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1、片 名: 丁丁历险记: 独角兽号的秘密Very nearly there, sir.就快完成了 先生I have to say, your face is familiar. Have I drawn you before?看你很面熟 我以前画过你吗Occasionally.偶尔吧Of course! Ive seen you in the newspaper.肯定见过啦 英国报纸上- Youre a reporter? - Im a journalist.- 你是通讯员? - 我是记者Be patient, Snowy, not much longer.耐心点 白雪 就快好了I do beg

2、 your pardon.真不好意思?There.好了!I believe I have captured something of your likeness.我觉得还是有抓到你的一些特点Not bad!不错!What do you think, Snowy?你觉得怎么样 白雪?Snowy!哦 白雪There you are, sir.给您的 先生Now wheres he run off to?他去哪了?Anything?有消息吗?Nothing.一无所获Snowy!白雪!Where have you been?你去哪了?Chasing cats again?又去追喵星人了?Snowy,

3、look at this!白雪 看这个Triple masted.三桅船Double decks. Fifty guns.双层甲板 50门炮Isnt she a beauty?是不是很漂亮Thats a very unique specimen, that is. From an old sea captains estate.这可是一艘很独特的样品 是一位老船长的遗物The Unicorn.独角兽号Unicorn. Man owar sailing ship.没错 独角兽号帆船战舰Its very old, that is. 16th century.可有年头了 造于16世纪17th, I

4、would think.我觉得是17世纪- Reign of Charles I. - Charles II.- 查尔斯一世统治时期 - 查尔斯二世Thats what I said, Charles II. As fine a ship as ever sailed the seven seas.我说的就是查尔斯二世 这可是艘纵横七大洋的好船You wont find another one of these, mate.别的地儿可见不到的 小哥And its only two quid.只要2镑- Ill give you a pound. - Done!- 我出一镑 - 成交Gently

5、 does it.小心点Excuse me!让下Here you go. Careful.给你 拿好了Hey, bud, how much for the boat?嘿 老哥 这艘船怎么卖?Im sorry, I just sold it to this young gent.抱歉 已经卖给这位小兄弟了Oh, yeah?是吗?Tell me what you paid and Ill give you double.你花了多少 我加倍给你- Double? - Thanks. But its not for sale.- 双倍? - 谢了 但我不卖Look, kid, Im trying to

6、 help you out.嘿 小兄弟 我是想帮你I dont think you realise this,你好像不知道but youre about to walk into a whole mess of danger.你就要大祸临头了What kind of danger?什么祸?Im warning you, get rid of the boat and get out while you still can.我提醒你 趁早把这船扔掉 趁你还可以时These people do not play nice.那些家伙不好惹What people?什么人Wonderful!真漂亮Its

7、 just wonderful.着实漂亮Dont bother wrapping it, Ill take it as is. Does anybody object if I pay by cheque?不用包装 我直接要了 有人反对我付支票吗If you want to buy it, youll have to talk to the kid.你想买的话 就得和这个孩子商量了I see.明白了Well, let the kid name his price.好吧 那就让孩子出价吧Name his price?出价?Ten years Ive been flogging bric-a-br

8、ac我做古董生意10年了and I miss name your price by one bleedin minute!就差这一分钟 这好事就是我的了Im sorry. I already explained to the other gentleman.不好意思 我已经和那位先生解释过了American he was. All hair oil and no socks.美国佬 一头油发 没穿袜子Its not for sale.这船不卖Then let me appeal to your better nature.我来说的明白些I have recently acquired Marl

9、inspike Hall,我刚买下了马林斯派克大厅and this ship, as Im sure youre aware, was once part of the estate.和这艘船 你也知道这些资产曾是一位Of the late sea captain?一位老船长The family fell upon hard times. Lost everything.他们家遭遇不幸 什么都没了Theyve been living in a cloud of bad luck ever since.他们一直霉运不断 自从.We are talking generations of drink

10、ing and irrational behaviour.我们说的可是他们家几代人的酗酒 荒谬行为.Im sorry.不好意思But as I told you before, its not for sale.我已经说过了 这船不卖Good day to you, sir.祝您愉快That young man, whats his name?那个年轻人 叫什么Him? Everybody knows him. Thats Tintin.人人都认识他 他是丁丁What is it about this ship?这艘船有什么神秘之处?Why has it attracted so much a

11、ttention?为什么这么多人关注它What secrets do you hold?你都藏了什么秘密呢Where is that magnifying glass?放大镜在哪?I could have sworn it was.可能是.(记者丁丁揭开匪徒部落神秘面纱)(记者揭秘犯罪团伙)(丁丁勇夺国家文物 失窃艺术品重归博物馆)(国王重夺王权 丁丁在西尔达维亚授奖)Snowy, you havent seen the.白雪 你看见.Where is it?放哪了?Thank you.谢谢你No, Snowy!不 白雪Look what you did.看你干的好事You broke it!

12、摔坏了Bad dog!坏狗狗Something happened on this ship.这艘船有蹊跷之处And were going to the one place that could have the answer.只有一个地方能找到答案了Come on, Snowy.走了 白雪Here it is.找到了Sir Francis Haddock of Marlinspike Hall,马林斯派克大厅的主人 弗朗西斯阿道克爵士the last captain of the ill-fated Unicorn.不幸独角兽号的最后一位船长The ship set sail from Bar

13、bados in 1676船起航于 1676年 巴巴多斯on one of the most ruinous voyages in maritime history.这是航海史上最悲惨的远航之一Ship never reached destination.这艘船未能到达目的地 途中遭遇海盗袭击Attacked by pirates, all hands lost except for one survivor.只有一个幸存者 其他船员全部遇难When Sir Francis was rescued and returned home,弗朗西斯船长获救 回到家乡后he was convinced

14、 his name had been cursed.他深信自己的名字被诅咒了The Unicorns manifest stated独角兽号自称that it was carrying a cargo of rum and tobacco bound for Europe,装载朗姆酒和烟草前往欧洲but it was long claimed the ship was carrying a secret cargo.但更多人相信 独角兽号装运了一批神秘货物What was the ship carrying, Snowy?这艘船到底装的是什么呢 白雪Historians have tried and failed to discover历史学家 试图揭秘这次致命航行中what happened on that fatal voyage,到底发生了什么事情 但失败了but



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