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1、北京市西城区2014-2015学年上学期初中八年级期末考试英语试卷试卷卷面共90分, 口试10分, 合计100分。笔试时间共100分钟。听力理解(共15分)一、听对话。从下面各题所给的A、B、C三幅图片中选择与对话内容相符的图片。每段对话你将听两遍。(共4分, 每小题1分)二、听对话或独白。根据对话或独白的内容。从下面各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳选项。每段对话或独白你将听两遍。(共6分, 每小题1分) 请听一段对话, 完成第5至第6小题。5. What happened to the man? A. He got hurt. B. A car hit him. C. He fell

2、off the bike. 6. What did they do at first? A. They made a call. B. They waited for his friend. C. They took him to the hospital. 请听一段对话, 完成第7至第8小题。7. How many goals(进球) did the team score in the last three minutes? A. Five. B. Three. C. Two. 8. Who has posters of the team at first? A. Kate. B. Simo

3、n. C. Both of them. 请听一段独白, 完成第9至第10小题。9. What special things can we do in November in Bangkok? A. Taste famous Thai and Chinese food. B. Visit the Floating Market on the river. C. See the river with millions of lights on it. 10. What does the writer often do on his way to school? A. He often has hi

4、s breakfast. B. He often sleeps on the bus. C. He often buys some fruits. 三、听对话。根据所听到的内容和提示词语, 记录关键信息。对话你将听两遍。(共5分, 每小题1分)Information about a trip People: Alex _11_ Time: In _12_ Place: GermanyTime to stay: _13_days Cost: $ _14_ Activities: Climb the _15_and visit villages知识运用(共25分)四、单项填空。(共15分, 每小题

5、1分) 从下面各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。16. They arrived early at the airport, _they had time to go shopping. A. but B. or C. so D. because17. I almost had an accident just now. Oh, you should drive _. A. careful B. carefully C. careless D. carelessly18. Whats the _of China? More than 1.3 billion.

6、A. population B. information C. attention D. tradition19. Hi, Tony, which is _street in London? Red Street. Many people go shopping there. A. busy B. busier C. busiest D. the busiest20. My father offered _me to the zoo last weekend. A. take B. taking C. takes D. to take21. I think listening is just

7、as _as speaking in English learning. A. important B. more important C. most important D. the most important22. Today my mother asked me _the rooms with her. A. clean B. to clean C. cleaing D. cleaned23. Now computers are very popular and they are much _than before. A. cheap B. cheaper C. cheapest D.

8、 the cheapest24. Please _your mobile phone when you are having a meeting. A. dont use B. doesnt use C. use D. to use25. I was drawing a horse when Jim _to my house. A. comes B. came C. is coming D. was coming26. Everyone _go through the security check(安检) when entering the Birds Nest stadium. A. can

9、 B. may C. must D. might27. I think we all need to help animals live _. A. in time B. in danger C. in peace D. in trouble28. _have a try again? Im sure you can do it. A. Why not B. How about C. What about D. Why dont29. Chris, could you help me _my dog while Im on holiday? Sure. Ill take good care o

10、f it. A. think about B. ask for C. look for D. look after30. Alice was playing in the park while I _my homework at home. A. do B. did C. am doing D. was doing五、完形填空。(共10分, 每小题1分) 阅读下面的短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选择最佳选项。 I used to hunt(打猎) and have killed a few deer. There was great excitemen

11、t in _31_and shooting(射击). One cold morning in winter, I went alone to a hillside. I carried my gun, a bottle of _32_ and three thick sandwiches. I found a natural hiding place, cleared the snow and sat down. It was pretty cold, but I had warm clothes on. I sat there waiting for about an hour. _33_s

12、howed. I ate two sandwiches and drank a little coffee. The place was really quiet. Suddenly, a big beautiful buck(雄鹿) appeared less than twenty feet away from me. There was no _34_near to him. Surely I couldnt miss. I waited for him to run with a start. To my surprise, he came toward me! He was curi

13、ous(好奇的), I guess, or maybe he was stupid. For this was no youngster, but a fully grown-up one. He must have known about men and their guns. But this buck came _35_, and I still waited. His big eyes never moved from my face. His wonderful head with a set of antlers was clear in the sight. I was gett

14、ing a bit _36_now. A buck can do a lot of harm to me. Well, he walked right up to where I was sitting. Then he stopped and looked at me! What happened next is hard to _37_. But it all seemed quite natural. I reached up and scratched(挠) his head. And he enjoyed it! That big, wild, beautiful buck lowered his head and asked for _38_! I scratched his head again and his body. His nose touched my shoulder. I _39_


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