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1、MODULE 9 TEACHING PLANContent:Module 9 Heroes 一、 题材内容本模块以英雄为话题,内容涉及科技、历史、娱乐等领域中的英雄人物,可以培养学生学习英雄、勤奋努力、做国家栋梁的情感素质。利用学生比较崇拜的英雄人物进行教学有助于激发学生的挣做英雄的好品质。要求同学们听懂、读懂相关的对话和描述,明白文章的主旨大意及段落大意;准确理解并运用原因、目的和结果状语从句。教学中教师应随时随地以英雄事迹吸引学生,灵活利用各种素材组织教学过程和内容。充分调动学生的积极性。教学目标1) 语言知识:语音能够掌握语句重音。词汇 avoid, brave, excuse, tho

2、ught, rewrite, bet, army, Canada, Canadian, medical, treat, treatment, Dr, front, injured, war, invent, tool, local, operate, operation.词组so that, on ones own, come up, give ones life to, First World War, in spite of, in the end, take care of.语法能够掌握运用由because, so, so that 引导的原因、目的和结果状语从句。功能能够解释原因。话题

3、以“英雄”为话题。2) 语言技能:听能听懂谈论英雄的对话以及对英雄人物的描述,获取主要信息。说能谈论自己喜欢的英雄的情况。读能读懂有关英雄的文章,明白文章的主旨大意;强化理解文章段落大意和文章结构的技能。进行简单的阅读技能训练。写能够模仿课文的写作形式,简单叙述自己心目中的英雄的情况。演示与表达 能根据自己了解的情况介绍自己心目中的英雄。3)学习策略学习一定程度形成自主学习,有效交际、信息处理、英语思维能力。认知联系,归纳,推测等技能。观察并归纳现在进行时的用法,提高自学能力。调控从同伴处得到反馈,对自己在叙述及作文中的错误进行修改交际学习运用恰当词语介绍自己心目中的英雄。资源通过其他资源获取

4、更多有关英雄的信息。自学策略学会将谈论的话题继续下去,进行深入的讨论。能注意发现语言现象背后的规律,并能运用规律举一反三。合作学习策略积极参与讨论,互相学习,取长补短,注意从他人的演示中汲取经验,注意学习策略共享. 4)文化意识:中外对比通过了解世界各地英雄人物的相关信息,并与自己的学习生活紧密相连,激发努力学习的高昂斗志。5)情感态度:通过了解英雄人物的相关信息,培养学生学习英雄、勤奋努力、做国家栋梁的情感素质。6)任务:能够运用所学相关语言知识介绍自己心目中的英雄。教学重点和难点 重点:1通过介绍自己心目中的英雄培养学生的听、说、读、写能力,掌握由because, so, so that

5、引导的原因、目的和结果状语从句的用法。难点:运用恰当词语介绍自己心目中的英雄。教学方法基于课程改革的理念及“第二语言习得论”,培养实现人的可持续发展和人的主体精神的自我完善和发展所必需的能力和素质,运用任务型教学途径,围绕核心任务,设定小任务,开展和谐愉悦的课堂活动,强调兴趣第一的原则,初步设计“PTP”自主学习立体模式:pre-tasktask-cyclepost-task。二、 教材处理核心任务:能够收集和自己心目中的英雄相关的信息、运用所学句型结构、运用恰当词语谈论自己心目中的英雄。三个环节如下:pre-task:学生联系生活实际,激活背景知识,。task cycle:通过整个模块的听说

6、读写的训练,强化运用恰当词语介绍英雄的表达能力,为完成任务做好铺垫post-task:达成任务,展示成果,反馈学习情况三、 教材安排根据学生学习英语的特点和规律,我们把本模块划分为4课时:Period 1: Vocabulary and Listening &Pronunciation and SpeakingPeriod 2: Reading and Vocabulary & Learning to learnPeriod 3: Writing& Around the world &Module Task & infinitivePeriod 4: Language in use注:教学时应

7、根据学生的学习水平、生活实际水平、接受程度及课堂出现的临时状况进行运用、调整及筛选。教学设计Module 9 HeroesUnit 1 She missed the final practice so that Kylie could playAims : To understand the conversation with regard to heroes ; To describe ones hero and give reasons Key vocabulary - so that , avoid , brave , excuse , thought , on ones own , c

8、ome up , rewrite Key structures - adverbial clause with so , so that and because .Teaching steps :Step 1 Warm up I think you remember Sally , right ? Can you say something about her ? ( Ask the students to discuss about Sally . They should try their best to remember everything we have learned about

9、her .) Ask some of them to report to the whole class .(Key words : kind , Kylie is her best friend , is good at playing the violin etc. )Step 2 Lead in As we know Sally will give an interview on Starsearch . Will she play the solo at the end of the concert ? She wont , right ?Because she wants to he

10、lp her best friend Kylie ,she gives the chance to her , and she hopes Kylie can be a star in the concert , then Kylie can not be sent away by her parents . Is that the fact ? Today we are going to know the truth .Step 3 Read Now lets read the dialogue on page 72 , and try to find out the truth .( In

11、 fact , both Kylie and Sally play the violin at the end of the concert .) What happened ? Ask them to read again and find out the answer . Then ask them to try to finish Activity 4 on page 73 . True or false . Check the answers in the whole class . If the one is wrong , tell the reason .Step 4 Some

12、details 1. so that 目的是 要加从句 引导一个目的状语从句. Eg. She missed the final practice so that Kylie could play.He works hard so that he can keep the first place .2. so that 如此 以致于 引导一个结果状语从句His family is so poor that he cant go to school .He is so young that he cant go to school .(要注意分清楚这两个词组的不同意思跟用法)3. be good

13、 at = do well in 擅长做某事 注意其中介词的不同4. look forward to doing 期待某事5. miss 注意它的不同意思I miss(想念) my parents very much ,because I havent seen them for a long time .I got up late so I missed (错过)the first bus this morning .She is our English teacher , we call her Miss Smith .(尊称小姐)6. music 音乐(UC) a piece of mu

14、sic some pieces of music 7. be brave of somebody 8. It is + adj. + for somebody + to do something It is + adj. + of somebody + to do something 表示赞扬某人的品质的时候 说人善良聪明勇敢等等用OF9. I bet . 可以= Im sure . 我敢肯定,我确信的意思,或者我打赌.Step 5 Make a survey Sally is a real hero on Starsearch . She is a heroine . Then do you

15、 have your own hero ? Who is he /she ? Why ?For example : My hero is Jackie Chan . Because he is a great famous film star .And I think all his films are fantastic . Then how about yours ? Ask them to discuss their heroes . In the end , report to the whole class .Step 6 Home work 1. Try to understand the whole dialogue , to understand the sentences with so that , try to imitate it .2. Write a short passage about ones own hero .3. Try to know something about Norman Bethune .Unit 2 There were few doctors, so he


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