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1、启东市小学英语备课专用纸 年级 五 第 四 单元 课题 Halloween 第 1 教时教学目标: 1.能正确理解、掌握会话内容,并能熟练朗读、表演会话。2.能听得懂、会说、会读日常交际用语 What do you need? We need some. What else do you need? ., please. Heres your change.3.能有表情的朗读歌谣Halloween。教学重难点:1.单词Halloween和词组pumpkin lantern的发音。2.初步了解掌握句型:What do you like? I like . Do you like ? Yes, I

2、 do. / No, I dont.3.万圣节前夕的背景知识。课前准备:ppt 图片教学过程: Step 1. Preparation1. Free talkT: Hello, Boys and girls. Nice to meet you. Are you happy, today?S: T: What date is it today?S: October.T: Yes, now is October. In October there are lots of festivals. Today we are going to learn a new one. We call it “Ha

3、lloween”.万圣节前夕(教师板书课题并教授)T: Now please read after me.(请同学们来读一读,大家要注意口型)T: Good. Now do you know the origin(来源)about Halloween? Lets listen to a story: About Halloween.2. A story在西方国家,每年的十月三十一日有个Halloween万圣节,即传说中的鬼节。节日的那天,许多公共场所乃至居家院落, 都会布置上诸如鬼怪呀、南瓜灯呀还有黑猫以及巫婆的扫帚之类,以祭祀鬼神。南瓜面具是万圣节必不可少的。届时孩子们穿上每年不一样的万圣节

4、服装,戴上各种鬼怪面具或装扮成各式各样的人物、动物,手里拎着南瓜灯去挨家挨户地讨糖,嘴里大声叫着“trick or treat”(不招待就捣乱),邻居们就会让孩子们拿着糖果高兴地离开。 万圣节流传到今天已经完全没有了宗教迷信色彩,它成了一个孩子们的节日,也是年轻人化装舞会的节日。有很多人将此看作秋的结束以及冬的到来。万圣节一过,人们就开始期盼感恩节、圣诞节乃至新年了。T: Halloween is on Oct. 31st. People usually have Halloween parties on that day. For the party, people need many th

5、ings. Now, if we have a Halloween party What do we need? Can you guess? (我们需要一些什么呢?)T: At Halloween, what do we need?S1: We need some flowers.S2: We need some sweets. S3: S4: T: Good. Now we know we need some flowers and some sweets. what else do we need?Here, “else” is a new word. It means “别的,其他的”

6、. Now, please read after me. (板书并让学生跟读)T: Let me tell you. We need some pumpkin lanterns, and masks. Now, please read these two new words after me. (本步骤设计说明:本节课涉及的内容很多。除了生词和新句型外,还万圣节前夕的文化背景知识。所有这些都会在课文学习的过程中给学生带来很大的困难。教师通过这种对话式的教学方法,不仅为学生提供了一种轻松,真实的英语学习环境,并且还可以渗透和帮助学生理解本课新知识,减轻后面课文学习的难度。)Step2. Pres

7、entation & practice1. T: Well done, boys and girls. Now we know that at Halloween people need pumpkin lanterns and masks for the Halloween party too. Today, our friend Ben and his family are going to have a Halloween party. Lets go and have a look.(出示课文图片和前言)T: 好,同学们,现在请你们看一看课文图片来回答几个问题。The first qu

8、estion, what is the date in the picture?S: Its October the 30th.T: Yes, its October the 30th. Tomorrow is October the 31st. Its Halloween. Do you know what tomorrow means?(板书)T: Yes, it means 明天。Now please read after me.2. T: Good. Tomorrow is Halloween. What do Ben and his family want to do?S: T: Y

9、es, they want to buy things for a Halloween party.(Read this phrase)T: Good. Then for the party, what do they need?(播放课文录音)T: OK. Now, what do they need, do you know?S: T: Yes, they need some chocolate, some flowers and a vase. Do you know vase. Look, this is a vase.(出示图片并跟读单词)T: Good, they need som

10、e chocolate, some flowers and a vase. What else do they need?S: T: Yes, they also need a pumpkin lantern and some masks.3. T: What masks do they like? (大家再读一遍课文,然后回答这个问题)T: OK. Now can you tell me what masks do they like?S: T: Yes, they like tigers, monkeys and horses.(Read this Word)4. T: Good, now

11、, lets listen and repeat.(跟读句子,并模仿其语音,最后教授新词change)5. Read the new words together. (注意学生的读音,特别是单词Halloween和词组pumpkin lantern)6.小组读个别读(本步骤设计说明:本部分教师利用课文图片一,以及几个主要的问题来组织课文教学,线索非常清晰,对学生整体的理解课文有较大的帮助。由于在重难点突破部分已经对其中一些难点进行了分解,所以这里对学生来讲应该还是比较简单的。)Step 3. ProductionT: OK! Just now we went shopping with Ben

12、 and his family and they bought things for Halloween. Work in pairs:(表演对话)- What do need?- What else do need?- Do you like ?- What do you like?- Step4. Progress1.现在我们一起来回顾一下本节课的内容请你们根据课文,将下面的短文填写完整Today is Oct. 30th. Ben and his family want to buy things for a _ party. They _ some chocolate, some fl

13、owers and a_. And they need _ and some _, too. Bens brother, Ron doesnt _ rabbit masks. He likes _, tigers and monkeys.T: Now, please look at the answers? Are yours the same as mine? 2.Finish the exercises: 当堂反馈P28-29Blackboard design: Unit4 Halloween二次备课:What do you need? pumpkin lantern maskWe need some . vase horse change What else do you need? tomorrow buy things for, please. Homework:1.听录音,模仿学说,熟练朗读并会表演本单元会话内容2.收集有关Halloween的知识, 了解西方国家的其它节日3.自制Halloween节日面具1


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