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1、灵宝四中20122013学年度下期七年级英语学案38主备人:李晓 张娟芝 把关人: 审核人: 使用人: 时间:Unit 8 Topic 1How is the weather in winter ? Section B一、学习目标: 1.会读会写季节及天气的形容词及句型。(AB层)2.能听懂气温的表达法。(AB层)二、预习提示:1.把1a翻译成汉语。 2.记忆并默写下列句子:情况怎样? 这里一切都非常好。 温度是多少?从-8到-2 . 今天你出门时记住穿雨衣。三、学习过程: Step1: Free Talk(5分钟)(Talk about the seasons with the weathe

2、r) Step2:learn 1a (1)学习 :名词-形容词(构词) 名词+y snow _ rain _ wind_ cloud_ 双写末尾的辅音字母+y sun_ fog_ (2)listen to 1a and answer the questions .(2分钟)Whats the weather like today? How was the weather yesterday?(3) Read 1a and act it out in groups.( 5分钟)(4) 读1a总结以下词的用法并造句。1. remember 2 put on (5) Work in pairs an

3、d make up a new conversation . step 3:Learn 2 a(10分钟) (1) listen 2a , read and understand 温度是多少?从-8到-2 . _ (2) finish 2b Step4:learn 3 Listen to the weather report and complete .四: 堂清 (一)背诵默写1a(5分钟)二、单项选择1 .- _is the weather in Guangzhou? -Its fine and warm . A. what . How .When D. Where 2.How is it

4、 going? -_ A: Its windy B. Not bad C. Its cloudy D.Its rainy 3 .Whats the temperature today ? -Its _15_23 A: both , and B.from ,and C .between ,to D. between ,and 修改与补充:4 . -What s the temperature ? -The _temperature is 14 and the _ temperature is 3. A. high, low B .low, high C .hot ,cold D .cold ,h

5、ot 5 . -What was the weather like yesterday ? -Its was _cold .The temperature is about -10 A .nice B. very much .nice and D. too much 6 . There _snow in Canada every year. A. has many B. this much C. are many D. is much 三 、根据汉语意思完成句子。1 .昨天下雪了。 It _yesterday .2 .今天上海的天气怎么样? 很冷。 - Whats the weather li

6、ke in Shanghai today ? Its _3. 我最喜欢的季节是秋季,因为天气凉爽。My _season is fall because the weather is _4. 今天气温是多少?-1到10-Whats the temperature today? -Its _1_10 5 .你觉得昨天的天气怎么样? 风很大。- _do you _ _ the weather yesterday?-I6 .你愿意晚饭后和我一起去散步吗? 非常乐意,但是我必须首先完成我的家庭作业。Would you like _ _a _with me after dinner? -Id love to ,but I must finish my homework_.四 、补全对话 A: Hello, Mary! _?B : Things are going very well ._?A: Everyone is fine here ._?B: The temperature is between 8 and 20 .A :_? B : Its very cold today .A : _. B :Yes ,Mom .教后反思:



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