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1、1 玻璃(发明) 2 青少年犯罪 3 个人理财 4 动物实验 5 面试过程中谈话艺术 6 中西教育差异(教育不是注满一桶水,而是点燃一把火)7 现代女性(女权)8 中国文化元素(中外文化)9 类似春节给压岁钱风俗的外国节日 10 金钱观与幸福 11自主创业 12 积极心态 工作面试28。有些工作的受访者感到害羞,很难提高工资的问题。你对此有何微妙的谈判艺术的意见?A: Good afternoon teachers ,Our subject is about the art of negotiation of jod interviewees. Generally speaking,most

2、of people cannt control their minds and feel nervous. Naturally, when it comes to the issue of raising their salary, they feel hard to speak out.B: To me, I think I will be very nervous and not raise the salary issue.C: But although the question of wages is very sensitive, we should be talk in the i

3、nterview face to face for own interests .D:I really agree with the statement from the last student.A: yes , but Whats your advice on the delicate art of negotiation?B: Yeah, if we develop a perfect method to negotiate, raising our salary will be a simple problem. According my experience , i hold the

4、 view that looking for a chance that your manager has a good mood , then is very important, and using a polite tune to express your issue clearly.C: ye, I agree with you very much ,but I would like to say a few words form another angle .the way you express should be proper. First , we can not too st

5、raight .Second ,it is not right to complain your company .the only you can say is that you really do much and your company pay no more to you. D:I agree with the points which they three hold. But there has another view that i want to add .if your manager dont agree you right now, do not lose your te

6、mper. Maybe he or she is thinking their problem, or they think you are not enough excellent to worth they pay much for you. if problem is the latter, you should review yourself and develop your ability.青少年犯罪问题6。青少年犯罪增加时下,如何解决这个问题呢?7。为什么现在青少年犯罪的增加,以及如何解决这个问题呢? On Juvenile Delinquency (案例:马加爵;第一轮:原因;第

7、二轮:方案)青少年是祖国的未来希望,正确引导青少年的人生观和培养造就一批21世纪的栋梁之才是立足当前着眼未来的一件于秋大事。 A Young boys and girls are the future of our country. It is very important to educate and train them ,so that they can form a sound outlook of life and become the pillar of the state in the 21century. 然而,当前青少年违法犯罪率在直线上升,这不仅直接危害了青少年本人和其家庭

8、,给社会治安带来不稳定因素,而且关系到祖国的前途和命运,因此,如何预防青少年违法犯罪刨设良好的社会环境就成为摆在我们面前的一项重大课题。 However, there has been a sharp increase in juvenile delinquency, which means great harm not only to the youngsters and the families concerned but also to the destiny and prospects of our nation. For this reason, it is a topic of g

9、reat importance as to how we can create a sound social environment for the young, thus preventing them from committing transgression and crimes. 青少年违法的主要原因有以下四个方面 1社会原因。2家庭原因。3学校原因。4心理生理原因。 What constitutes the four major factors leading to juvenile delinquency the society, families, schools and the

10、 psychological phsiological conditions of the youths. 具体原因:B(社会方面)社会中的消极因素是青少年走上违法犯罪的催化剂。不健康的社会文化,对涉世不深、抗诱惑力不强的青少年的危害是很深的。The negative factors in society is the catalyst for the young people to criminal. Unhealthy social, cultural is harmful to young people who is inexperienced depth and has no resi

11、stance to temptation C (家庭方面)缺乏良好的家庭教育是青少年走上违法犯罪的主要原因。家庭不合,对孩子关心太少;过分溺爱,引发坏性格;方法错误,压力太大;The lack of a good family education is the main reason young people took to the crimes. Family or not, too little concern for children; very much spoiled, caused by the bad character; the wrong way, too much pres

12、sure;D(学校原因)The fact that all the majority of schools provides to the students is nothing but academic knowledge and the education concerning morale standards and correct philosophy of life is often ignored serves as a convincing example.A(个人原因)Indeed, teenagers, who are mentally immature in general

13、, often find it hard to distinguish right from wrong and tend to be influenced by certain TV programs or movies containing excessive violence and sex. 而我们需要做的是A、强化家庭教育功能,明确家庭教育责任。There is really much we can do. In the first place, we should strengthen the function and responsibility of family educat

14、ion. B、学校要大力推行素质教育和养成教育,做到教书育人。 In my opinoin ,schools should carry out plans of education for students,especially teachers should pay more attention to students mental and undertake psychological quality education for the student。C、加强法制教育,增强自我防范意识。 the government should legislate stricter laws proh

15、ibiting teenagers from going astray. For example, people under 18 are strictly banned to enter pubs or to purchase cigarettes, which potentially reduces the possibility of the occurrence of teenagers misconduct.D、严厉打击浸害未成年人合法权义的犯罪分子,奖励知法、守法的模范。 Last but not least, criminals infringing upon the legal

16、 rights of the minors should be severely punished and models knowing and abiding by the law awarded.中外文化9。礼金/运气钱给孩子们在春节期间,是中国特有的习俗,这代表着幸运和财富。知道哪些国家也有这样的风俗?这些国家之间是否有差异?B选英国说下 你们协商10。什么时候是感恩节?美国人民如何观察感恩节?告诉我们的节日背后的历史背景。A Thanksgiving Day, the United States and Canadian festivals, first celebrated by the United States, the intention was to thank the Indians, and later it often in this day to thank others.Now I w


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