对我们

4、有用的,其它信息点是对我们的干扰项。在听的过程中,我们只有集中注意力、动手做笔记,才能排除干扰,做出正确的判断。1. W: Jack, dont do your math homework in English class!M: Sorry. Ill do it after class.2. W: Is that a card in your hand?M: No. Its an old photo of my family.3. W: Hi, Jim! Can you come and play football?M: Id love to. But I have to do some sh

5、opping before my mum is back.4. W: I like basketball most. What is your favorite sport?M: Football. But I also play basketball a lot.5. M: You didnt put your ticket in the bag. What about your inside pocket?W: Aha. Here it is. Thank you.6. W: Where does Miss Allen come from?M: She comes from France,

6、 but her English is very good.7. W: How do you usually go to school?M: I mostly ride my bike to school, but when its raining, I take a bus.8. W: I thought you had planned to practice the piano today.M: I didnt do anything all day but write to my friends.Group Three下面的这些小对话的录音中都有两个或两个以上的信息点。其中只有一个信息点

7、是对我们有用的,其它信息点是对我们的干扰项。在听的过程中,我们只有集中注意力、动手做笔记,才能排除干扰,做出正确的判断。1. W: I think that math is not as interesting as English. What about you, Jim?M: I dont agree with you. I prefer math.2. W: Lets go to play games, Peter!M: Id like to. But I have to finish my homework.3. M: When shall we leave for the meeti

8、ng, at two or three?W: Er, how about half past two?4. M: Where are you from, Betty?W: I was born in Canada. I studied in England, but now my husband and I live in America.5. W: How can I get to the supermarket from here?M: You can go by bus or taxi, but its not far. Id like to walk there.6. W: Excus

9、e me, are you American or British?M: Neither. Im Australian.7. M: What did the boys do last Friday?W: They planted trees behind the lab building.8. W: What do you often have for breakfast?M: I dont eat much. I usually have an egg, some milk and an apple.数字听力下面的这些小对话的录音中都有两个或两个以上的 数字信息点并多以“when, what

10、 time, how long, how soon, how much / many”等提出问题,要求我们对数字进行简单的计算。在听的过程中,我们只有集中注意力、动手做笔记,才能排除干扰,做出正确的判断。1. W: What time will the meeting begin?M: At 9 oclock. And now it is a quarter to nine.2. W: You were late for the meeting, werent you?M: Yes. I got to the meeting room at 8: 20. I was twenty minute

11、s late.3. W: Id like to buy these two books. Are they five yuan each?M: This one is five, but that one is only four.4. W: Why not leave for the film now? Its 7: 40.M: Dont worry. We still have fifteen minutes. I can take you there on my motor bike.5. M: How long have you been waiting, Mary?W: I got

12、here at 6: 30, but its 7: 15 now!6. M: What time did you leave the factory yesterday?W: I left the factory at about a quarter to six and I got home at five past six.7. W: How many people will be there?M: Seven if Tom and Mary come.8. M: Have you finished your homework yet? Its already eight.W: Not y

13、et, dad. I started it at 6: 30.9. W: There are only five minutes left. Lets hurry up!M: Oh, I didnt know the meeting begins at half past eight.10. M: The flight for Tokyo left 15 minutes ago, didnt it?W: Thats right. Its now 2: 05 p.m.11. W: Ladies and gentlemen! The plane to Paris will leave in 15

14、minutes.M: Lets hurry. Its 8: 20 now.12. W: Its eight oclock now. Ive stood here for fifteen minutes.M: Sorry, Ill be there in ten minutes.第一节听下面的8段短对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从每小题A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。听完每段对话后,你有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话只读一遍。1. W: How do you usually go to school?M: I mostly ride my bike to school,

15、 but when its raining, I take a bus.2. M: Who is the man over there?W: You mean the tall one in red? He is our new P.E teacher, Mr. Yang.3. W: Look, he scored another goal.M: Yes, it was a wonderful shot.4. W: Why did you go that? Its too warm in here.M: I just thought it was too noisy outside.5. W: When are you flying, Sam?M: Im flying home on Sunday afternoon.6. M: Good morning! Whats the matter with you?W: Im feeling terrible. My head really hurts.7. M: Will you go to Hawaii for vacation, Joan?W: Yes, I like places where the weather is a



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