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1、优化教学设计,提高教学效益单元/章/课:五年级上册 Unit 1 第 一 课时 课题Unit1 Goldilocks and the three bears!课型新授课教材分析本单元是五年级上学期的第一单元。Story time是一个生动的小故事,讲述的是金发女郎与三只熊之间发生故事,故事充满了神奇的色彩,是学生爱读的英语小童话,其间渗透了句型:Theis too ,以及There be 句型的教学。教师在这样的小故事中要给予学生更多的说、演的机会。目标表达(应包括知识、技能和情感目标)(一)知识目标1.能听懂、会读、会说house, soup, just right, hard, soft,

2、 help.2.能听懂、会读、会说、会初步运用句型Thisis too/Thisis just right. There is/are(二) 技能目标1.培养学生阅读能力及阅读技巧。2.能理解故事大意,较流利的朗读并试着表演故事。(三)情感态度目标1.引导学生观察比较,大胆开口说英语的能力。2.让学生认识到,人和动物和谐的关系。学情分析学生有什么以前所学的词汇、句型和日常交际用语。如:What time is it ?Whats the matter ?等。学生缺什么学会用Theis来表达某物的性质。学会使用There be句型来表达某地有什么?重点1. 能理解故事大意,并能较为流利的朗读和简

3、单的表演故事。2. 掌握故事中的重点句子,并运用于生活当中。3. 初步了解There be 句型的运用。难点1. 能理解故事大意,并能较为流利的朗读和简单的表演故事。2. 掌握故事中的重点句子,并运用于生活当中。方法手段情境教学法、任务型教学法等教 学 过 程(包括:主要教学流程、重难点处理过程与方法、亮点/精彩片段)教师教什么、怎么教学生学什么、怎么学Step 1 谈话导入1.Free talk T:Welcome back to school. Are you happy now?T: How do you often do on Summer holiday?T: You like re

4、ading. I like reading too. Do you like reading stories?2.T:Were going to read a story together .First ,Lets go to a place .What place ?( Read and guess)Its very big and beautiful !There are many trees and flowers .There are some streams. Many wild aimals live here .Step 2 新知呈现1.Ask: Do you know :“wh

5、ats in the forest?”T: There are some trees and some flowers in the forest.2.T:Look, There is a girl in the forest. Who is she ? 3.T:What can Goldilocks see in the forest ?4.T:How is the house ? So Goldilocks says :What a beautiful house ! (指导学生朗读,读出新奇感叹的语气!) Step3.Story time1.初读文本,整体感知T: Its a beaut

6、iful house !But do you know ,Whose house is this ? Lets watch and answer .T:Do you remember ,Whats in the house ? (learn :soup)2.精读文本,理解语篇a. T:Look at the pictures , What time is it ?T: Whats the matter with Goldilocks ?T: There is some soup on the table.How about is the the soup ?(Listen and answer

7、 )T: How about the first soup ?T: How about the second soup ?T: How about the third soup ?(学习just right.) (指导朗读,教师示范,注意读出冷、热、恰好的感觉)B.T: Goldilocks isnt hungry and thirsty now ,but she is tired now .T:Look, There are three beds in the room ? How about the three beds ?(listen and answer)T: How is the

8、first bed ?T: How is the second bed ?T: How is the third bed ?(指导朗读,教师示范,注意读出硬、软、恰好的感觉)CT:Goldilocks can sleep very well. But Look ,Whats wrong with Goldilocks ? (教授afraid)T:Why is she afraid ?(读课文,试着回答问题)T:There are some bears in front of her .(教学:in front of)(指导朗读,读出惊吓的语气。)D再读文本,加深理解T: Read the st

9、ory again .Lets look and order .T: Check the answer .5,1,3,4,6,2Step 4 巩固提升1. Read the story after the tape.2. Read the story and try to remember.(逐幅图带领学生朗读,挖去部分单词,根据记忆,朗读课文)T:Lets retell the story .Step 4 拓展延伸T: Whats the ending ? Do you know? I have an ending : Goldilocks runs away ,The bear runs

10、after her. But the bear runs faster than her. Then the bear catches her and eats her .Do you like the ending ? T: Its sad .Do you have an idea ? Animals are our friends .(揭示:人与动物是朋友)Step 5 Homework1.Read and recite the story .2.Copy the words (三英一中)3.练习给故事配音。S: Yes, I am.S: I often read/play/swim/dr

11、aw pictures /do homework/watch TV.S: Yes .通过猜谜游戏这个环节让学生提前进入文本学习的氛围中。 S1: There are S2:There are (引导学生用There be的句型来回答问答,初步接触There be句型。)S: GoldilocksS: She can see a house .S: Its nice/cool/beautiful/big(学生试着有情感的读句子 What a beautiful house !)学生观看动画,试着回答问题。S:Its the three bears house .S1: There is /are

12、 in the house . There is some soup in the house .S: Its twelve oclock .S: Shes hungry and thirsty .(学生听录音,试着回答问题)S1:Its too cold .S2: Its too hot .S3: Its just right.(学生朗读,读出冷、热、恰好的感觉)(学生听录音,试着回答问题)S1:Its too hard .(学习单词)S2: Its too soft .(学习单词)S3: Its just right.(学生朗读,读出硬、软、恰好的感觉)S: Shes afraid .(读

13、课文,试着回答问题)S:There are some bears in front of her .学习in front of(学生角色朗读)(学生再读文本,排序,回答问题)(跟读故事,继续巩固所学语篇)(学生2-3分钟准备后,试着复述故事)S: They become friends .课堂巩固训练连词成句:1. bed, is, too, this, right ,just( .) .2. is, kitchen ,there, soup, in ,some, the(.) .3. are, many ,there, in, trees, the, forest(?) ?4. the, is ,pencil-box ,hard, too(?) ?课后安排巩固练习课课练P1(B、C)预习内容1.试着能给故事配音。2.书上P8练说:There be句型,思考如何使用there is与thereare .反思与 重建



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