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1、Unit 2 语法篇频率副词的使用用法 几个频率副词的用法alwaysalways 意为“总是”,与进行时态连用时,可以表示赞扬,也可以表示讨厌等感情色彩。e.g.(1)I shall always remember my first day at school. 我将永远记住我上学的第一天。(2)He is always smoking. 他总是抽烟。usuallyusually可以指通常的动作,但是侧重已经形成的习惯,它是从已经形成的角度来说明动作。e.g.(1)I usually do some shopping with my parents on Sundays. 我经常在星期天和我

2、的父母一起去买东西。(2)He usually goes to school by bike. 他通常骑自行车上学。oftenoften是指经常性的动作,意思为“常常, 经常”。e.g.(1)Children dont often do homework. 孩子们经常不写作业。(2)He is often late for school. 他经常上学迟到。sometimessometimes意思为“有时,不时”,表示次数较少(低于often所表达的次数),常常与一般现在时或一般过去时连用。e.g.(1)Sometimes he goes to work by bike, and sometim

3、es he goes by bus. 有时候他骑自行车上班,有时候他乘公共汽车上班。(2)Sometimes I helped my parents in the house. 有时候我帮助父母做家务。hardly hardly意思为“难得, 几乎从来不”,它所表示的次数非常少。e.g.(1)He hardly drinks. 他几乎不喝酒。(2)She hardly plays cards. 她几乎不打牌。nevernever意思为“决不, 从未”,表示一次也没有。e.g.(1)He never lives there. 他从来都没有在那儿住过。(2)She never has anythi

4、ng to do. 她一向无所事事。 模糊频率副词以下些词都是表示事情发生频率的副词,也是不准确地说某事在一段时间内发生的次数。always 总是usually 通常often 经常sometimes 有时hardly ever 几乎never 从来不例如:On weekends I always surf the Internet.I usually watch TV.I often sleep late.I sometimes listen to music. I hardly ever play computer games. I never play soccer.我们按照频率发生的高

5、低,可以将这几个词排列为always usually often sometimes hardly ever never。请看下面的图解: alwaysusuallyoftensometimesnever 100% 7080% 60-70% 30-40% 0精确的频率副词以下这些频率副词可以准确地表达事情发生的频率。一次 once两次 twice三次 three times四次 four times五次 five times六次 six times注意:在记忆时,我们只要记住once(一次)和twice(二次)就可以了。其他发生次数只要用“数字times”来表达就可以了。例如:I drink

6、milk and eat vegetables every day.我每天喝牛奶,吃疏菜。I exercise once a week.我每周锻炼一次。I eat McDonalds twice a month.我一个月吃两次麦当劳。I visit my grandmother four times a year.我一年去看奶奶四次。其他的表达法:every day 每天once a week 一周一次 twice a month 一 个月两次four times a year 一年四次once two weeks 两周一次twice three months 三个月两次 1. Does Al

7、ice often work until 2 a.m.?-No, she _ does.A. nearly B. certainly C. seldom D. always2. I didnt know you take a bus to school.-Oh, I _ take a bus, but it is snowing today.A. hardly B. never C. sometimes D. usually3. -Were you often late for school last term, Tom?-No, _. I got to school early every

8、day.A. Always B. Usually C. Sometimes D. Never4. -John sings so well. Has he ever been trained? -No. He learns all by himself. He _ goes to any training class. A. usually B. often C. never D. even 6. - does your mother go for a walk?- Every afternoon. A. How longB. How muchC. How oftenD. How many 一、

9、单项选择(共5小题;共5.0分) 1. Lily goes shopping because she thinks the shops are crowded. A. alwaysB. hardlyC. usuallyD. often 2. - does your mother go for a walk?- Every afternoon. A. How longB. How muchC. How oftenD. How many 3. Lucy is a good student. She comes late for class. A. usuallyB. hard everC. som

10、etimesD. never 4. - Are you late for class?- . A. Yes, neverB. Yes, sometimes C. No, everD. No, usually 5. - How often does your brother use the Internet?- . A. Last weekB. Twice a weekC. About a weekD. One weekB二、选词填空(句子选词填空)(共5小题;共5.0分) always every day often sometimes never hardly ever 6. He gets

11、 up at six oclock, seven days a week. 7. How do you go to the movies? 8. It rains here. Its usually sunny and warm. 9. Some of my friends exercise every day and hardly ever eat junk food, but most of them eat junk food .10. I cant swim. So I go to the beach to swim. Sometimes I go there with my frie

12、nds to run. sometimes sometime some times some time1. I will stay here for .2. Tom went back home last month.3. I met him in the street last month.4. I come by train, but usually I come by car. how often how far how long5. - do you go fishing?- Every day.6. is it from your home to school?7. does it

13、take you to finish your homework?二、完形填空 John is pretty healthy. He 1 every day, usually when he comes home 2 school. His 3 habits are pretty good. He eats 4 vegetables. He eats fruit and drinks milk every day. He 5 drinks coffee. Of course, he 6 loves junk food, but he tries to eat 7 only once a week. Oh


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