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1、教学流程 活动一: T: Class begains. Hello! Boys and girls. Ss: Hello! Jerry. T: Lets sing a song. OK? Ss: OK! T: What day is it today? Ss: Its Thursday. T: How are you? S1: Im fine. S2: So so. 活动二: T: Look! Whats this? Ss: Its a cap. T: What color is it? Ss: Its red. T: Its a red cap. Do you like it? If you

2、 like it. You can say I want a red cap. S1: I want a blue cap. T: Put it on. You look great! : Oh, I dont have any caps. Lets go shopping! Ready? Ss: Yes! (出示本课课题Shopping) 活动三: (学生听课文录音重复听到的句子。) Ss: Can I help you? I want a cap. How about this one? T: I dont like red. (教师板书这个句子,并通过不同单词重音的形式练句子。) T:

3、Let me see. I dont like purple. What about you? S1: I dont like black. S2: I dont like pink. (在学生初步掌握句子后,请同学利用句型表达自己的想法而不仅仅是机械操练。) T: Show me that blue cap, please. T: Show-Show me-Show me that-Show me that blue cap. Ss: Show-Show me-Show me that-Show me that blue cap. T: Now, if I say boys, boys pl

4、ease stand up and say Show me that blue cap. If I say girls, girls please stand up and say Show me that blue cap. (男女生分别根据教师的指令,起立拍手说句子。) T: Look! There are some caps. For example, I like red. I can say, XX, show me that red cap, please. S1: XX, show me that blue cap, please. S2: XX, show me that wh

5、ite cap, please. (同学们根据自己的喜好戴上不同颜色的帽子。) T: Lets chant. 活动四: T: Look here! I have a hat. But its small. Ss: But its small. T: Put on this cap. (板书Put on this cap.) T: Lets play a game. Put on this cap. If you win. You can put on this cap. (两名学生一边说Put on this cap,一边剪子石头布,决出胜利一方可以戴上帽子,以此类推。) T: Great! You did a good job! Home work, make a dialogeby yourself. Bye bye!


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