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1、第二章 祝贺信一、 祝贺信的定义l祝贺信是指在日常生活中,得知同学或朋友竞赛获奖、考上大学、结婚、过新年或重大节日等,给对方祝贺的信件。书写时应做到真诚、自然、亲切动人。祝贺信通常包括以下内容:祝贺事由、所取得的成绩、被祝贺人过去的努力、被祝贺人的优点、表达自己的愿望。二、 祝贺信的常用表达1. 段首常用语1) I feel very happy for your dream has come true. 我很高兴你梦想成真。2) I am writing to express my congratulations on your winning the first place in the

2、English speech contest. 我写这封信是为了表达我对你英语演讲比赛获得第一名的祝贺。3) Congratulations on your success in the National College Entrance Examination. 祝贺你高考成功。2. 段中常用语1) .is quite exciting news!我知道这肯定是因为2) It is a reward that you richly deserve for your.是你非常值得的奖赏3) Please accept. 请接受3. 段尾常用语1) Wish you good luck! 祝你好

3、运!2) I wish you success and fulfillment in the years ahead. 祝你在未来的岁月里取得成功和成就。3) I wish you greater success in the university and serve the hometown in the future . 我希望你在大学中取得更大的成功,将来为家乡服务。4) I wish you many happy returns of the day.祝你年年有今日,岁岁有今朝。5) Sincere congratulations to you again! 再次衷心祝贺你!三、 通知

4、格式模板Dear _, I have learned with delight that you(祝贺事由). I would like to extend to you my congratulations. You must be(情感). And I feel very happy for you. (所取得的成绩)is quite exciting news! I know this is surely owing to(被祝贺人过去的努力). It is a reward you richly deserve for your (被祝贺人的优点). Kindly let me kno

5、w when you(咨询对方何时有空). I hope (表达自己的愿望). My best wishes for your further success. Yours sincerely, Li Hua四、 通知经典案例1、题目要求: 假定你是李华,得知你的外国笔友Peter获得了“汉语桥”世界大学生中文演讲比赛一等奖。你为他感到骄傲,并给他写一封祝贺信,要点如下:1)天天练习讲汉语,从不会到流利,终于成功。2)继续努力,有机会来中国留学。3) 希望见面和交流。注意:1. 词数100左右。2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。3. 开头语和结束语已写好。参考词汇:“汉语桥”世界大学生中文

6、演讲比赛 “Chinese Bridge” Chinese speech contest2、范文Dear Peter, I would like to express my congratulations to you on your receiving the first prize of “Chinese Bridge” Chinese speech contest. I know that you were not good at Chinese at first. However, you practiced speaking Chinese every day. As the say

7、ing goes, “Everything comes to him who waits”. Finally, you succeeded! In my mind, this match is very difficult for a foreign student. So Im so surprised that you become champion of this competition. If you go on studying Chinese harder, you will have the opportunity to study in China. At last, I hope to see you and communicate with each other. Sincere congratulations to you again!Yours,Li Hua


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