《新概念英语》第二册知识点汇总及原创小作文96-5 4.docx

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1、新概念英语第二册知识点汇总及原创小作文96-5 4Lesson 5 No wrong numbers1、message 和 information 都有信息的意思,区别如下:message 是可数名词,也可以做动词,表示向传递信息。例句:There were two messages in my inbox.information 是不可数名词,后面不能加s,一条信息要说 a piece of information.例句:Tom refused to give her any information about Sara.2、pick up and delivery service 上门取送

2、业务3、from Silbury 中的介词from 作“距”, 离 讲,常与away连用。例句:It is far away from here.4、up to now = up till now 到现在为止,多用于现在完成时5、a great many 和a great number of 许多,用于可数名词6、一般过去时,表示过去某一特定时间发生的事情或动作,句中常有表示过去某一时刻的短语。例句:I wrote to him last month.7、现在完成时,表示发生在过去但对现在仍有影响的一个动作,句中常有一些表示时间的词和短语。例句:Up till now he has won f

3、ive prizes.8、几个带way的短语:in the way 挡在中间例句:Please move this chair. It is in the way.on the way 去途中例句:On the way to the station, I bought some chocolate.in this way 用方法例句:He saves old envelopes. In this way, he has collected a great many stamps.by the way 顺便说一下例句:By the way, have you seen Harry recentl

4、y?in a way 在某种意义上例句:In a way, it is an important book.9、spare 作形容词和动词的意思不同,注意如下例句用的用法:I can not spare the time. (动词,拿出(时间))I can not buy spare parts for this car. (形容词,备用的)There is a spare room in this house. (形容词,空置的)Caligula spared the slaves life. (动词,饶恕)10、按要求回答问题,组成不超过50个单词的段落。Mr. Scott has ope

5、ned his second garage in Pinhurst. Silbury is his first garage. Pinhurst is only five miles away from Silbury. Mr. Scott can not get a telephone for his new garage. He has bought twelve pigeons. They carry messages from one garage to the other in three minutes.11、根据课文内容及知识点,试着自己写个小作文。This text descr

6、ibed that the owner of a garage opened another garage for himself. He could not get a telephone for the new garage. The distance between two garages is not so long that he bought twelve pigeons and began his own private telephone service.Once telephone is luxury goods for general families. People ca

7、n not get a fixed telephone when they want, it is the privilege to officers.Following the economic developed fixed telephone can be acquired by general families, but it is still very expensive in those days.However it is different now, everybody has cell phone and more and more families neednt fixed

8、 telephone any more.The function of a cell phone is comprehensive, it is almost alternative of all daily necessaries. Including watch, alarm, calendar, camera etc. The same, a cell phone is the alternative of computer, we can edit articles and send and receive mails by cell phone.Following the devel

9、opment of science and technology, our life are getting convenient more and more.Lesson 4 An exciting trip. trip, tour, travel, journey, voyage 都有旅行的意思,区别如下:trip n. 指时间短、距离近的旅行、远足。例句:A business man saw the puma on a fishing trip.tour n. v. 指旅行路线比较曲折,比如参观、访问、视察,购物等。例句:She has gone downtown on a shoppi

10、ng tour.travel v. n. 指时间长、距离远的旅行,尤指出国旅行。例句:At present, many people are fond of travel in their spare time.journey n. v. 指陆地上的远距离旅行,也经常表示路程。例句:He took a journey from Beijing to Shanghai last year.voyage n. v. 指水上或者空中的旅行,译作航海、航空、航行。例句:She went down on her first voyage with heavy loss of life.2、Austral

11、ia n. 澳大利亚,澳洲Australian adj. 澳大利亚的,澳大利亚人的3、firm,company, corporation 都有公司的意思,存在细小的差别:company 多指生产或销售产品的公司,也可指经办服务性项目的公司。firm 含义广泛,可指公司,商行或者商号,规模可大可小,经营、管理人员可多可少。corporation 可以指法人,社团。4、a great number of 许多,用于修饰可数名词意思相近的词还有:a great many 修饰可数名词a great amount of 修饰不可数名词a great deal of 修饰不可数名词5、in the ce

12、ntre of 在中心,课文中指澳洲中部6、abroad adv. 在国外,到国外interiorly adv. 在内部,在国内domestic adj. 国内的,本国的7、receive v. 做“收到”这个意思时,与take v. 做“拿走”这个意思时是一对反义词。例句:I have justreceiveda letter from my brother.Someone hastakenmy pen.8、现在进行时,表示现在进行的动作或存在的状态。结构:be (am, is ,are) + 动词现在分词例句:Heis workingfor a big firm.9、现在完成时,表示过去的

13、动作或状态持续到现在,或对现在造成的影响,可能持续发生下去。结构:have/has + 动词过去分词例句:Hehasjustboughtan Australia car.10、按要求回答问题,组成不超过50个单词的段落。The writer has just received a letter from his brother, Tim. Tim is an engineer. He has been in Australia for six months. He has already visited many places. He is now in a small town of Ali

14、ce Springs. Tim has never been abroad before. He is enjoying his trip very much.11、根据课文内容及知识点,试着自己写个小作文。This text described that the writer received a letter from his brother in Australia. His brother worked for a big firm as a engineer and has been Australia for six months.Because he has been abroa

15、d for the first time, the writers brother was finding this trip very exciting and even bought an Australian car. He has begun to travel a great number of different places in Australia.My first time being abroad was to a relatively backward country. Though it was my first time to go abroad, I did not find it exciting. I worried about lots of unconvenience on living and one of the most important thing was safe.When I was there, I tried to make the works progress so quickly that I can go back home as soon as possible.I was very exciting and happy when I landed on the airfield of our country. I f


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