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1、虚拟语气归纳-讲与练1 上传: davisguo2011 更新时间:2011-12-1 阅读: 25 概述: 语气是一种动词形式, 表示讲话人对某一行为的看法和态度。 英语有三种语气, 即陈述语气, 祈使语气和虚拟语气。陈述语气用于陈述事实, 提出看法或问题等。祈使语气用于表示请求,命令或警告等,虚拟语气则表示假想或主观愿望。语气的种类类别语 法 意 义举 例陈述语气表示说话人认为他所说的话是事实。Actions speak louder than words.祈使语气表示说话人对对方的请求或命令。Dont be in such hurry.虚拟语气是一种特殊的谓语形式,用来表示一种不可实现的

2、愿望或假设。I wish I could fly to the moon.虚拟语气的运用1三类基本的虚拟条件句条件从句主句举例与现在事实相反动词用过去式(be用were)would(should, could, might)+动词原形If I were you, I should do it.如果是你的话,我就要做这件事。与过去事实相反Had+过去分词would(should, could,might)+have+过去分词If he had come a few minutes earlier, he would have met me.如果他早来几分钟,他就见到我了。与将来事实相反Shoul

3、d+动词原形或were+to +动词原形would(should,could, might)+动词原形If you were to come tomorrow, I should ask you to help me with my work.如果你明天来,我就请你帮助我做这件工作。2虚似语气的其它形式特殊结构的条件句If it were not for或If it had not been for,表示“如果没有”。If it werent for your help, he could never go to college. 要不是你的帮助,他绝可能上大学。But for 或withou

4、t.等表示“如果没有”But for air and water, nothing could live.要是没有空气和水,也就不能有生命。if only要是就表示与事实相反的愿望。If only he were alive. 他还活着就好了。Would rather后的宾主从句用虚拟语气一般过去时表示现在或将来的愿望,过去完成时表示过去的愿望。Id rather have left yesterday.昨天我宁愿离去。Id rather you hadnt said it.我真希望你没有这样说过。虚拟条件句的省略省略if的虚拟条件句如果虚拟条件句的谓语部分有were, had和should时

5、,可省略if,把were,had和should放到从句主语前去Had you not helped me, I should have failed.要是没有你的帮助,我就失败了。Were they here now, they could help us.他们现在在这儿的话,就会帮助我们的。条件从句的省略从句所表达的意思是不言而喻或无需表达的。He could not fly (even if he tried).(即使他试的话)他无论如何不能飞。条件主句的省略。主句所表达的意思是不言而喻或无需表达的。If only I had more money!要是我有更多的钱就好了!混合虚拟语句指主

6、句与条件从句所指的时间不一致。如:从句指过去,而主句指的是现在或将来。He would pass the test(与现在事实相反)if he had taken my advice(与过去事实相反)。如果他听了我的劝告,他现在会通过考试。事实与假设混合 “一真一假”一句是事实用陈述语气,另一句是假设,故用虚拟语气。I would go to the concert, but I have no time.含蓄条件句假设条件用without, but for,or, otherwise等短语表达Without your help, I couldnt have achieved all the

7、ss.特别提示:一真实条件句(参见张道真高中英语语法p255)真实条件句用于陈述语气,这种条件句实现的可能性非常大, 常用if, unless,once, as/so long as, on condition that等引导。其中 if 是如果的意思。例如:1. If he comes, he will bring his violin. 2. If I have time, Ill come over to see you.3. If we leave now, we can still catch the bus 4. I wont go to the party unless they

8、 invite me.5. as long as you love it, you can keep it to yourself.典型例题The volleyball match will be put off if it _.A.will rain B. rains C. rained D. is rained答案B。真实条件句主句为将来时,从句用一般现在时。注意:1)在真实条件句中,主句不能用be going to表示将来,该用shall, will.(错) If you leave now, you are never going to regret it.(对) If you lea

9、ve now, you will never regret it.2)表示真理时, 主句谓语动词便不用shall (will) +动词原形, 而直接用一般现在时的动词形式。二虚拟条件句虚拟条件句往往是指不能实现的或纯假想的情况, 可以对过去,现在或将来进行假设,分别用不同的动词形式表示,主句位于动词也应相应地采用不同的形式。If I were you, I would leave now. (对现在情况的虚拟)If you had asked me yesterday, I could have told you about that . (对过去情况的虚拟)If it should rain

10、 tomorrow, we couldnt climb the mountain. (对将来情况的虚拟)三NOTICE:错综时间条件句(根据所表示的时间调整) If you had followed me, you wouldnt miss the train now.四虚似语气在各种句型中的运用1、主语从句中的虚拟 It is (was) important (necessary, strange ) that-clause Its necessary that you (should) be present at the meeting. It is (was) ordered (sugg

11、ested, required, requested) that-clause It was ordered that the room (should) be cleaned.2、wish + that-clause 现在的愿望:I wish that you werent so lazy. 过去的愿望:I wish that you hadnt hurt Jim so much. 将来的愿望:I wish you wouldnt talk like that.- Have you ever studied French ? - No, but I wish I had.3、表语从句和同位语

12、从句中的虚拟通常由几个要求接虚拟语气的名词引起:advice, demand, order, suggestion, plan, proposal,request, requirement, decision, recommendation. etc. He gave orders that the test (should) be finished before 5:30. His suggestion is that the house (should) be built there.4、宾语从句中的虚拟 下列动词后的宾语从句用虚拟语气:advise, demand, desire, in

13、sist, order, require, suggest, propose, command,recommend etc. The judge ordered that the thief (should) not be punished. NOTICE: suggest “暗示,表明“ 不用虚拟语气 Her expression suggested that he was angry. insist “坚持客观事实” 不用虚拟语气 The Arab insisted that he had never seen the camel. He insisted that John (shoul

14、d) do it. “坚持认为” 要用虚拟语气5、状语从句中的虚拟as if (though) 与现在相反,从句用过去时 He talks as if he knew everything. 与过去相反,从句用过去完成时 He looks (looked) as if she had wept. 客观事实,从句用陈述句语气 It looks as if you are tired.so that, even if (though) Nothing could have saved him even if he had been tended .6、由介词短语引起的虚拟语气(含蓄条件句) without : Without your help, I shouldnt get a result.but for”若非“: But for you, we couldnt have carried out the plan.7、句型Its time + that-clause (指现在或将来) Its time that



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