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1、牛津译林版六年级英语上册期中试卷(下载) 题序一二三四五六七八总分得分(满分:100分 时间:60分钟)一、 按要求写词语。(10分)1、will not (缩写) _ 2three (序数词) _3shine (ing形式) _ 4loud (副词) _5sun (形容词) _二、选出下列每组单词中不同类的一项,画_线。(10分)1、AhowBwhatCmetres2AclimbBpointCoffice3AbuildingBmuseumClibrary4AhundredBthousandChigh5AlakeBriverCfavourite三、选择填空。(20分)1、Childrens D

2、ay is June.( )AinBatCon2、Breakfast _ ready. ( )AisBamCare3、Its time _ go to school. ( )AtoBatCfor4、Its time_ breakfast. ( )AforBofCto5、Though he is rich, he has _ friend. ( )Aa littleBa fewCa lot ofDfew6、Is there _ I can do for you? ( )Asomething elseBanything elseCelse7、Look _the blackboard. ( )Ain

3、BonCat8、Youre always kind _ us. ( )AtoBforCwith9、_ your favourite season? ( )AWhatBWhatsCWhy10、_ coat is this? ( )AWhatBWhoCWhose四、 按照要求改写句子。(10分)1She was born in Shanghai(一般疑问句) 2Can you find someone who is as tall as you in your class?(肯定回答) 3Theyre going to the bookstore.(对划线部分提问) 4There are many

4、 famous people in our country.(同义句) 5Do you know these famous people?(否定回答) 五、 根据句意写出所给单词的正确形式。(10分)1Look! One of the children _(swim)in the lake.2Lily is much _(health) than her sister.3They _(fly) to the UK, didnt they?4Is _(eat) too much good or bad for your body?5Mr. Lee _ (give) us a talk on th

5、e history of China tomorrow, isnt he?六、 给下列问句选择相应的答语。(10分).( )1.What does he like? A. Yes, she does.( )2.Does he go to work by bus ? B.He likes swimming.( )3.Does Jim live in Shanghai? C. Im going to b( )4.Do you like reading books? D. Its near the sc( )5.What are you going to do ? E.He goes to Engl

6、and by ( )6.How does your father go to England ? F. I like reading bo( )7.Is there a cinema near here ? G.Yes, we are.( )8.Wheres your home? H.Yes,I do.( )9.Are you going to the Great Wall ? I.No, he doesn( )10.What is your hobby? J.Yes, 七、 连词成句。(10分)1. how , is , mother , old , your , ?_2. Mike , y

7、ounger , is, ,one ,year ,than, John ._3. happy , so , look , you ._4. did, you do ,What ,weekend, last ?_5. will, you, feel , soon, better._八、 阅读短文,判断句子的正(T)误(F)。(20分)Dear Mary,Thank you for your letter. Im very glad to be your pen friend. Im thirteen years old. I live in Shanghai. Im a pupil. We st

8、udy Chinese, English, maths, science, art and PE. My favourite subject is English. I hope Ill be an English teacher in the future(在将来). I have a happy family of four: my father, my mother, my sister and me. We live in a new house. Near our house, there is a new hospital and a kindergarten(幼儿园). I wo

9、uld like to know more about you. Please write to me soon. My email address is linda yahoo. com. cn. My telephone number is 86535759.Best wishes.Yours,Linda1This letter is from Mary to Linda. ( )2Linda has got eight subjects at school. ( )3Linda likes English best. ( )4Theres a supermarket near Linda

10、s house. ( )5Linda hasnt got an email address. ( )参考答案二、 按要求写词语。(10分)1、1wont2third3shining4loudly5sunny二、选出下列每组单词中不同类的一项,画_线。(10分)1、1C2C3A4C5C三、选择填空。(20分)1、A2、A3、A4、A5、D6、B7、C8、A9、B10、C四、 按照要求改写句子。(10分)1、1Was she born in Shanghai?2Yes, I can.3Where are they going?4Our country has many famous people.

11、5No, we dont.五、 根据句意写出所给单词的正确形式。(10分)1、1is swimming2healthier3flew4eating5is going to give六、 给下列问句选择相应的答语。(10分)1、略七、 连词成句。(10分)1、 How old is your mother? I am one year younger than John. You look so happy. What did you do last weekend? You will feel better soon.八、 阅读短文,判断句子的正(T)误(F)。(20分)2、1F2F3T4F5F页码 / 总页数



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