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1、听力原文及答案第一节 直摄型对话1. W:What do you plan to do on vacation?M:This yeas Im just going to be lazy at home. Ill probably do some gardening,watch TV,and work on my stamp collection.Q:Where is the man going to spend his vacation? D2. M:How do the Jones like their new apartment?W:Its very comfortable, but th

2、ey miss the beautiful garden in their old house.Q:How do the Jones feel about their new apartment? C3. M:Jeff has not been on good terms with his sister for the last few years, but I hear he visited her on his trip to California recently.W:Yes, he hadnt planned to call on her, but he changed his min

3、d at the last minute.Q:What do we learn from the conversation? C4. M:Would you like to go and see the match in the stadium with me tonight?W:Id love to, but Im going to the lecture. Thank you for asking me,anyway.Q:Where is the woman going tonight? B 5. W:How do I get to the hospital?M:When you leav

4、e the station,turn left. Walk to the corner and turn right on Main Street. The hospital in on Main Street on your left. You cant miss it.Q:Where is the hospital? C6. W:I certainly hope the library will be open this Saturday.M:The sign says library hours:Weekdays 8 a.m. And on Saturdays 9 to5,closed

5、Sunday.Q:When will the library be open on Sunday? C7. W:Ill go to change my clothes as soon as I finish typing this essay.M:Okay, Jane.Then well take my car and go out for a meal.Q:What is Jane going to do when she finishes typing the essay? C8. M:Does this bus go to the housing office?W:No, but the

6、 nest one does, Just wait for a few minutes.Q:What does the woman suggest? A9. M:What do you find difficulet about language learning, grammar, vocabulary or pronunciation?W:Well, I find it difficult to learn pronunciation. CQ:What does the woman find difficult?10. M:It looks like rain.Here, take my

7、umbrella.W:Thanks anyway, but I have a raincoat in my car.Q:Why doesnt the woman take the umbrella? D第二节 解释型对话1-5:DBBBC 6-10:BAADA 11-15:CBCBD 16-20:CCDAA 21-25:BBBCD 26-30:DDDBA1. M:Im thinking of eating out tonight.Care for a bite?W:If you wont mind waiting while I grab my wallet.Q:What will the w

8、oman probably do? 2. W:You didnt have too much trouble doing that experiment,did you?M:It only took me most of the day.Q:What does the man mean? 3. W:There is a new chef at the restaurant in the shopping mallM:It remains to be seen whether the new one is any better than the old one.Q:What does the m

9、an mean? 4. W:We are going swimming tomorrow. Would you like to join us?M:Im afraid I cant .Recently whenever I get into the pool my right leg achesQ:Why cant the man go swimming? 5. W:I went to a concert last night .They played beautifully. Do you like classical music?M:I like classical music ,but

10、not as much as jazz.Q:What did the man say about classical music?6. W:I have to go to class because I have a test, but if I could,Id go with you to the movie.M:Thats too bad .I wish that you could come along.Q:Where is the man going?7. W:You usually dine at this caf ,dont you?How is the food here?M:

11、Its usually good but last night it was awful.Q:How is the food at the cafteria?8. M:Has Cecilia been working hard on the term paper?W:Day in and day out !Q:What does the woman say about Cecillia?9.W:I heard Peter has been to an interview today.How did it go?M:Oh,if he had just relaxed,he would have

12、done fine.Q:What can we learn about Peter?10.M:Im terribly sorry Imlate ,dear.Ihad a meeting at the office.W:Thats OK. I arrived here only a moment ago because my car broke down and Iwalked all the way down her Q:Why did the man arrive late ?11.W:Mike is the best singer on the campus.M:You said it.Q

13、:What does the man mean?12.W:What shall we do this weekend,go to the beach , go to the mountains ,or stay home?M:I dont think I can bandle the crowds and the driving .Lets stay here and relax.Q:Why isnt the man willing to go out?13.M:Lets have a festival at the beginning of the school year to raise

14、some money for the club.W:Good.That will gei the ball rolling.Q:What does the woman mean?14.W:Did you turn off the lights and check on all the doors and windows?M:Yes,and I told the neighbors wed be gone for two weeks . Theyll keep an eye on the house for us.Q:Where are the man and woman going?15.M:

15、Most people agree that Lily looks exactly like her aunt Rose.W:Dont you think she takes more after her father?Q:What does the woman mean?16.W:The play should have begun ten minutes ago.Whats holding things up?M:The main actor is caught in a traffic jam.Q:What do we learn from the conversation?17.W:Bill,can you tell me Marys phone number?M:Well,its just at the tip of my tongue,but I ha


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