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1、北京百朗时代文化发展中心2013年广东听说考试真题(A/B/C)分析报告百朗时代英语听力与口语研发中心一、 总体分析2013年的广东高考听说考试,在材料话题、出题点与难度设置方面延续去年的考试风格,整体情况没有太大的变化,只是在细节方面有少量的变化。试题的总体方向依旧是围绕考察学生的朗读及语言交际能力来进行。Part A部分的视频长度大约为1分钟左右,总体的字数为100字左右,朗读语速属于高考正常语速,朗读三套题都为英音。从这3套题来看,题材以人物和建筑方面内容为主。句子以陈述句为主,有少量的复杂句。Part B部分的情景介绍和内容对话视频部分的时长约为75秒左右,涉及的内容题材分别为访谈类、

2、人际关系类、体育运动类,都是与学生生活紧密相关的高中话题,没有出现特别难以理解的话题。三问部分都是较为常见的简单疑问句和特殊疑问句,个别句翻译稍有难度,详细参考答案可见真题,与去年相比,整体难度稍有提高。三问机答内容含有的信息量较为丰富,在答题时需要做好必要的记录。五答部分都是直白题,少量试题的答案稍长,难度稍微提高,因此学生在听取录音时的记录非常关键。Part B部分的口音为美音,语速比Part A稍慢。Part C部分为故事复述,字数大约为200字左右,录音时长大约为85秒,语速与Part B部分的语速一致,且口音为美音。故事本身的逻辑发展顺序明显,从开始、发展、高潮、结果都清晰可见;只要

3、配合关键词,学生在答题时会比较顺利。二、与2011年、2012年高考相比从这3套题的情况来看,2013年的高考试题与2011年、2012年高考相比,有几个比较小的变化:1. A部分题材变化。过去的两年中,A部分的题材是以自然地理类为主,而今年的题材以人物与建筑为主。这并不能说明考试的题材在变化,如果从整体上来讲,多题材是趋势,侧面也反映出口语考试A部分重在考查学生的朗读能力,这种能力需要平时的积累和模仿跟读练习。 2. Part B部分答案变长,且唯一性较强。这部分学生在平时的练习中要认真听取信息并快速记录信息点,准确提取信息点并用正确的句子表达出来。 例:Question 2: What d

4、oes Mary think the problem is? Answer 2: My group is not good at teamwork.3. 设问方式中同义转换的设问有增加的趋势,这加大了对学生的理解难度,这点应该引起老师的注意,在平时的训练过程中,适当加强词语用法及一些固定搭配的积累。例:C套题中:Question 1: What sport is Mary crazy about? 对比原文中: Im absolutely mad about tennis. 3. 整套题的朗读语音相比往年而言,更加清晰、纯正,这点对于学生来说,便于理解。4. 考试中C部分关键词显示时有20秒等

5、待时间。目的是让学生有足够的时间熟悉梗概和关键词,为后面的复述做铺垫。 三、百朗与高考1. 听说风暴系列中的高三套题语速与高考一致。Part A/B/C三个部分的语速与高考保持一致。2. Part A部分题材多样化。题材的多样化不仅让学生了解到人文、历史、地理、自然、科学等方面的知识,而且通过对多角度的训练,提高对语音语调的掌控能力。值得注意的是其中A、C两套题的A部分的话题与百朗听说系列的部分内容非常接近。分别是A套题A部分材料与2013上高二Unit 12模仿朗读题材相同(题材为:白金汉宫)、C套题A部分材料与12下高二Test 10 Part A 内容相近(题材为:牛顿的生平经历)。B套

6、题A部分材料与2013上高二 test 5 Part C 题材相同,都为爱因斯坦的生平经历。 3. 高三套题难度与高考题接近,体现了听说风暴系列产品的整体特点:源于高考。四、 附2013年广东听说口语考试套卷(ABC)13年广东听说高考真题APart A Reading Aloud In the heart of London sits one of Britains most recognisable buildings. Yet its story is one of the least understood. But what is now the site of a splendid

7、palace was once open countryside. As royal residences go, Buckingham Palace is something of a newcomer. The state rooms are less than 200 years old. Yet its history is much older and more dramatic than you might think. Its rooms are filled with objects that are clues to the character of kings and qu

8、eens past. And the art and architecture combine to make a statement about Britains place in the world. Part B Role Play情景介绍角 色:你是校电视台记者Mary。任 务:(1)就新技术对教育的影响采访Dr. Brown;(2)根据谈话内容回答同学的提问。Tapescript:W: Dr. Brown, welcome to our program.M: Thank you. W: We know you are giving a new course this year. Wh

9、at is it about?M: Im just giving a three-month course on the classroom of the future and the use of new technologies in the classroom. W: How will a classroom develop in the future?M: The future classroom will heavily depend upon new technology. But its still related to a traditional education. My c

10、ourse introduces what education experts think about the future classroom.W: Whats their idea about the future classroom?M: Uh Actually, its quite a shocking idea for most people, myself included. Generally speaking, the idea is about three parts the role of the Internet, examination, and learning go

11、als. 三问部分:在将来的教室里互联网有什么用?Question 1: What is the use of the Internet in the future classroom? / What is the Internet for in the future classroom? / What role will the Internet play in the future classroom?Answer 1: The Internet is the place for students to get information from. It is so easy to get

12、information because you can find what you need within seconds. 将来学生如何参加考试?Question 2: How will students take exams in the future?Answer 2: Students can take exams on the Internet, and exams will be automatically marked by the computer, not by their teachers. Whats more, students will be tested on ho

13、w to use information rather than knowing information. However, I actually dont know whether thats good or bad and whether its going to happen. 将来学生需要学习什么?Question 3: What will students need to study/ learn in the future? / What is necessary for students to learn/ study in the future?Answer 3: Studen

14、ts need to be creative because thats the key to success in the future. The purpose of learning is not about knowing knowledge, but putting knowledge into practice. 五答部分:Question 1: How long is Dr. Browns course?Answer 1: Three months.Question 2: What will the future classroom depend on?Answer 2: New

15、 technology.Question 3: Where can students get information from in the future classroom?Answer 3: The Internet.Question 4: What will students be tested on?Answer 4: How to use information rather than knowing information. Question 5: Why do students need to be creative?Answer 5: Thats the key to succ

16、ess in the future.五答题型都是直白题,个别题答案比以前稍长。Part C Retelling梗 概:Tom给Brown 夫人送信时无人应答,从窗户进屋后看到她躺在地板上。关键词:postman (邮递员),deliver a letter (送信),house (房子),milk (牛奶),lie (躺)Tapescript:The PostmanTom was a postman. Every time he delivered a letter to Mrs. Brown, he had to finish his work quite late, because she live



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