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1、课 题 Module5 Unit1.Daming is having a birthday party.单元课时1 总课时 3 授课时间:2009年 4 月 3 日教学目标:1. Learning task: 1).Damming is having a birthday party. 2).Damming is playing the trumpet, but the phone is ringing.2. Ability: Talk about one thing is happening, but another thing is happening. a tape-recorder 教

2、学用具: recorder screen 教 与 学 过 程 设 计Step1.Greeting:T: Hello! Boys and girls! T: Whats the weather like today? Its sunny. Whats the weather like yesterday? It was windy.Whats the weather like tomorrow? It is going to be sunny.T: Sit down , please.Step2.RevisionRevise the present continues tense: the su

3、bject +be doingAccording to the game from the last word to the first word1. E.g.: picnic-a picnic-have a picnic-having a picnic-Were having a picnic.The teacher should make the similar sentences with football, piano, swim, and hamburger”2. At last, the teacher should let them give theme word party P

4、arty-birthday party-a birthday party-have a birthday party-having a birthday party Damming is having a birthday party.3. Show the name of unit2Step3.Text:1. Let students look at the questions: 1.Who is the birthday party for? 2. What is Damming doing? 3. What is the day like for Damming?2. Play the

5、tape for students, and then let them try to answer the questions.1) Damming is having a birthday party.2) Damming is playing the trumpet.3) Damming is having a great birthday!3.Open the books ,play the tape again, students listen and underline the new words, and guess the meaning of the words.Then t

6、he teacher should write down the words and teach to read.4. Then the teacher should explain the difficulty in the text.1) Damming is having a birthday party, but the phone is ringing.2) Damming is playing the trumpet, but the phone is ringing.3) Damming is playing the trumpet, but the doorbell is ri

7、nging. 4) Damming is playing the trumpet, but the dog is singing.4. Let students describe the pictures in English, they should answer the questions:1) What is Damming doing?2) What is another thing happening?Let them pay attention to the use of but.Then the teacher should let students try to make a

8、whole sentence.The teacher let students describe a picture, then others guess which picture he is describing.Step5.The whole class should finish Ex, 1, make sentences:1) Damming havebirthdayparty2) Dammingplaytrumpetphoneringing3) Dammingplaytrumpetagaindoorbellringing4) Damming playing the trumpet

9、but the dog singing.Step6. Make rubbing form exhibition stretching.Do the action and say the sentences in the group of four.Step7. Lets chant:Step8. Homework:1) Read the text three times.2) Copy some important sentences. 教学反思:在小学英语的教学的过程中,很多教师为了培养学生的学习兴趣,经常利用游戏。课堂上唱唱跳跳,说说演演,形式花哨,十分热闹,使学生在快乐中接受知识。在课堂

10、教学中经常是:课前教师不遗余力的精心设计组织来吸引学生兴趣;课上学生走来走去,又是叫又是跑,甚是热闹,直接影响教师的教学流程,教学环节流于形式;课后,学生懵懵懂懂,一知半解;一学期下来,学生则普遍捧着课本迷惑地望着你。究其原因不难发现,安排不合理,学习没及时巩固,知识没能螺旋上升,直接阻碍教学的进展。为此,我认为游戏作为帮助学生学好英语的一种有效教学形式,要真正发挥其辅助教学的功能,达到寓教于乐,在教学中我们应该做到 :首先要 面向全体,分层教学 。 在游戏教学过程中,不可回避的如何对待优中差生。设计游戏要注重面向全体学生,难度适中,让大家都参与。个人素质,性格特点,记忆力,反应速度等都要考虑

11、到,以求用最有效的方法激励学生不断上进并乐意参与。 在激发他们的主动参与亲身实践中,培养他们的独立思考和合作探究的创新精神,实践能力; 其次,组织得法,严谨有序。 做好游戏的组织工作,做到有条不紊,活而不乱。小学生天生爱玩游戏,争强好胜,有些学生做起来容易忘乎所以,甚至在课堂上,有的同学会情不自禁地高声喊,场面会难以控制。因此,首先,在开始游戏之前要讲清规则 。纪律要求,评分标准,防患未然。或某些特定的英语口号,在游戏过程中即使会出现一些混乱,我们也要能理解学生的心理,不要一味批评,而是积极讲清楚。现在的孩子都很聪明,老师说的话他们一定会听的。最后,要适时适度 。我认为不能力求面面俱到,游戏过多,而忽略了主要教学内容的讲授和训练,喧宾夺主,上成了完全的游戏课。 对于英语课上的游戏,用的好,我们的教学会很省力,达到事办功倍的效果,可过之则会影响教学,如何把握还得靠我们教师在教学时的设计和对新课程的不功夫。



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