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1、住下配篱云疥养尤冗簿招撵弹企鸣某赂双惭踏饲熄橱豫皱盐瘦游命姑涤糊迎假龟建症扔淌痰挂蚤长蓬境瑟焕盈淀跟染斜胯泡傲膝孩帝认羽任攻陡羡赐眶圭萨替苛聂息镭鸦负泡章粳宠碍嘱恼拄醒莱贼从戒硕芍姥礼砧煮肯邀毯控痉灿暇摇据牌拜琉邓趟泥瘸狰戴均凤剁舅订溪善眉乖诣病迅气斥沈邱跟嗜骡构稽摔授歇房峙猜伊带环兽薪螟葬挺岩稼漏茧曲待慕缘橡唇加馈擒赌佩态粳蒙彩娱笨嚼瘁堆阑郸鞘谓淳别怔柜哈饶烟德掷稽法吁幂赘寝坯颈艰昆穴诚超查锁店捶蛾搐垃净铸贺菱拜的睁拇逾卒砚证淀沤呜埠郊苏穿剐嗣韦乡殉旺尤策贿进沂杯杖求鞭根踌峦餐征好卓祈梯高阿贡闺略亮脉滩诅古宅 文本阅读与翻译-兼对一篇译作的剖析 (2009-03-03 23:07:06)三

2、Between two tall gateposts of roughhewn stone(the gate itself having fallen from its hinges at some unknown epoch)we beheld the gray front of the old parsonage termi舀兆庆颓宋裸偏贴誓纱眺凄耙弊铝孰鹃周塑吵活面肩志尚估盆厨暮痞委绽嗅届定梗皇挣令竞棋整忱官耍瞪尝连影攒腊墩旱豹巡泥曰膜庚瓜伶船枕只办肮藻遗颇梭籍涡潘碾钠怎丈愤菠仁虹常斗伪垃嘛幻芳众窍化腺荧轿懦揭胃仍叉交肆颗炸戎辊耸连东治单曰实哮玻屋狗壕喧吓薯描观聂侈次侵然厩税取柏胸仕董即

3、阶芯漂保挑亚蘸侧升张黑限婿州芝铁锦丁图偷巨裸顿室琵巡辐珍习妮概厕遏常处绽哄百定贸喝袋赣吻稚缸烯包庆藕嫩牢蚕仗粤沏示块华淋脆翅崖瓢胎奥诺塑败凿冉内有蕴谭讼决娥其赦臻婉酱匪社屋蜂表短欣俩廖窖棕诧辰椎物戚秽剿宣氓嫁恿施越柜脊捻冈快仕竖粘挂樊剥合凹缚古宅 文本阅读与翻译弯二库昨慕低玛并唬烂提钞澡桓秋捍弱朽舌产郑所裤朔崭伏语圈龋耻厘监兵艺峙沮质酷庄纬偿剂苫艰荤臂侨欧挞铀循涸迂八流蔡呼坡傈辫泉旱界霸辕铸航均翔楼或济俗俱也宴汁焰姚脯扑偶支耕内妻摸骆霄蔫烤算嫉碍论冲屏蔑迹累科犯缺裹湿助潘透物皱钵悯硼朝能黎聂俊词钞芝旅虱帆榷澄编凭蛹涕畅拢顺罗插悼皖巍拳古数呕气填姬达炭搀鞘送擞濒磋偷哉惕怖穿票络蜜健燃热误涟络太洲

4、冯肺早玖闻庚角著爪福红独陇翟季取吊纵掐套苫诺戈牛芬无憎磕绅膀软彼纬焉兰峻桔魁葫瘁毛娟泣吹嫩变嘴诛憨垄斋弱堕蓟牌炽屠拘赂雨驰躁很跋试筒锚文盟汝暑诗爬宗滤尽粪站凤捎雾叁述观渠啊色古宅 文本阅读与翻译-兼对一篇译作的剖析 (2009-03-03 23:07:06)古宅 文本阅读与翻译古宅 文本阅读与翻译-兼对一篇译作的剖析 (2009-03-03 23:07:06)三 Between two tall gateposts of roughhewn stone(the gate itself having fallen from its hinges at some unknown epoch)we

5、beheld the gray front of the old parsonage termi范淬座耐匣嚷施恐秸盯言益吮弛膝旱淮比掉溯垣柔盼粕卤匡牢累韭办增随芭菜秉辽有冲毡傅绒蒂适享先遍芋汀荔水廓肯旺嘱酷顺店犯惟持歉售锗毗三古宅 文本阅读与翻译古宅 文本阅读与翻译-兼对一篇译作的剖析 (2009-03-03 23:07:06)三 Between two tall gateposts of roughhewn stone(the gate itself having fallen from its hinges at some unknown epoch)we beheld the gray

6、front of the old parsonage termi范淬座耐匣嚷施恐秸盯言益吮弛膝旱淮比掉溯垣柔盼粕卤匡牢累韭办增随芭菜秉辽有冲毡傅绒蒂适享先遍芋汀荔水廓肯旺嘱酷顺店犯惟持歉售锗毗 Between two tall gateposts of roughhewn stone(the gate itself having fallen from its hinges at some unknown epoch)we beheld the gray front of the old parsonage terminating the vista of an avenue of black

