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1、人世 夏吟沉浸于人间故事灵魂在自己的身体面前没有立锥之地接纳世相的阴晴圆缺灵魂在暴烈的人情世故难以体会到清凉在人世的泥沼里打滚如鱼饮水,冷暖自知面对自己转变的容颜内心纷乱无序,心纠缠于功名利禄纷扰在红尘俗世里奔跑我们看不清有生之年我们的生命能到达什么高度?生命的结局难以打开帷幕历经生老病死恩怨情仇生命之后,永恒才慢慢开场Our Sphere by XiaYin Soak in the human story spirit in front of our fleshly being where no vortex exists Accept how it is when dark or ligh

2、t like being spirited to mans evil lands where its hard to feel refreshed Mud in swamps were made for rolling in Fish drinks, aware of temperature aware of our decaying beauty Insides messed up, hearts chaos tangled in ego chasing turmoil Sprint thru our material world blind to the fact that we are

3、breathing What can we achieve as these living legacies?- Lifes curtain call is difficult to open- thru sickness and health weve dealt love and hate- After life, eternal oozes to flow Submitted by Clem Tsang 爱上自己夏吟爱上自己,爱上今生快如闪电时光爱上自己,爱上无以言表悲欢爱上自己,爱上窗外啾啾鸟鸣爱上自己,爱上青草头顶露珠爱上自己,爱上狂风吹散花朵爱上自己,爱上雷鸣扫荡云层爱上自己,爱上

4、青春泪流满面爱上自己,爱上药剂苦如黄连爱上自己,爱上你脸上赞许笑容爱上自己,爱上你心尖为我绽放心疼爱上自己,爱上人世踏脚在梦想上无奈爱上自己,爱上余生还有更多爱在等待爱上自己,终于对人世的陷阱解除武装爱上自己,终于乐意顺从命运的力量爱上自己的代价是让人世间万简穿心来锻炼一颗钻石般闪亮坚硬的心Love how you areby XiaYin Love how you are, love how quick time flashes light in this life Love how you are, love how hearts joys and sorrows are speechle

5、ss. Love how you are, love how birds chirp outside windows. Love how you are, love how fresh grass holds dew baubles. Love how you are, love how wind rips at flowers bloom. Love how you are, love how thunder desolates clouds. Love how you are, love how tears streak down young faces. Love how you are

6、, love how goldenthreads taste bitter. Love how you are, love how you smile with praise for others. Love how you are, love how my pain lessens within your hearts comfort. Love how you are, love how the world makes our dreams hopelessly unreal. Love how you are, love how life holds that which will be

7、 more love for you. Love how you are, Mankinds trap is set to fails faced with his own war. Love how you are, be willing to accept destinys motions. Love how you are valued by letting this worlds arrows pierce your heart. Come refine diamonds light refracted off the hearts facets. Submitted by Clem

8、Tsang 放生夏吟把鱼儿、虾儿、龟儿 放生回河流把喜鹊、蜜蜂和蝴蝶放生回天空把小白兔、小松鼠、小狐狸放生回森林把梦中的公主和王子,放生到童话中把旧日纯真的你放生到我的想象中把美好的愿望放生到逐利的人群人间天堂就会在我的构思中成形孩子们就有听不完的美好故事每天在放生池里加一滴水几生几世的累积,就能成就大海。每天在放生园里留下一颗种子就能延续沉甸甸的收获盼望每天都向自然表达一点人类的追悔我们就能够从自然界收获福佑把大谢天地的感恩放生到心灵灵魂就有了永生的活水Uncagedby Xia YinFree the rivers and streams fishes, shrimps and turtl

9、esFree the skies magpies, honeybees, and those butterfliesFree the forests white bunnies, baby squirrels, and little foxesFree dreams of the prince and princess into fairy-tales climaxFree your old days of innocence back to how I imaginedFree virtuous wishes by helping a charity groupthis worlds hea

10、ven will take form from my preconceived designchildren never finished hearing stories of virtueeveryday a drop is released in the pondhow many lifetimes did it take to create the sea.everyday a single seed is left in the gardencontinuing prospects of a fruitful harvestevery green day mankind express

11、es to nature, regretfrom natures extent we can reap complete blissput universal thankfulness in my spiritMy immortal soul will forever flow Submitted by Clem Tsang望着我,望着我夏吟星星,望着我,望着我你天真调皮的眼神燃起迷幻的光点天堂的主人安坐其中从遥远的时间空间把宇宙深处的光明射向我心灵开阔于宏大的天国花儿,望着我,望着我在你欣喜的笑容中我看到天真的孩子,慈祥的老人花儿,你的鲜艳、你的甜蜜加重了生命忧伤的质地当我把文字的草原献给你

12、生命卷起漫天盖地的花香。大海,望着我,望着我你终生湛蓝的色彩辉映我一生的情感波动当我心回复波平如镜时大梦已醒,魂兮归来大海,我汇入你的博大还原生命的蔚蓝。look at me, look at me by xiayin Night stars, look at me, look at me Your eyes express naive mischief Pychadelic spotlights burn God sits idly among the rest from time and space far, far awayHave the cosmos illuminate onto

13、me souls broaden in vast Kingdoms of Heaven Flower, look at me, look at me During you most delighted, I see your smile naive child, amiable old man Flower your brilliance, your sweet nectar magnified textures of depressive states at which written words grasslands were displayed to you Life rolls the

14、 whole sky over lands flowered scent. Great Sea, look at me, look at me living thru with an azure hue Reflect my undulating emotions when my heart replies the mirror, waves still thy Spirit returns when I wake Great Sea, I face your back and forth flow Your far reaches, colored as lifes sky blue Submitted by Clem TsangButterfly Lovers By xiayin Lifes rainstorm has gone.In the crowd,you and I became butterflies .Only you and I kept watching and searching for each other.I witnessed your heroic tears.You underst



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