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1、Module 4 CarnivalVocabulary1hide vi,vt. hid, hiddenhide sth. from sb.:把某事瞒着某人 hide and seek: 捉迷藏翻译: 她力图掩饰自己的感情。_.2. confusion n. 混乱;纷乱; fall into confusion 陷入混乱状态 in confusion 乱七八糟 throwinto confusion 使陷入混乱 confuse vt. & vi. 混淆;搞错;使迷惑 confuse A with B 把A和B 搞混了 confusing adj. 令人困惑的 confused adj. 迷惑的;

2、混乱的 get/be confused 不知所措3extend 1) (空间、时间的)延长到Vt. extend+n.+(to+n.). 翻译:他们把地铁延长到郊区。 (the suburbs) This road extends to the port. 2) vt. (把手、脚)伸出,展开 The lady _ _ _(伸出手来、) to the guest.4pretend +n./to do/that 假装 pretend to be doing sth.: 假装正在做某事 pretend to have done sth.: 假装已做了某事翻译:他假装生病。_.(三种)5

3、dress up 装扮,乔装打扮 dress upin穿衣服打扮翻译:我们为参加婚礼而盛装打扮。_.I just love the fun of dressing up in ancient clothing.我只是喜欢穿古装的那种情趣。 穿着衣服:be dressed in, dress oneself in_ in red, the little girl looks very beautiful._herself in red, the little girl looks very beautiful.6memory n. 记忆 vt. memorize 记住,背诵 if my memo

4、ry serves me well/correctly如果我没记错的话in memory of=to the memory of sb.为了纪念in honor of sb.为了纪念,为了向表示敬意have a good/bad memory记忆力好/差The library was built _ (为了纪念那位科学家).7. revive v.复兴,苏醒,再流行,重新上演 n. revival Her injury was so serious that doctors couldnt revive her.(_) The play of the famous writer will be

5、 revived soon. (_)8. v. 漫步,闲逛 _ v. 想知道_wander about 徘徊;流浪;彷徨 wander from the subject 离开主题 wander n. 流浪者;流浪汉 wandering adj. 漫游的;闲逛的 比较:wander:指身体上的游荡,漫步或精神上的走神,心不在焉 Wonder: 指“对感到好奇”,因此想知道 He was _ around the pyramid, _ how on earth this _ was built. 他在金字塔四周徘徊, 想知道这座奇观究竟是怎样建成的。9. consist of = be made

6、of = be composed of 注意:本词组没有被动语态10. origin n. 起源;开端;由来;出身;血统 the origin of a river 河流的源头 a man of humble origin 一个出身卑微的人 original adj. 最初的;最早的 originality n. 创造性;独创性 originally adv. 最初;开始 originate v. 使开始,源自Keys:1.He tried to hide her feelings. 3.They extended the subway to the suburbs. Extended her

7、 hand 4. He pretended illness/ to be ill/ that he was ill. 5. We dressed up for the wedding. Dressed, Dressing 6. in memory of/ to the memory of / in honor of that scientist 7.使苏醒,重新上演 8. wander, wonder, wandering, wondering, wonderReading and vocabularyPara2:1. In Europe, where it began,as people p

8、repared for the Christian festival of Easter.1) where it began: 非限制性定语从句2) prepare sth.:准备 prepare for sth. 为做准备 for表示目的The teacher is preparing the reviewing exercises while students are preparing for the final exam.2People saw Carnival as a last chance to have fun at the end of the winter season.

9、fun 不可数名词 have fun/pleasure (in) doing sth.做某事有乐趣make fun of sb. 取笑某人 for fun= in fun开玩笑地 I did it just for fun. seeas 把看作 (同义短语) acceptas, consider(as/to be), regardas, think of as, look on as, treatas, viewas, takeas, respectasPara.3 1. As time passed, however, the Carnival period was

10、在此句中作连词, “随着.” As time passed=With time passingAs time went by, he grew taller and taller. =With _, he grew taller and taller.2. on end 直立, 竖着, 连续地, 不断地 说出下列句中on end的意思 He would disappear for weeks on end. ( ) He placed the box on end and sat on it. ( ) The terrible sight made her hair stand on end.

11、 ( )in the end 最后,终于 at the end of 在的末尾/末端bring/put sth. to an end vt. 结束某事 come to an end vi. 某事结束 end to end 首尾相接3. Ordinary people could pretend to be rich and important, while famous people could have romantic adventures in secret. 该句中的while为并列连词,意思是:然而。 如:I like meat while my brother likes fish

12、. Tom is in favor of going to the cinema, while Jack insists on playing basketball. 此外,while 还可以做从属连词,引导下列从句: (1)引导让步状语从句,意为“虽然、尽管”,相当于though或although。 While Internet bridges the distance between people, it has destroyed and is destroying many families. (2)引导时间状语从句,意为“当的时候”,句中用延续性动词作谓语,相当于when。 We w

13、ill start our meeting, while he turns up. (3)引导让步状语从句,意为“只要”,相当于as long as。While we can get enough money we will surely succeed in carrying out the plan. in secret=secretly 秘密地,暗地里 翻译下列短语: 和平地_ 默不做声地_ 惊奇地_ 公开地_4. Many crimes went unpublished.go在此句中为系动词, 常接形容词或过去分词作表语, 尤其指朝坏的方面变化. go bad/mad/wrong/sour(酸的)/unreported(未被报告的)Para4.1. date back to: 追溯到,起始于, 后面跟时间点,与date from和go back to 同义date back 追溯,上溯, 后面跟时间段, 与go back 同义The history of their family _ hundreds of years, and the house where they live in _ the 18th century.2. put/ throw/ cast sb. into prison 把某人关进监狱send sb. to pris



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