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1、2015届高考限时阅读系列(4)编制人:仲卫霞 审核人:朱志刚一.完型填空:(说明文)Thanks to a combination of young businessmen and large numbers of university students and revitalization(新生) efforts by the local and national governments, todays Nanjing has an _1_ of youthful exuberance(繁茂) that would have been _2_ only a few decades ago.

2、 _3_,the city, a booming city of 6.5 million on the banks of the Yangtze River some 185 miles west of Shanghai, bears _4_ resemblance to the former capital of China that suffered the worst cruelty and violence of World War II. _5_ Nanjing has shown a remarkable capacity for reinvention during its 25

3、00year history. And in recent years, the city has moved _6_ its tragic past to become a vital engine of Chinas economic growth, thanks _7_ to its position in the middle of Chinas prosperous eastern seaboard. Growth has also _8_ thanks to improved ground transportation: A new bullet train linking Nan

4、jing and Shanghai started service last year, _9_ travel time between the cities from several hours to just 75 minutes, and a BeijingShanghai highspeed line is _10_ to open later this year, with a stop in Nanjing. Within the city, two metro lines were built in the last few years; 15 more are planned

5、to begin service by 2030. Signs of Nanjings _11_ wealth and optimism can be seen everywhere. In the heart of the downtown Xinjiekou district, a bronze statue of Sun Yatsen, _12_ the father of modern China, looks _13_ over a busy _14_ area. There is perhaps no more _15_ symbol of the citys transforma

6、tion than the Zifeng Tower, a 1480foot skyscraper that opened its doors last May. _16_ offices, restaurants and an InterContinental hotel, the tower is the second tallest building in China and billed as the seventh tallest in the world. Underlying all this development is a large Chinese and _17_ stu

7、dent populationthere are several major universities, plus a branch of Johns Hopkinss international studies school. In fact, art and music _18 in all sorts of places. On a larger _19_, local government officials and private investors are pushing the city as a rising center for contemporary art and ar

8、chitecture, hoping to attract _20_ from the neon bathed streets of its neighbor Shanghai.()1. A. advance B. affection C. air D. ability()2. A. unforgettable B. unthinkable C. unbearable D. unnecessary()3. A. Actually B. Regretfully C. Hopefully D. Consequently()4. A. close B. slight C. much D. littl

9、e()5. A. Because B. But C. As D. Since()6. A. beyond B. on C. off D. out()7. A. in addition B. in all C. in part D. in fact()8. A. started B. enlarged C. existed D. accelerated()9. A. removing B. cutting C. dividing D. lowering()10. A. scheduled B. invented C. desired D. meant()11. A. attractive B.

10、wellreceived C. newfound D. discovered()12. A. thought B. treated C. considered D. elected()13. A. out B. at C. about D. for()14. A. remote B. regional C. rural D. commercial()15. A. universal B. visible C. traditional D. political()16. A. Keeping B. Consisting C. Opening D. Housing()17. A. British

11、B. western C. American D. foreign()18. A. spring up B. stand up C. set up D. keep up()19. A. extent B. degree C. scale D. level()20. A. businessmen B. students C. tourists D. painters二.阅读理解: A 体裁分类:记叙文 难度系数:*A teacher in New York decided to honor each of her seniors in high school by telling them th

12、e difference they each made. She called each student to the front of the class, one at a time. First she told them how the student made a difference to her and the class. Then she presented each of them with a blue ribbon imprinted with gold letters which read, “Who I Am Makes a Difference.”Afterwar

13、ds the teacher told the students to do a class project to see what kind of impact recognition would have on a community. She gave each of the students three more ribbons and instructed them to go out and spread this acknowledgement ceremony.One of the boys in the class went to a junior manager in a

14、nearby company and honored him for helping him with his career planning. He gave him a blue ribbon and put it on his shirt. Then he gave him two extra ribbons, and told him what it was all about.Later that day the junior manager went in to see his boss, who had been noted, by the way, as being kind

15、of a bad-tempered fellow. He sat his boss down and he told him that he deeply admired him for being a creative genius. The boss seemed very surprised. The junior manager asked him if he would accept the gift of the blue ribbon and give him permission to put it on him. His surprised boss said, “Well, sure.The junior manager too



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