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1、五年级英语上册第二单元练习卷一、 选择(每题分,共1分)( ) Whats _maer? A a B a C the D/( )eant to _it . we Bwars C ag D wore( )3 Your re T-shirt ae _he ine A on Bi Ct D f( ) 4 I washed tem _y. A fr B on C n Dat() Did u _LiglingsTshir? A wa B washes C wshi wshe( ) It isnt _ A you you yours( ) Sam _ to wearmy -hirt. A wns wn C

2、 wanted( ) 8 _ -shirt is hi ? A Who B Whse C Whats( ) 9 Is it adyscoat ?Yes, t is _ A e B she Cers( ) 10 Dd o wash Linlings T-hit? No, I_. Ad B din C dn 二、 改错(每题2分,共分) .It ist yurItsmne 2 .Whatstter ?3. Sam toomi T-hirt. .She ddnt wearsi. 5 Hwa toar i.三、填空(一)人称代词(每空1分,共2分)主格宾格汉语我你她她它我们你们她(她、它)们(二)物主

3、代词形容词性名词性汉语我的你的她的她的它的我们的你们的她(她、它)们的四、用代词的合适形式填空(每空1分,共7分)1 hisbok is _ (y ). _( e) can playfootbll.3 _( she ) shirt is whie. 4 s this t_(yr) ? N,_( ) i ver thre.5_( e ) ae classmate _( we)glshteai Mr Ge五、连词成句(每题3分,共15分)1、 the wha i mter _、 T-shir am y too _ . 、it he wats we to _、 I for wasd you te _

4、 .5 、shit inlgs did wash yu _ ?六、翻译(每题3分,共15分)1 ontage ! 2 int his .ts min. 3LiglingsT-shir iclean. 4 hdidntwear i. 5 wash them fo yo. 七、按规定完毕句子(每题2分,共10分) Its is T-srt(变为同义句) The T-shirt _ _ 2I wased y Tshit(变为一般疑问句)_ _ s your T-sht?Iisnt ou T-hir.(变为同义句) _ _ Sa tok yor T-sir(变为否认句)Sm _ _orT-sir5 I

5、 isnt e shirIsmin(变为同义句)isn_.Its _ shle 4 Uni 2 同步练习(五年级)一、 选择(每题1分,共0分)( ) 1 _bag is thi ? I Dmngs.A o B Wha CWose ( ) Is this _T-hir ? ASam BSams C ams( ) 3 Is it Linglnsba ? Yes, its _ A he er C hers( ) 4 Th red cot is _ , nt_Ahe , hishrs ,his C my, her( ) 5 _y crs re those ? Theyre_. Who, yours

6、Bos , yours C ow many , min( ) 6 Tis is yht.Tht hat is _. you you Cyrs( ) 7 Tsig coais _That is yours. m Bine Cyours( ) 8 i T-shirisnothis. _T-shirisrd A My Her His( ) Thii e ki. hat ir is_,to. er B his ers( )10Lok! Her name: m. This rd Tshirt i _ A am ams C Sams二、 改错(每题分,共0分)1 I his Jimmysswet? _ W

7、hohatisths? _3Th srt is ers _ 4 T pencilismies_Te troers are in eline. _三、按规定完毕句子(每题4分,共4分)1 This isSm T-shrt.(变为一般疑问句)_ _Sams T-rt?2 This Damingsbag.(对划线部分提问)_ bag is _ ? Thi ba hers.(变为同义句)s _ _bag4 That at s is .(变为同义句)Tha _ _ hat5 Isthi ingins a ?(做否认回答), _ _. The blue cu is his .(变为否认句)_7 Lucy wea utifu kir(变为一般疑问句)_ sweaer is clean.(对划线部分提问)_9 ewet to thesparket.(变为否认句)_10 tste mter?(变为同义句)_四、选择合适的音标(每题2分,共0分) ei a i au cak plane ay ply boy point oy i rope boa


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