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1、Book4 Module 8 Summary 制作人:kelly.lin 审核: Learning aims:1. Summarize what we learned in this module.2. Practice expressing your thoughts and opinions about the following topics. 1) Stop pollution 2) Save energy 3) Protect our world教学重点:本学案上的重点单词,短语和句子背诵,针对所学话题的语言输出。教学难点:1)宾语从句的3种连接词及陈述语气 。2)针对本单元所学的主

2、要3个主题,陈述观点,语言输出。Step 1:重点单词扫描:(每日听写)Summary about words1 浪费 2挽救;储蓄;节省 3院子场地 4水龙头 5金属 6物体,对象,目标 7野餐 8环境 9动力能量, 10重量 同义词类比记忆:11修补 m /r 12垃圾废物 r /g /l 13类;种类 s /k /t 分组记忆类词汇:1漏,渗: 其形容词 泄露(短语) 2污染:动词 其名词 停止污染(短语) 3使用 重新使用 可重复使用的 (able形容词后缀)形容词原级,比较级,最高级类词汇:1)坏的,严重的 2)很多 much/many 3)更少的,更小的 Step 2:重点短语扫描

3、: 1关掉 2拿/取出 3一点儿 4扔掉 5把.分类成. 6完成做 7开始,着手工作 8捡起;拾起 9旅行 10把.打扫干净 Step3:重点句子背诵:1:We should finish (clean) in an hour2:I need bag. =I need one more bag. 3:Theres something wrong your bike, so you go to a man to get it .4:I think everybody should (照看)the environment.5: (为了)make less rubbish, we should sa

4、ve things.6:Its our (责任去保护) the earth.7:Here are (一些建议)to help save the world. 8:If each of us (do) something to help out our earth,we will all have a better life.Step4:语法总结:Summary of grammar 完成下列填空:考点一:宾语从句的连接词问题把下列3个句子变为宾语从句1:She is from Lanzhou. I think 2: Does she like playing football? I want

5、to know 3: Why is she always late? I will tell you 提示一:宾语从句在复合句中充当动词的 语,常用的引导词 :宾语从句是陈述句,一般疑问句或特殊疑问句时连接词分别是 , / 或特殊疑问句的疑问词。考点二:宾语从句的语序问题1)I dont know _ up so early last Sunday.A. why did he get B. why he gets C. why does he get D. why he got2)You must remember _.A. what your teacher said B. what did

6、 your teacher sayC. your teacher said what D. what has your teacher said提示二:宾从中用陈述语气。Step5:课文知识链接:再读文章摘录1)各课文中可以体现浪费资源,污染环境的例子;2)节省资源和保护环境的例子。注意用自己的语言组织英语句子。项目浪费资源,污染环境的例子节省资源和保护环境的例子例子 Step6:Collecting and discussion 能力提升:(选做)Make some rules for our school to stop pollution and protect our environm

7、ent. Step7: Homework Write an article (80-100 words) for a school newspaper about how to stop pollution and protect our environment._自习课巩固练习一单项选择1:He eats less food and takes _ exercise.A many B much C more D more much :2:Thirty percent of the book _ easy . A are B am C be D is 3:Children are sleepi

8、ng now .Could you turn down the radio _? Thats OK . A a bit of B a little of C a few D a bit 4The boy told me _ he told others .A as as B as same C the same as D such as 5There are trees on _ side of the street .A both B all C either D neither 6The red car is _ newest _ the four .A the ,in B a,in C a ,with D the ,of 7There is _ snow in win


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