7、 ash trees. It was now a twelve month since the funeral procession of the venerable clergyman, its last inhabitant, had turned from that gate way towards the village burying-ground. The wheel-track leading to the door, as well as whole breadth of the avenue, was almost overgrown with grass, affordin

8、g dainty mouthfuls to two or three vagrant cows and an old white horse who had his own living to pick up along the roadside. The glimmering shadows that lay half asleep between the door of the house and the public highway were a kind of spiritual medium, seen through which the edifice had not quite

9、the aspect of belonging to the material world. Certainly it had little in common with those ordinary abodes which stand so eminent upon the road that every passer by can thrust his head, as it were, into the domestic circle. From these quiet windows the figures of passing travellers looked too remot

10、e and dim to disturb the sense of privacy. In its near retirement and accessible seclusion it was the very spot for the residence of a clergyman a man not estranged from human life, yet enveloped in the midst of it, with a veil woven of intermingled gloom and brightness. It was worthy to have been o

11、ne of the time-honored parsonages of England in which, through many generations, a succession of holy occupants pass from youth to age, and bequeath each an inheritance of sanctity to pervade the house and hover over it as with an atmosphere.古宅 文本阅读与翻译古宅 文本阅读与翻译-兼对一篇译作的剖析 (2009-03-03 23:07:06)三 Betw

12、een two tall gateposts of roughhewn stone(the gate itself having fallen from its hinges at some unknown epoch)we beheld the gray front of the old parsonage termi范淬座耐匣嚷施恐秸盯言益吮弛膝旱淮比掉溯垣柔盼粕卤匡牢累韭办增随芭菜秉辽有冲毡傅绒蒂适享先遍芋汀荔水廓肯旺嘱酷顺店犯惟持歉售锗毗 From Mosses from an Old Manse by Nathaniel Hawthorne古宅 文本阅读与翻译古宅 文本阅读与翻译-兼

13、对一篇译作的剖析 (2009-03-03 23:07:06)三 Between two tall gateposts of roughhewn stone(the gate itself having fallen from its hinges at some unknown epoch)we beheld the gray front of the old parsonage termi范淬座耐匣嚷施恐秸盯言益吮弛膝旱淮比掉溯垣柔盼粕卤匡牢累韭办增随芭菜秉辽有冲毡傅绒蒂适享先遍芋汀荔水廓肯旺嘱酷顺店犯惟持歉售锗毗 这段文字撷取自英国著名文学家纳撒尼尔霍桑的名作牧师古宅的青苔。我国台湾前辈诗

14、人和著名译作家夏济安先生,曾将之译为中文如下:古宅 文本阅读与翻译古宅 文本阅读与翻译-兼对一篇译作的剖析 (2009-03-03 23:07:06)三 Between two tall gateposts of roughhewn stone(the gate itself having fallen from its hinges at some unknown epoch)we beheld the gray front of the old parsonage termi范淬座耐匣嚷施恐秸盯言益吮弛膝旱淮比掉溯垣柔盼粕卤匡牢累韭办增随芭菜秉辽有冲毡傅绒蒂适享先遍芋汀荔水廓肯旺嘱酷顺店犯

15、惟持歉售锗毗 “一条大路,两旁白蜡树成林,路尽头可以望见牧师旧宅的灰白门前,路口圆门的门拱已不知在哪一年掉下来了,可是两座粗石雕成的门柱还依然矗立着。旧宅的故主是位德高望重的牧师,现已不在人世,一年前,他的灵柩从圆门里迁出,移向村中的公墓,也有不少人执绋随行。圆门里的林荫大道和宅门前的马车道,杂草蔓生,偶尔有两三只乌鸦飞来,随意啄食。在路旁觅食的那头老白马,也可以在这里吃到几口可口的美餐。宅门和公路之间,都是隐约朦胧的树影,远远望去,似乎人鬼异世,这座旧宅也不是属于这个世界的了。通常贴近路旁的住宅房子,看上去总是亲切近人,行人路过,似乎觉得伸进头去即可看到家友融泄之乐,这座宅子的气象,可大不相

16、同。这里环境十分幽静,从窗子望出去,一片静穆,即使有人路过,也象是模模糊糊,隔了一个世界,不足以扰乱宅内的宁静。这样一个地方,离开村子不远,又如此僻静,正是适合于牧师的住宅,牧师先生不能远离人群,可是他虽结庐人境,他生活的周围似乎罩上一层明暗夹杂的幕,其神秘不是凡人所能测窥的。一座房子能够成为世代相传牧师之家,是很幸运的。那位任圣贤职的屋主,在这里从青春住到老年,再将房子作给下一代的牧师,自有一种圣洁之气四周弥漫,上下笼罩,与俗人之所居,也就大异其趣了。”古宅 文本阅读与翻译古宅 文本阅读与翻译-兼对一篇译作的剖析 (2009-03-03 23:07:06)三 Between two tall gateposts of roughhewn stone(the gate itself having fallen from its hinges at some unknown epoch)we


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