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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上Key for HomeworkChapter 12. Are all effective organizations also efficient? Discuss. If you had to choose between being effective or being efficient, which one would you say is more important? Why?Answer: definition of efficiency and effectiveness; relationship between them. Both effici

2、ency and effectiveness are important. Good manager should consider both and balance them.5. Is there one best “style” of management? Why or why not?Answer: no. students can refer the knowledge and responsibility of management levels, the management process performed at different level, managerial ro

3、les in different size of business, or management skills required at different level.8. Using current business periodicals, find five examples of managers you would describe as master managers. Write a paper describing these individuals as managers and why you think they deserve this title.Answer: de

4、pend on students reading after class.Chapter 36. Explain how a manager might deal with making decisions under conditions of uncertainty.Answer: definition of uncertainty. Refer to the bounded rational model and intuition decision making.7. Why do you think organizations have increased the use of gro

5、ups for making decisions? When would you recommend using groups to make decisions?Answer: feature of problem manager faced today; advantages of group decision making. Knowledge of prerequisite of group decision making and criteria used for defining effectiveness.8. Find two examples each of procedur

6、es, rules, and policies. Bring your examples to class and be prepared to share them.Answer: Student responses will vary.Chapter 43. What is a SWOT analysis and why is it important to managers?Answer: SWOT analysis refers to analyzing the organizations internal strengths and weaknesses as well as ext

7、ernal opportunities and threats in order to identify a niche that the organization can exploit. Having completed the SWOT analysis, the organization reassesses its mission and objectives. This process provides the foundation for planning and an accurate assessment of the organization in order to ope

8、rate and succeed.4. Organizations that fail to plan are planning to fail. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Explain your position.Answer: Consider the reasons for planning and criticisms of formal plan. The relationship between planning and performance.6. Find examples in current busines

9、s periodicals of each of Porters generic strategies. Name the company, describe the strategy being used, and explain why its an example of that strategy. Be sure to cite your sources.Answer: consider the Porters suggestion of competitive strategy choosing.Chapter 54. With the availability of informa

10、tion technology that allows employees to work anywhere, anytime, is organizing still an important managerial function? Why or why not?Answer: definition of organizing; influence of technology to structure. Information technology has changed the way work is done and the structure is arranged. Organiz

11、ing may be even more essential in a virtual environment made possible by information technology.6. Classrooms have cultures. Describe your class culture using Exhibit 5-13. How does it affect your instructor? How does it affect you?Answer: Student responses will vary based on the class.7. Draw an or

12、ganization chart of an organization with which youre familiar (where you work, a student organization to which you belong, your college or university, etc.). Be very careful in showing the departments (or groups) and especially be careful to get the chain of command correct. Be prepared to share you

13、r chart with the class.Answer: Student answers will depend on the organization that they choose.Chapter 82. Contrast lower-order and higher-order needs in Maslows needs hierarchy.Answer: Within every human being, there exists a hierarchy of five needs. Lower-order needs are physiological needs and s

14、afety needs. Higher-order needs are social needs, esteem needs, and self-actualization needs.4. What are some of the possible consequences of employees perceiving an inequity between their inputs and outcomes and those of others?Answer: On the basis of equity theory, when employees perceive an inequ

15、ity, they might (1) distort either their own or others inputs or outcomes, (2) behave in some way to induce others to change their inputs or outcomes, (3) behave in some way to change their own inputs or outcomes, (4) choose a different comparison referent, and/or (5) quit their job.7. Could manager

16、s use any of the motivation theories or approaches to encourage and support workforce diversity efforts? Explain.Answer: workforce diversity means people are different. Hierarchy of needs theory propose individuals have different needs and managers motivate them to satisfy their needs. Theory X and Y assume people are different in human nature and managers will take different measures to motivate them respectivel


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