教学设计 (17)

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1、Module 6 An invitation to the cinemaUnit2 Lets go to the cinema on Friday?Teaching aims :语言知识目标:语法;1.用在时间前的介词in. 地点前的介词at.2.Where is -? Its at/in-.When is-? Its in/on-.语音:/s/ /z/能够正确朗读和听辩/s/ /z/.词汇:show ,garden, day, place, price, theatre, swimming.Studying aims :1.To get the necessary information f

2、rom the reading material 2.To get a brief idea of entertainment adverts3.to get to know the format of an email 知识目标:生词及where when开头的特殊疑问句及答语Its in/on/at-能力目标:能发出邀请和提出建议,并能用where /when 句型,训练学生听说能力,进行大量的语言实践。情感目标:在用英语交流中要礼貌,尊重对方。 为达成目标采用的教法与学法:在本单元的教学过程中,我运用了“任务型”教学方法,这是一种以学生为主体,活动为重点的教学方法。我主要采取了从Read

3、ing by themselves ,Work in groups ,Pair work分角色阅读和Writing等形式来练习,以讨论的形式来纠正听力答案和1,2两部分。学生以分角色阅读,到教室前面表演对话,调查探究学习,小组合作学习的方法,激发了学生的热情,提高了学习的兴趣,使学生真正成为课本的主体,提高了课堂效率。Teaching steps一、warming-upTeachers Activity :1.在黑板上写上单词:cinema ,stadium, football match, morning , evening, afternoon, Monday, Saturday等,让学生

4、同桌复习第一单元所学句型:Would you like to go to -? Lets go in/on -2.把单词 show ,garden, day, place, price, theatre.写在黑板上,让学生看他们是否会读这些词,是否知道词义。3.如有疑惑,教师点拨。Students Activity:1.同桌用黑板上的单词就第一单元学的句型进行对话问答练习。2.自己读黑板上的单词,后四人一组讨论一下是否会读知道意思了。二、In putTeachers Activity :1.Ask Ss to open the book at page 38 and look and read

5、 the adverts THIS WEEK .Then complete Activity 1 and 2.2.Let Ss check the answers in groups.3.答案如有疑惑,教师点拨。让学生四人小组讨论后总结出Activity 2中出现的句型:Where is the football match /the Taijiquan class ? Its at -. 和When is the - ? Its in the afternoon -/on Friday -.Students Activity:1.Ss read the adverts complete ac

6、tivity 1 and 2.2.Check the answers in groups of four students.3.小组讨论,然后进行总结。如不全面其他小组作补充。三、PracticeTeachers Activity1.Ask Ss to work in pair .Ask and answer questions about the adverts (Activity 3) .Using When/where is -? Its in/on/at- .2.Get Ss to work in pairs . Ask and say when and where things ar

7、e (Activity 4) . Then let them work in groups of four .Students Activity:1.Ask and answer in pairs . -Where is - ? Its at -. When is -? Its in /on -.2.Ask and say when and where things are in pairs. Then in groups .四、Out putTeachers Activity:1.Let Ss read the email and fill in the blanks with these

8、phrases by themselves (activity 5).Then get them check the answers in groups of four .Ask Ss read the email again .然后让学生说出电子邮件的格式,教师给予补充。让学生学会用电子邮件写邀请函。2.Ask Ss to write their own email invitation (Activity 6).Then read it in groups.(提醒学生注意电子邮件的格式)Students Activity:1.Read the email and fill in the b

9、lanks by themselves .Then check the answers in groups .再读一遍电子邮件,后说出电子邮件的格式。2.了解电子邮件的格式后,写出自己的电子邮件邀请涵,然后在小组内交流,评出最好的。五、Summing-upTeachers Activity: 1.让学生口头或在黑板上总结一下本单元所学的知识,其他同学或教师作补充.(when /where 引导的特殊疑问句及回答,介词in on at 的用法,及电子邮件的书写格式。)Students Activity:1.总结出本单元所学到的知识。六、Feedback (见达标题)七、Homework1.Do Activity 3 and 4 in Unit 32.Do Exercise 8 and 13 .Teaching Reflection:本节课Module 6 Unit 2是一节读写课,目标是能读懂简单的广告类文体,并从中获得重要信息和学习电子邮件的写作方式;掌握时间地点的表达方式。在教学过程中,让学生自己理解语言点和语法,不足的地方,小组互助或者教师进行补充。目的是培养学生的自学能力和小组互助意识。


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